A Scottish lad wakes up in the burning city of Fuyuki, all of humanity has been killed off. He now has the memories of another Scottish lad and all of his knowledge and power when it came to magecraft. Oh, and the soul Herakles residing in his own. Fucking Ainsworths. Fucking Shirou Emiya. Well, whatever - Nine Lives Bitchez. Insert Story.
https://www.patreon.com/0Jordinio0 -Feel free to support me on Patreon.
Now review box, can you stand up to Scottish Herakles? We'll see my rival, we'll see! This time, I have 12 lives!
5 stars only to cheer author.... it is not as good as it could be after all this is an harem. One day authors will stop being boring and maybe learn how to actually write romance and character interactions
Reveal Spoiler
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Increíblemente entretenido Si le pudieras dar una ojeada creo que no te arrepentirás Lo único,tiene que saber un poco de fate o haber visto fate Para disfrutar un poco más el fic y entender que hay un esmero en crear una historia coherente y entretenida
One of the best FGO fanfics out there, Jordinio never disappoints with how amazing his stories are, I would gladly wait another 3 months just to keep reading it
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Reveal Spoiler
Really nice story you have going on Jordain though for the Hotengeki, its not actually capable of just transforming into a bow as its actually able to transform into a whole bunch of other forms especially with FGO updating it. Its only limited to those forms because Lu Bu was turned into a Berserker and couldn't use any of the original forms afterwards and was stuck with only the spear and bow forms.
C gtg 😊😊☺️😊 buggy you guys have the same guy that you guys have a great time tonight to talk to you about it when I get home 🏡🙂🙂😊🙂 guy you are
Reveal Spoiler
This novel is great. It's a FGO fic which I love. But my Gudamash shipping heart cant read past Chapter7 exp