Singularity-F 21

Faeran spent a good half an hour bothering Caster Cu while he yoinked the command seals one by one from Kotomine's severed arm.

He generally spent the time trading a few barbs and jokes with the Irish Demi-God and bugging him about anything he could think of when it came to taking advantage of runes.

He learned something very interesting the process. It was much easier to inlay runes into clothing and items than it was into the human body. It had to be tattoo'd in apparently because of the innate magic resistance even normal humans had.

Miniscule as it was, even a normal humans tiny innate magic resistance would disrupt non tattoo'd runes after a time.

"What about Mash's Shield and her gear?" Faeran asked as he stood up after finishing his task. A mass of command seals had joined the three he already had. He now had a total of thirty five and together, they spiralled up his arm like a jagged tattoo.

"You're like a dog with a bone you know that lad?" Cu rolled his eyes, "But aye, it should be possible. I've already inlayed my own gear and staff with them."

"Can you put that fire conjuring rune on her shield?" Faeran asked, a grin spreading across his face, "I'm thinking since she doesn't really have any offensive abilities it would be a big help to her."

Cu sighed, "It's a real good thing I have this foot rest to help keep me rested or I'd be exhausted by you now," he rolled his eyes, "Yes, I can do that too. Gimme a break will you? Sheesh, so demanding, you're not even my damn master."

"Don't be a little bitch hound." Faeran snorted.

Cu's eyebrow twitched, "Oi, watch it lad, Caster class or not I'll still do you in." he threatened baring his sharp canines at the teenager.

"Whatever you say old man," Faeran bared his teeth right back. And then promptly summoned his axe-sword and casually tossed it at the blue haired servant, "Here, try putting that fire rune on my sword while you're at it."

"...Lad I'm gonna kick your ass when we have the time." Cu warned.

"Promises promises." Faeran snorted and waving him off and took his leave. It was time to go talk to his cute busty servant of the shield.

"This is why I hate dealing with the Scottish, there's always some cunt just like Shishou just waiting to screw me over." he heard Cu grumble. "D-rank luck my ass."

Faeran beyond grinning in amusement, didn't react to the demi-gods words. Instead, his eyes landed on his other companions. The three of them were sat at the end of the alter stage.

He made a mental note though to take the mickey out of Cu some more later. It was always fun riling up the Irish.

Ritsuka and Mash were standing and observing Olga, while the white haired director of Chaldea focused intently on a golden magical circle inscribed on the floor below her.

He was going to go over to them, but a he paused as a thought occurred. He quickly activated the Master's Clairvoyance spell and observed himself. And the grin on his face widened at what he saw.

Mana: A+

As expected, his total magical energy output had indeed more than doubled and his parameters reflected that. That was utterly amazing.

With this, he could fight to his hearts content and support Mash at the same time going full out.

His eyes drifted to his servant, and he remembered a little something that was possible due to him being her master. He could speak with her telepathically.

Which meant he could talk to her privately whenever, even right now with a group of people around them.

'Mash?' he spoke into their connection.

The pink haired girl gave a slight start at his words, jumping slightly, before calming down, '...Master?' she replied, voice hesitant as she looked over to him.

He raised his hand and waved at her, taking a seat on one of the pews, 'Yeah, Olga seems busy and I didn't want to interrupt,' he replied, 'And I figured now was a good time for me and you to talk privately.'

'I see,' Mash replied, 'I'm sorry I didn't come to greet you right away master when you got back.'

'That's fine,' he mentally waved off the apology, 'How are you feeling? Getting a bit more used to your situation.'

Her brows furrowed lightly, '...It's weird to get used to. Suddenly I went from only passably fit to being able to lift a car over my head easily and jumped hundreds of feet in the air without effort,' she replied, 'But, I'm getting the hang of it, I think. I'll be ready for combat master!' she quickly promised.

Well, he couldn't really relate in the getting used to part. He had all of Herakles instincts and mental skills helping him get along and Shaw's own memories of his brief time using the Class Card.

It was less getting used to it for Faeran and more the wonder of being so amazingly powerful compared to what he was like before.

And Mash unlike him, not only didn't have any memories helping her, she didn't receive any mental skills from her Heroic Spirit like he did.

'Good good, I expected as much. You've been pretty reliable so far after all.' he replied and smiled over at her.

Mash blinked, and ducked her head to the side shyly, '...I have?' she replied, sounding confused.

'Definitely, you protected Ritsuka right when you first got here and had no idea what was going on. You defended him and Olga both while I took on Medusa and you played your role here going to the church and waiting for me perfectly, it might not be all huge parts yet, but even little things add up,' he assured her, 'So far you seem like a really thoughtful girl, and I like that.' he nodded to himself.

'...So you're fine with having a failure like me who can't even use her Noble Phantasm as her servant?' Mash asked, voice coming out over their link almost hesitant sounding.

'Of course, I couldn't ask for a better servant!' He quickly assured her. One thing he knew about girls, or anyone in general, was it was best to try and nip confidence issues like that in the bud. And he did mean it, the passive buffs he got from her were amazing, not to mention; 'Not only are you reliable as heck, you're gorgeous with a killer body and a really nice voice. Mash you're a ten out of ten servant, way better than the defective spearman sitting behind me.'

Mash's head snapped up to look at him, eyes wide and cheeks flaming red, 'M-master!?' she spluttered mentally.

Ah, she was super cute.