'Too bad Emiya is up at the temple as well or I could have gotten Kiritsugu's corpse to use in the place of Shinji.' Faeran sighed inwardly. That useless wannabe hero trash.
Oddly, now that he was thinking on the man, he noticed something a bit odd. He'd always disliked Kiritsugu. But ever since he arrived here, he found himself utterly disgusted with him. He despised him actually. The thought of ripping out his spine and choking him to death with it actually made him smile.
Perhaps because he wasn't just some fictional character here?
Faeran put it out of mind for now and stepped over Kotomine's corpse and took a seat next to Cu.
Cu in response gestured to the rest of Kotomine's body and shifted over a bit to give him some room, "Here, there's plenty of space for your feet as well lad." he offered.
Faeran snorted, but took him up on his offer and shifted over a bit and lifted his feet to rest them atop Kotomine's body.
Now sitting down, Faeran focused on the arm in his grasp and called forth the dark shadowy chains he'd made of the Matou trait he had.
Sakura Matou had subconsciously made them into ribbons. But Shaw when he discovered the ability had thought chains were more optimal. Faeran was in agreement.
The chains emerged from his wrist and wrapped around the arm and he began to absorb and bind the Command Seals to himself.
"So what brings you to my little side of the church lad?" Cu asked, striking up conversation, "I figured the first thing you'd do was greet your servant. She's a tough little lady but she's new to all this and is putting up a brave face, some praise from you will go a long way."
Good to know. Faeran would get right on that, "I'll talk with Mash in a bit," he replied, "Instead I wanted to ask you a couple of things."
Cu shrugged, "Well, up to you lad," he casually replied, "So what can old spearless Cu do for you?" the blue haired servant asked.
"How'd the contracting with Ritsuka go?" Faeran asked.
"Alright I'd say," Cu shrugged again, "Master is a complete newbie to all this, but he's gutsy and tries hard. He got the contract chant down pretty quick and he's providing me quite a bit of mana, so I'm good."
That was good to know. It meant Cu was in optimal fighting shape. Scratch good that was fucking amazing. They could team up and three on one Emiya and do him in before he could bust out Unlimited Blade Works.
"Good shit," Faeran grinned, "Now I've only got one more thing to ask you about."
"Aye?" Cu raised an eyebrow at him, "Fire away." he gestured with his hand to ask.
"Your runes, there's ones that can enhance the physical abilities of people right?" Faeran asked.
A blue eyebrow was raised in response to his question, "Aye," Cu nodded, "It's what let me take down Assassin and Lancer, otherwise I'd have been screwed."
Ah, just as he thought. That was really good to know.
"Then how do they work?" he pushed on and asked, "Would you be able to say tattoo it on somebody?"
If that worked, it would be possible to make the boosts more or less passive right? Instead of needing to be cast. He was always a fan of passive always active things like that.
"Aye it's possible," Cu nodded, "Whoever they were on would have to channel mana through em' constantly to keep them active, but it is possible."
Disappointing, but still useful. It would just be as simple as turning on magic circuits for an instant physical boost, "Would it clash at all with Reinforcement?" he asked.
"Shouldn't do," Cu shrugged, "They're different things. Reinforcement was never really my thing, so dunno about casting it on yourself. But I had the runes tattoo'd on myself in life and had a buddy reinforce me further a few times."
Then that was just perfect now wasn't it?
"So would you be able to tattoo them on me?" Faeran asked, getting to the whole point of why he was interested in the runes in the first place.
Cu chuckled and for a moment, Faeran's hopes soared, "Nope," the blue haired servant replied, immediately dashing his hopes, and then continued on before Faeran could ask why, "See for my master, it'll be possible. It'll hurt like shit, but it'll be possible. You on the other hand? Not so much lad."
Faeran's brows furrowed, "...Why not?" he asked, confused.
"Cuz I can't exactly just tattoo it in with ink or something lad," Cu shrugged, "I'd have to burn them into your skin. Meaning, they'd be scarred into you and be wounds. And well correct me if I'm wrong, but you have Berserker's Noble Phantasm right, the whole twelve lives thing?"
"...Yeah I do." Faeran nodded, understanding dawning within his mind.
"Exactly, so I'd need to bypass that Noble Phantasm in the first place which isn't simple with such a low tier rune that I'd need to use," Cu explained, "And beyond that, your body would be completely healed if you ever lost a life and since they're wounds they'd go bye bye when you regenerated right?"
Well that sucked.
Big time. It sucked fucking donkey dick.
"What about Mash?" Faeran asked, a thought coming to mind. If he couldn't boost himself, she was the next best thing as his servant.
"I could, be a shame to ruin that lovely skin of hers though." Caster Cu confirmed.
...Shit, he was right.