Singularity-F 13

Yeah, he definitely recognised him.

...But why the fuck was Lancer looking like a Caster!?

Mash acted in an instant, getting between the newly appeared servant and her companions, shield at the ready to block him.

"Another servant?" Olga's eyes widened while Ritsuka tensed.

Cu Chulainn in response just chuckled, "A good response girlie, I admire that bravery of yours, half baked servant or not," he replied, "But don't worry, I'm not here for a fight, remember what I said eh?" he casually waved her off.

Mash merely narrowed her eyes, not backing down. But Faeran sighed, it looked like he wasn't corrupted like Medusa was, "Why the hell are you a Caster?" he gave the blue haired man a deadpan look, "There's no class better for Cu Chulainn than being a Lancer."

Gae bolg would be really fucking helpful against Saber Alter. If he remembered right, her luck was much lower than normal Saber's, assuming that stayed the same and as such she wouldn't be able to avoid it the same way she did normally.

'Yeah no fucking way my luck is B-rank.' Faeran snorted internally. Though, he supposed getting his hands on Harpe and his new personal skill kind of counter acted that statement.

But he was allowed to gripe okay!?

"Huh, you know me as well Mini Berserker?" Cu cocked his head to the side and laughed, "You know I was wondering where Berserker went. So he just ended up in you huh? Well that's better than the way he was just raging around before after the death of his master, even Saber couldn't control him. Even if I have no idea how he managed that." the blue haired servant stuck his pinky in his ear as he replied.

He pulled it out and shrugged a moment later, "As for why I'm a Caster? You're guess is as good as mine. I was summoned as a Lancer at first, but then like a second later I randomly switched to Caster and my amazing spear disappeared, I tell ya' I'm just as disappointed as you."

"Calm down Mash," Faeran put his hand on his servants shoulder to calm her down and then looked back at the blue haired Irish hero as she nodded and lowered her shield, "So you want to team up? I'm not against it, but what about your master?" he asked, fishing for information.

"They're dead," Cu shrugged, "My first master got betrayed by a stinking priest who stole me from her, then he died when the world went all burning."

It took quite a bit of effort for Faeran to keep his eyes from widening. So that went the same? He wondered if Cu knew where Bazett's body was? Though, it was useless to him either way, he lacked her families Sorcery Trait so he couldn't use Fragarach even if he did.

"The overseer, Kirei?" He asked for confirmation.

"Yeah, that prick," Cu nodded rolling his eyes, "But you really do know a shit ton of what's going on here, eh boy?"

"I saw a different rendition of this grail war, nothing special," Faeran shrugged and Cu gave a single nod and didn't say anything else about it. He was like that, easy to get along with in that he didn't need any more than the bare tacks and wasn't interested in expanded backs tory of it all, he just needed the highlight facts, "But on the matter of your former master, do you know where his corpse is?"

"No no, the fact you came from another world is pretty important here, it's bordering on the second true magic!" Olga scoffed, scandalized.

They both ignored her.

Cu raised an eyebrow at him but merely shrugged, "Yeah, it's in the church where I left it, not like I was gonna give that prick any respect and bury him."

Perfect. That meant all those command seals were his for the taking.

"Can you direct us towards the Church?" Faeran asked.

"Sure, if ya' want kid," Cu shrugged, "Though, I figured you'd want to go get things taken care of nice and quick. I've already killed Assassin and Lancer. And you have Berserker in you and you just beat Rider or well Avenger I guess now, which means only that prick Archer and Saber are left. Between us three, I'm sure we can take em'!"

"Think so?" Faeran raised an eyebrow at him disbelievingly. Could a Caster Cu even take Emiya? He somehow doubted it, hell if Emiya popped out his Reality Marble they were well and truly fucked. And that wasn't even getting into the monster known as Saber Alter, "Maybe, but there's some things I want to pick up, like Kotomine's command seals from his corpse, and you don't exactly have a master now do you?"

"Well you're not wrong." Cu laughed.

"....Is this guy an idiot?" Olga groaned.

"No he's just simple minded." Faeran smirked.

"Oi oi, don't go giving me a bad rep in front of these two cuties now Berserker Brat," Cu groaned, "I just know what I like is all y'know? And the sooner we do those two in the better."

"I know, I'm just taking the mickey mate." the teen replied with a shrug.

"Aye, as expected of a Scottish kid," Cu rolled his eyes, "Hope you can at least hold your drink brat."

"Course I can, we Scots are just bred different, but I'm sure you know that better than anyone, right?" Faeran bared his teeth at him challengingly.

Cu grimaced, "You've got that right. Shishou was a damn monster," he shook his head, "Alright then, you want to head to the church then? It's not far from here."

"Well before that, there's something I want to pick up," Faeran replied. Possibly a few things depending on his luck, "I only need Olga to help me with it though. You can take Mash and Ritsuka with you to the church and I'll be able to find my way there later by following my connection with Mash."

"What are you on about Faeran, why send them off with him? Mash is your servant you know!" Olga protested.

Mash nodded in agreement, "I have to agree master, I don't like the idea of splitting up. What if the other servants attack you both?"

"We won't be long I don't think," Faeran waved them off and then pointed at Ritsuka, "Cu here can teach Ritsuka what he needs to know to make a contract with him right? And you can protect them while they do that Mash."

The pink haired girl bit her lip, "...But what about you master?" she asked, worriedly.

Faeran laughed and pat her on the head, "Trust me, you don't need to worry about me, even if the other two did attack, they'd be unable to bring me down and I can just summon you with a command seal anyway," he replied, "Besides, it's for the best. This way Ritsuka can supply Cu with mana and get him to full strength then we can kick the shit outta that prick Archer and then take down Saber."

"...As much as I hate to admit it, it's a sound plan," Olga grimaced and then sighed, shoulders slumping, "Very well, you're the expert of this time and place Faeran, if you think it's for the best I'll believe in you."

"Smashing," Faeran grinned punching his fists together and looked at Cu, "You're alright with this, yeah?"

"I got nothing better to do kid," the blue haired servant snorted, "Sure, I'm game."


A few minutes later he and Olga saw off their companions, Cu casually holding Ritsuka over his shoulder as he bounded up onto the top of one of the burning buildings and took off towards their destination, Ritsuka doing his very best not to scream.

Mash gave him a lingering look, but did as he ordered her and followed after Cu and Ritsuka a moment later.

Olga watched them go before turning to Faeran and crossing her arms, a frown on her lips, "So what are we looking for exactly?" she asked.

Faeran bent down and picked up a stone and flowed his od into it. Then switched it. A second later it was replaced by the form of Harpe, the stone now within his mirror world, "You know what this is right? I think it's time for a quick little history lesson on why it's still here."

"It's Harpe is it not? A Noble Phantasm left to you by Medusa, I was about to congratulate you on it before that blue haired buffoon so rudely interrupted us." Olga huffed.

"Yeah," Faeran snorted in amusement, "But a Noble Phantasm should disappear with the servant it was summoned with, right?"

"....That's right," Olga blinked, understanding dawning on her, "...Why did it stay?"

"That's why I said I'm gonna give you a little history lesson," Faeran nodded, "See in the Fourth Fuyuki Holy Grail War, the Archer summoned into that war was none other than Gilgamesh, the King of Heroes and holder of the Gate of Babylon, said to contain the originals of all Noble Phantasms."

"Humanities first king, the two thirds god?" Olga's eyes widened, "I see, so then this Harpe belonged to him, but then, if he was from the fourth war, why has it not disappeared?"

She was quick to catch on. She wasn't the director of Chaldea for nothing he guessed, "See in the Fourth War, the Berserker was Lancelot, and he had a very special Noble Phantasm that allowed him to turn anything he touched into a Noble Phantasm and claim ownership of it, he basically stole a bunch of them from Gilgamesh when they fought," Faeran explained, "And he stole a bunch of them, one of them that I know for a fact was Durandal. If Harpe was still around, it stands to reason that some of the others are still around as well."

Though he didn't understand where Gilgamesh was in all of this. From the way Medusa talked, it wasn't Gilgamesh that caused all this crap. And Cu would have definitely known if it was him and informed them, since Gilgamesh should have been around Kotomine if he was still kicking.

Olga's eyes somehow went even wider in shock when she registered what Faeran was getting at, "...You want me to use my family magecraft to help you find these Noble Phantasms..!" she gasped.

"That's right," he grinned. He didn't know much of the Animusphere family magecraft, Shaw only knew the bare basics of it. But, what he did know was that it was based on Astrology and the stars, and one of the most basic components of that, was searching for things and providing directions, "With this, you should be able to get a rough idea of what they feel like and I have a rough idea myself of where they'll be." He jostled Harpe back and forth in front of her eyes.

After all if they were anywhere, it would be in the Fuyuki Bay.