Singularity-F 19

It didn't take very long after that for them to reach the Fuyuki Church. Thankfully, Emiya didn't try and take any pot shots. Probably because it would hardly do anything other than be a complete annoyance, but still.

Small graces and all that.

He gently set Olga down and the pair of them entered the church. As soon as he opened the doors and stepped in though Faeran was force to raise his hand and catch an object suddenly flying through the air at him.

It was a dismembered arm, dripping blood from where it had been cut off at the shoulder. Leading up from the back of the hand all the way up to the elbow as a series of red tattoo's.

Command Seals.

"Alright lad," Caster looked over his shoulder at them from where he sat one one of the back pews, "This is what you wanted to come here for right?"

"Disgusting," Olga wrinkled her nose, "What is wrong with you?"

"Caster " Ritsuka scolded at the front of the church sitting at the altar, "What did you do that for?"

"Just having some fun and venting on the priest bastard, no need to get your panties in a twist Master," Cu laughed, "Tossing around the limbs of a guy who screwed you over is great stress relief, you should try it some time!"

Mash who was sitting beside Ritsuka sighed, "...I've never heard of anything like that before, is that also why you're using his body as a foot rest?" the pink haired girl asked.

"Got it in one girlie!" Cu gave her a flirtatious wink.

"...Ugh, I can't believe this old pervert is the only sane servant around," Olga groaned. The white haired woman turned to Faeran, "I don't know what I'd have done if it weren't for you being here. Truly, as absurd as you are you're my only bastion of sanity in this dreadful place."

"There there," Faeran replied absently. He was gratified to hear it, but be was more interested in the arm held within his grasp, "How many command seals are there on this?" he asked. They were a bit hard to count with them all conjoined together.

"By my count thirty two of them lad, quite the haul innit?" Cu replied, "That's some serious fire power just from their normal uses beyond what you want to do with em'."

"Aye." Faeran nodded. That was a hell a lot indeed. Way more than he thought he would get. Command Seals when used as Magic Circuits could output the same amount of the users natural Magic Circuits. And he only had twenty four natural Magic Circuits, and the three command seals he got earlier.

With these, he was more than doubling his output. Utterly amazing didn't even begin to describe it. Who needed a dragon core when you could just gank Kirei Kotomine?

Olga closed the church doors before turning her own attention to the arm in your grasp, "These combined with what we found should go a long way to letting you fight at even higher levels," she nodded, "Shall I set up a magic circle for the transference?"

"Nah it's fine, the Matou sorcery trait was what was used to create the Command Seals in the first place. With these not connected to a living host, it'll be simple to claim them," Faeran replied before pausing as another thought came to mind, "Actually, one would be a big help for helping transfer the knowledge I want to into two of them."

The Matou trait again was incredibly useful for this, binding knowledge into circuits. But, the drain for such a thing on the mind even with that would be annoying and drain him out massively.

Doing it within a magic circle to enhance what he was going would make it easier on him. It would still tire him out massively mentally, but less so, meaning he'd have to rest for less time.

"Understood," Olga nodded and shook her head, her lips quirking up into a small smile, "Honestly, using command seals to create a facsimile of a magic crest, how simple yet ingenious. Once we have fixed up Chaldea this will be revolutionary for training up new magi in the basics of magecraft."

The white haired woman looked at him in wonder for a moment before walking forward and making her way to the front of the church where Mash and Ritsuka were. She paused for a moment as she passed by Cu and wrinkled her nose in disgust once more before shaking her head and continuing on.

Faeran followed after her and a moment later so what caused her disgust. There at the isle of the pew Caster Cu was sitting in, was the beaten and bloodied corpse of Kotomine Kirei, laying in a heap underneath Cu's feet, the Irish Demi-god's feet resting directly atop the former priests head as a foot rest.

Faeran snorted, "Nice foot rest." he complimented.

"I know right?" Cu chuckled proudly.

It couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.

It was too bad he never came across Shinji's corpse. He would have loved to do the same with the face of Seaweed Boy. That blue haired piece of trash, beyond all the general shit he'd done, Faeran had a personal gripe with him.

It was implied he forced Medusa to have sex with him as well while she served underneath him as his servant. That was enough to earn his ever lasting ire.