"...Are you sure this is a Noble Phantasm?" Olga asked leaning over Faeran's shoulder as he examined their newest find, eyeing the golden piece in his hands dubiously.
It was the last one, and the one that took the longest to find. And it had only been two hours. More than half of that time specifically going into this one single Noble Phantasm.
It was amazing the kind of distance one could cover when they could move faster than a bullet. And the amount of objectives they could complete in that time frame.
"It's definitely one," Faeran nodded looking it over critically. So far, this was the fifth they'd found, sixth counting Harpe. It was the oddest one of all so far either, an oddly shaped and large golden dagger with a dim black gem between the hilt and the blade, "It's just completely out of power." he sighed, but couldn't let himself feel disappointed.
After all, one dud out of six wasn't bad. And he was honestly stupefied at the ones he did find. It was unreal the power he held in his hands now.
Vajra, the Noble Phantasm he had in his hands right now, while powerful in that it could unleash a B+ rank blast of lightning, actually paled in comparison to not one, but two, maybe even three of the Noble Phantasms he'd found. And as powerful as Vajra was, it could only fire one shot.
That was why he couldn't find it in himself to be disappointed despite Gilgamesh wasting such amazing resources.
"What a waste of time," Olga sighed shaking her head, despite what she said though, there was a smile on her face that she couldn't wipe from her face, only highlighted by the golden glow emanating from her eyes, "We could have been done and meeting up with Mash and Fujimaru if not for this."
He could tell she was only griping for the sake of griping. He liked to do that as well after all. Doing so could be great for venting minor bouts of stress. And she didn't exactly have A-rank mental skills from the greatest hero of Greece propping her up now did she?
"Well it shouldn't be long now, I just need to bind these to me and we can head to the church." Faeran chuckled, focusing on the golden dagger in his hand for a moment before enveloping it in the Mirror World and letting it sink into the subspace, joining the other Noble Phantasms they had found.
This was where the Sorcery Trait of the Matou's would come in very handy. Since these Noble Phantasms did not currently have an owner that they were bound to, he could take advantage of that and bind them to himself and become their 'owner'.
After all, he wouldn't be able to activate the abilities of any of the Noble Phantasms without doing that. And hell, he wouldn't even be able to lift one of them if he didn't do that because he didn't fit the classifications to wield it.
'Not having the qualifications of a king my ass.' Faeran scoffed, rolling his eyes as he stood up. If fucking Shirou Emiya could do it, why couldn't he? It wasn't as if Shirou was fucking good king material.
Granted they were different swords but they had the same qualifications and abilities. Maybe Caliburn just let Shirou wield it because he had such a boner for Arturia?
"Well, the sooner we get this done the better, and at least I can let this spell fade now," Olga shrugged her shoulders, and a moment later the golden glow faded from her eyes and her shoulders slumped, "Ah, that useless dagger took so much more Od to find than the others, any longer and I would have had to start using my family crest to keep it up."
"Thanks for the hard work love, thanks to you I'm sure we've secured our victory here and now." Faeran turned and beamed at her.
One of the Noble Phantasms they found was a sword with Anti-Dragon aspects. It would be perfect for taking care of Saber Alter.
Olga's cheeks burned at his words and she quickly looked away, a cough escaping her, "W-well it's only natural is it not? To repay the aid you have given us and help you secure victory." she stammered.
"I guess, but without you it would have probably been impossible to find these." Faeran pointed out. "I'm glad you're as great as you are." he winked at the white haired woman.
While it wouldn't have been impossible to find them on his own, normally. It would have taken a lot of time to track down even one. Olga's magecraft was specifically tailor suited to finding things because it embodied the aspect of the stars. As such, she could imbue her eyes with the light of the stars to find what they were looking for, the reason why they were glowing.
Taking all that time, with the world the way it was currently, with Emiya and Saber Alter hanging around and some mystery man that caused all this shit? Yeah, no, there was no way he could have found them on his own as things were right now.
Olga didn't reply to his words and stubbornly kept staring away from him for a good thirty seconds. then, she lifted a hand and grasped her robes at the chest and turned to him and he almost gasped at the way her flushed cheeks glowed under the moonlight.
God she was fucking stunning. Looking at her, and Medusa earlier, he could sort of understand why the daft cunts throughout history had waged wars over women if they looked anywhere near as good as them.
He supposed that made him a bit of a daft cunt as well.
"You're going to be a real problem for me aren't you?" Olga shook her head, lips twitching up as she beamed at him.
"Can't be helped." he shrugged and smirked. He didn't really understand what she was getting at with that, but there was a tried and true method that had seen him losing his virginity and a whole lot of other crap by time he was fourteen. Fake it till you make it.