...It took longer than he cared to admit to bind the Noble Phantasms to himself. While yes that would actually be expected from crystalized conceptual legends, that wasn't the reason why.
They all were pretty damn easy and quick to bind to himself. Except for Merodach. The fucking thing fought him every step of the way.
And it was the reason why it took nearly two hours to finish up, when it took a mere twenty minutes to bind the other five.
"Who's not qualified to be fucking king now you little prick?" Faeran mocked Merodach with a shit eating grin, casually swinging it through the air in front of him.
What made Gilgamesh be worthy of being king beyond being Gilgamesh? Merodach allowed him to swing it around, but compared to say Arturia, Gilgamesh wasn't exactly a king any normal person would want.
But Arturia wasn't the example he should be following on that route if he thought of it really. 'Kings conquer and steal the thrones for themselves.' Faeran nodded to himself. That was how kings came to rule in the fucking first place.
Merodach was a sword that chose kings, just like Caliburn. It may not have chose him willingly, but since he conquered it, did that not mean he was worthy of being a king?
Well, that was how he was choosing to look at it at least.
He eyed the sword in his hand for a moment, before dismissing it with a thought and like his axe sword it faded away into spirit form, just waiting his call.
"Yeah that's what I thought bitch." Faeran grumbled under his breath. He shook his head and looked over his shoulder at the white haired woman peacefully snoozing away.
He was loathe to wake her up. But, now that he was done, it was almost time to get a move on. 'Well she can have another five minutes.' he shrugged.
There was still something he had to do. He made his way out of the living room into the hall towards the study where there was a door leading down to the basement of the mansion where he knew Rin's workshop was located.
There would usually be a bounded field to block any unwanted person from entering, but just like the mansion as a whole, there was only the dwindled ember remnants of what was once a powerful bounded field on the door.
He opened it and made his way inside and down the stairs he found waiting for him.
His chest tightened for a moment. For a wild moment he thought he may find Rin's corpse down here.
But as he stepped down into the work shop off of the last step a sigh of relief left him. Not a person in sight.
Just a dark dank stone room filled with book cases and ornate desks. tons of books and paper was scattered around the place, and crates filled with all manner of things.
"There you are." Faeran grinned as his eyes landed on his target. He wasn't here for any of Rin's work. Rather, he was here for the chest that lay in the corner of the room.
Zelretch's treasure chest. Which should hold the blueprints for the Jewel Sword. Something that if he managed to get completed, he would have full access to infinite mana.
The Scottish teenager made his way over to it and pressed his hand to the chest, enveloping it in the Mirror World and depositing it within the subspace.
"Now to wake up Olga and get a move on." he mused, grin stretching to massive proportions and joy filled whistle beginning to sing from his lips.