Teasing Mash was good stuff. Half the stuff he said to her flew right over her head, as it turned out, she was very sheltered and knew very little of the outside world and typical teenage interactions.
But even she understood when he was blunt enough about things. The squeaks she made were adorable.
Ah, he totally lucked out on his servant didn't he?
He would have happily continued with that train, if he didn't suddenly sense a large mass launching through the air at his head at rapid speeds.
Faeran broke from his mental conversation with Mash and turned his head to the side just in time to let his massive stone axe sword spin through the place his head was in previously and just miss him.
Before it sped past him entirely he reached up and caught it by the handle jerking it to a halt, "Don't be such a cock blocker old man." Faeran sniped without turning around, instead his gaze was on the jagged saw like blade on the end of his axe sword, each one was inscribed with runes he recognised. Sowilo. While in the middle of the huge axe blade he could see another inscribed rune he recognised as well, Ehwaz. Specifically, the same rune that should be getting used on Mash's gear to enhance her physical abilities.
While he didn't know how to use rune based magic. The fact of the matter was that it was Celtic based magic style and the Morganach family was Scottish. It wasn't their specialty or focus, but it was something they knew of at least to recognise them.
"Don't use me as a lackey while chatting up your cute little servant then," Cu replied, "Really the Scottish are as rude as ever."
"Right back at you Irish boy," Faeran snorted, turning his other to look over his shoulder at the blue haired servant, "So why the Ehwaz rune?" he asked.
"What, you don't like it?" Cu raised an eyebrow at him, "Won't do much for you since you aren't wearing it as far as enhancing you goes, but it'll buff the strength of that weapon of overcompensation of yours and make it more durable to."
"No, I'm fine with it cheers," Faeran replied before furrowing his brow, "..Wait, the hell do you mean overcompensating? I've got nothing to overcompensate for."
Not before he ended up here and definitely not after. The few inches he put on from arriving here covered everywhere on his body. Everywhere.
"Sure sure lad, whatever you say. Though I suppose you wouldn't be running around in a skirt if you weren't filled with delusional confidence in your equipment." Cu grinned at him.
"It's Herakles choice in outfit not mine, but even then, it ain't delusional dog boy. There's a reason we Scottish wear kilts, Herakles just so happens to be as well equipped as any true Scotsman," Faeran fired back, "It's probably the reason why he ended up in my soul and not say some Irish dog."
In response, Cu shook his head and chuckled, "Man it's good to see that despite how much time has passed some things never change," he mused fondly, "No wonder the Scottish made enemies of literally everyone. Heh, Shishou was so testy she even had gods picking fights with her."
Faeran found himself grinning along at his words. Man, he'd love to meet Scathach. There wasn't really much on her in legend beyond her status as a teacher of heroes, and he didn't even know what she looked like, but she must have been utterly and absurdly crazy.
Just what he'd expect of a fellow Scot. 'I wonder if William Wallace got on the throne?' Faeran mused idly. Yeah, he totally had to. And considering after getting his guts pulled out and tortured he was still able to resist the pansy English and refuse them with his dying words, he would probably have Battle Continuation as a skill.
"Anyway, now that the banter is outta the way lad, let's get the shield girl and my Master done with." Cu stood up from the pew he was sitting on. He didn't push himself up with his arms or anything, he just pushed hard with his feet on his 'footrest' to get up. Probably marking the bottom of whatever he was wearing on his feet on Kotomine's face.
"The sooner it's done the better, aye." Faeran nodded.
'Master?' Mash who had been silent during the conversation between him and Cu spoke up, 'What does he mean?'
'He's gonna put his runes on your gear it'll make it tougher and buff you up some as well,' he replied, 'You'd get more out of it if he tattoo'd it into your skin, and he's probably gonna offer it to Ritsuka, but I'd prefer you didn't.'
'He can do that? How amazing,' Mash gasped in awe, before catching on to what he said next, 'Wait, why would you not want me to get it tattoo'd if it would help that much master? Considering how lacking I am as a servant, every little bit would help, would it not?'
'Oi, first of all, the only thing you're lacking in is your Noble Phantasm, and you'll get a hang of that eventually I'm sure, beyond that you're an absolutely top tier servant,' Faeran made sure to stomp on line of thought that she was at all lacking. With her parameters and skills alone, she was totally worth it, her being so agreeable and good looking was just icing on the cake, 'In the end though, it's up to you if you want to get it done, I'd just prefer you didn't.'
It was enough for her gear and shield, really. It might not be as big a boost as if it were in her skin and not applicable unless she was wearing her servant gear, but by time he was done tonight she'd be able to use Reinforcement on her body, and soon he'd get Mana Burst down for sure, and he'd teach her how to do it as well.
'...I don't understand?' he looked over to her and saw the lavender haired girl was biting her lip.
Faeran rolled his eyes, 'It's just my selfishness Mash,' he assured her, 'Guys look cool with scars. Girls, not so much. I just don't want the runes to mess up that pretty skin of yours.'
Was it sexist? Yes. Did he care about that fact? No.
'...For something as simple as that?' Mash replied, sounding confused, 'I thought you were joking about the things you were saying earlier to tease me Master.'
'Oh no, I was definitely just taking the piss, but I wasn't joking about how attractive you are,' Faeran snorted, 'Like I said though, if you want to get them I won't stop you. I mean, you'll still be just as attractive, I'd just prefer you without them.'
'I see,' Mash replied contemplatively, 'I understand Master. Though my time is short, I'll take your preferences into account and not get them done.'
Faeran's lips quirked up into a smile before immediately turning upside down into a frown as her words fully registered, 'Wait...what do you mean your time is s-'
"Oi, Master, shield lass!" Cu called over to them as he walked towards them, "Follow me for a bit will ya'? Got something he who thinks he's the big boss man wants me to run by ya'."
"Caster?" Ritsuka looked over to his servant as he made his way up to altar. the Irish servant explained to them what he wanted to do, and Mash listened intently to his words, so Faeran couldn't push for answers right now.
A moment later, they both agreed and they followed Cu out of the main room inside a door that led probably to the living space of the church behind the altar.
Faeran watched them go with his frown still on his face, 'The hell did she mean?' he wondered.
That sounded pretty fucking ominous. As if she didn't have much time to live. He didn't like the sound of that at all.