He probably would have stayed staring up at the sky for a good few minutes, if not for his companions.
"Master, are you okay?" Mash was the first to reach him and asked. Servant speed and all that, she was able to clear the distance in a single bound to check up on him.
"I'm fine Mash," Faeran gave her a half smile, "Just disappointed that there was no way to compromise with her." for all that it was amazing that he had Harpe in his hands, he would have much rather had Medusa. Even from a purely logical stand point casting aside emotion, she was far more useful than it.
Heh, amusing as it was, before ever ending up in this situation he'd found a way to basically have a near infinite life span through having Medusa as his servant. And Cybele her Mystic Eyes were no joke at all, with a single use of them it could serve up even Saber Alter on a plate for him to bring down in an instant should he time it right.
Mash looked at him oddly before shaking her head and smiling at him, "Understood Master, still that was amazing even though I could see you both I could still barely follow what was going on, you're so strong!"
His half smile tugged up into a grin at her enthusiasm, "Well it would have been much harder if she wasn't weakened so much from what happened to her," he replied, "But don't sell yourself short, even though you weren't fighting physically with me you helped me a ton!" he praised her.
"I did?" Mash tilted her head to the side, staring at him in confusion.
"Oh yeah!" Faeran nodded, "One of your personal skills boosted up my physical abilities making me even stronger, you're one of the reasons I was so confident that I- we'd win!"
Mash smiled brightly at his praise, "Glad to help then Master!" she beamed, "Though next time I hope I'll be able to provide assistance alongside you."
She was so earnest about it he couldn't help but chuckle, and despite the fact that she was actually a year older than him, he found himself reaching over to pat her fondly on the head, "I'll be counting on you then, kay?" Faeran chuckled.
He was not at all against having Mash backing him up. He might have a lot of the strength of Herakles and his abilities and feel a supreme sense of confidence in his strength now, but he was not an idiot.
And Mash was in no way weak herself, in fact as far as servant parameters went she was pretty top tier.
Strength: C
Endurance: A
Agility: D
Mana: B
Luck: C
NP: ?
Class Skills
Magic Resistance: A
Riding: C
Self-Field Defense: C
Like Shirou Emiya, the servant abilities and skills appeared before him like a video game template, which made sense because the Master's Clairvoyance displayed the servant abilities in the easiest way for a master to understand.
And while her Personal Skills didn't have any ranks attributed to them right now and her Noble Phantasm was just listed as a question mark, what he could see imbibed quite a bit of confidence in the girl within him.
Especially that Endurance stat and A rank Magic Resistance. She was practically built to be a tank. As expected of a class called Shielder he supposed.
And she like Ritsuka knew so very little of Magecraft. Once he had the time to pass some basic knowledge on to her like him, like how to use Reinforcement on herself that would boost her even higher.
"Hehe you can count on me master!" somehow, Mash's beaming smile got even brighter as she leaned in to his touch.
Ah, such a good girl. Faeran could feel his heart healing from her presence. Truly he lucked out getting her as a servant.
Deciding to put things out of mind for now, he focused on the mirror world and enveloped Harpe within it. A moment later, it glowed brightly before disappearing and he felt it appear within his mirror world.
As he did he used Master's Clairvoyance to check out his servant abilities. As expected, Harpe was not bound to him, so it didn't appear under his list of Noble Phantasms.
...But, his abilities had changed a bit. Specifically, there was a new one listed under Personal Skills.
'..How the hell...?' Faeran trailed off, gaping at what he was seeing.
Affection Of the Goddess: E
The burgeoning affection of ??????. The Strength parameter gains a half rank increase.
And his strength parameter was looking crazy! There was two extra add ons to it from boosts. One was from Mash's skill thanks to him being her master, the other though, came from this personal skill that appeared out of nowhere.
Strength: B (B+) (B++)
...What was going on? Sure, he knew he was still alive and basically a living heroic spirit so his stats and parameters and such would update as he went on and got stronger or learned more. But where did this come from?
There weren't really any goddesses Herakles had in love with him in life or anything like that. In fact, I'd think I'd get a demerit personal skill from a goddess with how much Hera hated him. And I didn't have it until just a bit ago obviously.
So...did it come from Medusa then? She was a once goddess after all. Reduced in divinity massively, but somewhere in her legend she was a goddess. In fact she was three goddesses in one as the Gorgon since she ate her sisters.
She did say she'd inscribe his name on her spirit origin, whatever that meant. But was that brief fight with her really enough to leave an impression on her enough to give him a skill like this?
He wasn't going to complain. Actually it made him happy and all fuzzy inside. But he couldn't deny it just felt off to him.
"Master?" Mash's voice broke him from his thoughts and he dismissed the spell from his eyes. As he did, he noticed he had stopped rubbing Mash's head and she was looking at him weirdly.
"Sorry," Faeran grinned, putting his thoughts on Medusa and his newest skill out of mind for the moment, "I got caught up in thought."
"I do hope you won't do that a lot," Olga huffed making her way over. He noticed though, her cheeks were flushed as she did, "And..w-what was that all about? You kissed her! An enemy servant you just fought to the death and you kissed her!" she spluttered demandingly.
Faeran gave her an odd look, not really understanding the problem, "It was just a kiss?" he replied, tilting his head to the side confusedly. Sure, it was an amazing kiss with Medusa, but still just a kiss. It was normal to make out with girls.
And besides, he had memories of doing far crazier shit than just kissing a hot woman from Shaw. That crazy bastard had dissected people before. He'd learned from his father how to do so, as a child.
Magi were fucked up man and he was doing his level best not to think on those memories.
"J-just a kiss?!" Olga spluttered again before turning to look away, "W-well, make sure not to make it a habit! Who knows what will happen if you let yourself get taken in by the wiles of seductresses like that!"
Did she mean that Medusa could have like spat poison down his throat or something? But that wouldn't have done anything. Mash made it so that he was pretty much immune to poison and even then, even if he didn't have the contract with her, he had God Hand.
Sure he'd have lost a single life, but in return he'd have gotten pretty much near immunity to poison after reviving. So Faeran didn't really see the problem.
"Well It was kind of surprising so I don't blame the director," Ritsuka laughed sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. He kept it up for a few seconds before sighing, "But man, you were amazing out there Faeran, I'm really glad you're on our side. I just wish I wasn't so useless."
Faeran shook his head and walked over, patting him on the shoulder, "Don't worry about it man, you're new to this, can't expect you to be superman from the get go," he comforted his male companion. He got it, he really did. He would hate to have to hide behind a girl while another friend fought, not only would it make him feel like a leech, it would surely hit him right in the pride. As fucked up as the memories of Shaw were, he was happy with them in this instance, "Once we get some time I'll see about helping you become a badass as well."
"Heh, well I doubt it'll go that well, but I'll hold you to that." Ritsuka gave him a half grin in return.
Hmm, gotta work on that confidence, huh?
Olga sighed turning back to him, "Well beyond that, I have to give you my praise. You were amazing there Faeran," she praised, a small smile appearing on her face and lighting up those lovely noble features of hers, "In fact, even more amazing she left behind her no-"
Before she could finish, she was interrupted by laugher echoing all around them, "Haha, you kids sure are a riot!" a male voice said, a kind of familiar male voice, Faeran's eyes slowly widened, "You've impressed me. How about it, you wanna team up?" he asked.
As he did, there was a shimmer of blue light to the side and a tall muscular man dressed in blue furs and carrying a wooden staff in hand appeared. Blue hair held in a warriors wolf tail, crimson red eyes and a silver earring dangling from one ear.