Singularity-F 18

B-rank luck for the win!

It was honestly surprising how quickly his mood flipped in regards to his luck. no wonder Lancer and Emiya bemoaning their E-rank luck was so iconic.

Still, Faeran couldn't help his surprise at just coming across the Emiya residence while following the bond he had with Mash back to the Church.


Or well, not so much.

It was actually in immaculate condition. Somehow, none of the fires had touched it despite the fact that many buildings around it were on fire and the fact that he couldn't sense any bounded fields, not even the dwindling embers of one.

'And no Shirou around at all, huh?' Faeran clicked his tongue as he finished searching the large estate. While that was honestly in a way a good thing, since he wasn't sure how he'd feel upon seeing the corpse of Emiya Shirou, though he was sure he'd take it a lot better than say Ilya's own or if he had found Rin Tohsaka's corpse.

He after all did have the memories of another version of Emiya Shirou slaughtering him.

But, it was disappointing in that it also meant there was no corpse of Emiya Shirou to pilfer Avalon from.

'Where the hell did Rin and Shirou disappear to?' Faeran wondered as he made his way back to where he left Olga in the courtyard.

Perhaps they were in school or something when everything went to shit?

Oh well, at the very least, it wasn't all a dud. He found a pretty sweet looking motorcycle in Shirou's garage beside a bike. If he remembered right, wasn't it the thing Rider always wanted to use during the Ataraxia story?

'Man I could totally turn this thing into a sweet ass mystic code.' Faeran grinned to himself. He'd already stored it in the Mirror world and was psyched to play with it later.

He'd reinforce it to the limit, improving everything about it and make it incredibly sturdy and resistant to damage. And then once he was out of this place he could totally find a mana furnace or two and hook it to power it, take its speed and ability to the next level.

'Ah, I should totally learn Runes from Cu and inscribe fire runes and shit on it.' Faeran grinned. He could just imagine it now a motorbike that shot beams of energy and fire from the headlights!

Eat your heart out Arturia!

It was funny how he was almost more excited over the motorbike than the Noble Phantasms he had found.

That would probably change when he got to properly use them. After all, he couldn't just swing them around willy nilly. As much as he'd love to put Merodach to the test and use its ability to convert the owners magic power into it, multipye it and transform it into a ray of energy, he couldn't exactly just do that for the heck of it.

While destroying massive parts of Fuyuki as it was, wasn't really a problem. It would basically clue Emiya in to exactly what they were up to. He'd much rather keep them under wraps right now until he fought that prick and then bust them out to take him by surprise.

Faeran put it out of mind and continued out to where he left Olga. He found the white haired beauty waiting for him in the courtyard. She had been surprisingly quiet since their talk before finding the Emiya estate.

'She was really hung up on my reasons for helping her, huh?' he mused, pausing to admire her. His eyes lingered on her beautiful white hair and gem stone like yellow eyes, before trailing down and admiring that obscene body of hers.

She was absolutely gorgeous. And while it wasn't the whole reason he helped her, it was a big part of it. And she seemed to think she wasn't contributing much and just weighing him down despite how helpful she had been in finding the Noble Phantasms.

Seriously, what did she have to accomplish to feel good about herself if that wasn't enough? In literally less than five hours, thanks to her he'd managed to find and bind six Noble Phantasms in total to himself.

He was even surprised himself with how easy it was to get it all done. 'I honestly expected way more of a fight from them.' he mused. Even Merodach hadn't been that hard for him to conquer all things considered.

In a way, it almost didn't feel real that he'd got his hands on such legendary weapons so easily. In this world, countries had once gone to war, spending hundreds of thousands of lives just to possess one and he'd got his hands on six within a day of appearing in this world.

Eight even if he counted the ones he got from Herakles. God Hand and Nine Lives.

"Did you find what you were looking for?" Olga asked when he reached her.

"Sadly not," Faeran shook his head, "Though it wasn't a total waste, I found something that I liked."

"Well, that's good I suppose," Olga's lips quirked up into a smile, and somehow, she looked a bit lighter than before? Her expression less heavy than when they were conversing before, "What exactly were you looking for anyway?"

Faeran grinned, "Honestly, something that might have been even better than the Noble Phantasms we found earlier," he replied, and Olga's fine white eyebrows rose in interest, "The guy who lived here, Emiya Shirou should have had Avalon implanted within his body, but I couldn't find him or his body anywhere."

Once again those lovely yellow eyes went wide and her mouth dropped wide open, "...Avalon, as in the sheath of King Arthur!?" she gaped. Then she blinked, her mouth closing in to a frown, "And in the Magus Killer?"

"The very same," Faeran nodded, grin widening, "His adoptive son as it were."

Olga just stared at him for a moment before groaning and palming her forehead, "What is with this city?" she moaned in disbelief into her hands, "A servant that can project any weapon Noble Phantasm he see's, Noble Phantasms just discarded and laying around like trash for anyone to find and now this? The Magus Killer and his son with Avalon in their possession of all things. This is a seriously dangerous place!"

"Fuyuki is a crazy place." He nodded in agreement.

'Now that I think about it,' Faeran mused, eyes going back to the main building of the Emiya estate, 'Kiritsugu should be buried up at the Ryuudou Temple right?' he wondered.

Kiritusug's bones were turned into the Origin Bullets using his dual origin of Severing and Binding. They were bullshit powerful. On top of that, he was cursed with the power of Angry Mango- sorry Angra Mainyu. His body could be made into quite the powerful Mystic Code.

And on top of that, 'He never passed his magic crest on to anyone when he died.' Faeran thought. Sure it wasn't the full crest since a bunch of it was confiscated after the shit Kiritusgu's father pulled, but it would still be useful.

Time Alter was a pretty amazing piece of magecraft. And while normally it would be impossible for an outsider to get a hold of another families magic crest and survive the implantation.

That rule didn't quite apply to someone that had God Hand now did it? 'It's just a matter or not if Angra Mainyu's curse destroyed his family crest like it did his normal circuits.' he mused.

It was too bad he couldn't just head there and pick it up. He wouldn't feel a thing about mutilating Kiritsugu Emiya's body. He was a piece of shit that deserved what happened to him in the end as far as Faeran was concerned.

But, according to Caster Cu, the temple where the Greater Grail appeared was where Saber Alter was holed up, protecting the Grail apparently. And Emiya was backing her up.

Until at least Emiya was dealt with, there was no getting to that body without a fight.

'Heh, when I do manage it though I should piss in that cunts grave while I'm there.' Faeran smothered a chuckle.

So many people praised and loved Kiritsugu, thought he was an amazing hero and all that as far as fans went. And while Faeran thought he was an amazing, flawed character, it didn't change the fact that he thought he was a piece of shit on the same level as seaweed boy. He was a mass murdering terrorist as far Faeran believed, it didn't matter to him what his ideal was or his ends justify the means bullshit, all that mattered to him was that he did it anyway.

He would gladly use that piece of trash's body to his own benefit and not feel an ounce of guilt.

"Ready to go?" Faeran put Kiritsugu Emiya out of mind for now.

Olga sighed and lifted her head up, nodding, "I suppose we should," the white haired woman replied, "At the very least I suppose I'm finding it easier to adapt to all the nonsense going on around here with how much absurd things you keep dropping on me."

"You're welcome." He teased, before turning and bending down presenting his back to her.

A moment later, her arms wrapped around his neck and her soft, plush body was pressed into his back. And once again, a moment later they were soaring through the air as he Hulk jumped through the air like a badass.