Singulairty-F 11

Axe Sword met Spear and the street ground rumbled, a massive shock wave blasting in every direction.

Olga huddled behind Mash's shield couldn't help but stare open mouthed as her new companion and the servant, apparently Medusa of all people! engaged in combat.

They moved in blurs so fast Olga couldn't even see them. All she saw was the after effects of their clashes or missed hints. The street splitting apart, great chunks of debris reigning down through the air, cars flying around as if they weighed as little as feathers.

She watched as Medusa appeared on the opposite side of the street from Faeran and whipped her hair out towards him. Her long purple hair transformed into hissing giant snakes, each one larger than Olga herself.

They swerved around and pincered Faeran from all sides, maws open wide with huge gleaming fangs dripping with venom.

Faeran spun in place and lashed out with his huge axe sword slicing through them. They turned back into hair a split moment later and fell gently to the ground having been cut from his opponents head.

As he completed his spin he gave a shout and tossed his sword through the air like a boomerang. If a a six foot sword of pure rock could even be called as such while spinning at speeds that would make a helicopter propeller jealous.

Medusa easily dodged to the side and made to dash towards Faeran, but just as suddenly as she did, the sword was gone and Faeran was in its place. Olga barely had time to comprehend the switch before Faeran's fist smashed into the female servants face and shot her through the air like a bullet.

She slammed into and through a building destroying it utterly just a second later from the sheer force behind the punch.

"Woah!" Fujimaru gaped wide eyed at the sheer strength Faeran had. Olga made a mental not to have him taught to school his emotions better, the plebian commoner had no idea how to act in this situation. Though she'd give him praise for not falling apart and bubbling in despair.

Mash interestingly enough didn't say a word. In fact, she was so intently focused on the fight that Olga was almost shocked. She rarely interacted with the girl, but she'd known her for years, and such an intense gaze was unusual for her.

'He's incredible,' Olga shook her head and focused on what was important, 'That strength and speed coupled with his family magecraft, I can barely fathom how powerful he is.'

It was odd how familiar he was with the servant. But then, Medusa herself seemed to know of the servant within Faeran just from seeing him, so perhaps he'd encountered the servant in his own world before he ended up here?

Still, with that power, Olga, shameful as it was could not suppress the butterflies within her belly. With him on her side...yes, yes things might actually go well for her for once!


"...This isn't right." for the second time Faeran couldn't help but state how off things felt.

"Heh...and why's that?" Medusa grinned up at him from where she lay in the rubble remaining of the building she'd been punched into, blood was trailing from her lips, "Should you not be proud, you've overcome the legendary Medusa after all?" she teased.

He shook his head, frowning, "...If I actually beat you properly in a fight I might," he replied truthfully. After all, as much as he wanted this woman, she was strong. And there was a chauvinistic part of him that relished in his strength and the fact he was stronger than the woman he wanted. But, that was wrong, because; "You should be stronger than this, way stronger! You should be able to walk a punch like this off!" even if it was to the face after catching her off guard, Medusa wasn't so weak that she'd go down from one measly fucking punch!

Not even the full servant Herakles should be able to take her down with a single punch!

"You threw the fight!" he accused, growling. Despite the situation, a spike of rage shot through him, boiling in his veins.

Medusa chuckled, only to cough and spit out some blood, "Not quite," she rasped, "I told you didn't I? You were right in that I shouldn't have been summoned like this. I told you I was a Rider before right? Well all my physical abilities have been drastically lowered and all of my skills and even my Noble Phantasm have been sealed off, I'm little more than a patch work job, the only abilities I have access to are my eyes and my Monstrous Strength." she revealed.

"..I don't get it." Faeran shook his head.

"Looks like you don't know everything huh?" Medusa teased, "I bet you think I'm a Lancer now, right?"

"...You aren't?" Faeran's eyebrows rose, surprised. Then why did she have Harpe?

"No, I'm Avenger," Medusa grinned, and shakily rose her hand to show off Harpe, "You saw this and thought me a Lancer. But no, here's the thing boyo, I wasn't summoned with this, It was already here, I was just drawn to it, I could sense it ever since I was brought back."

Now his eyes widened, Avenger! His mind raced. Now it all made sense. "That's why you're so much weaker!" he gasped, the Avenger class he knew was incredibly weak. the only decent stat they had was speed, "But then how did you make those snakes and keep up with my strength."

Medusa giggled lightly, "I thought you knew everything about me as my biggest fan?" she teased again, "My Monstrous Strength skill. The more I use it, the closer I come to turning back into the Gorgon. My power over snakes is one of the first and weaker abilities I had back then, so it was a simple matter to progress far enough to use them."

That was how she could come close to his strength. She was pushing her Monstrous Strength skill to the point where she'd already begun turning into the Gorgon.

"Why go that far?" he couldn't help but ask.

"It's in my class name, to avenge," Medusa stopped giggling and gave him a small smile, "I wanted to kill the bastard that caused all this and avenge my master. I didn't know her for long, but I liked her and wanted to protect her. I failed."

So Sakura was dead too huh? Yeah, now he was beginning to see the bigger picture here. Rider was incredibly loyal to Sakura, there was a lot of things she went through that she was disgusted by just to protect Sakura.

"Who caused all this then?" Faeran asked seriously. This guy was the reason Olga was here in this place as well. He'd need to find him eventually.

"I don't know his name, only that he appeared out of nowhere with the Holy Grail," Medusa grimaced, "Over night the world became a sea of flames and everyone died and then he turned Saber into the thing she is now and she killed all of us other servants and then brought us back with the grail to serve her. He's most likely hanging somewhere around Saber and Archer." she explained.

Right, so either way he was going to need to deal with fucking Emiya and Saber Alter huh? Talk about a tall fucking task. Emiya was his worst opponent right now in a one on one and Saber Alter fucking rinsed the real Berserker when they thought.

"Alright," Faeran nodded after a moments thought and looked into her eyes, even darkened and a different shade, they were still hauntingly beautiful, "I'll rip his head off for you."

The smile she gave him made his heart skip a beat, "Is that so? Then I can rest easy knowing my 'biggest fan' is on the case."

He bent over and smirked at her, "Yeah, but since I'm gonna be doing that, I'll take my payment in advance." he replied and before she could reply, he covered her lips with his own.

Those hauntingly beautiful eyes of her went wide, but she didn't resist as he probed her lips with his tongue. She opened her mouth and welcomed him.

He kissed her passionately for a good twenty seconds or so before pulling back and felt an immense pride well up in him when he saw her staring up at him wide eyed, pale cheeks flushed, "Better than I even imagined." he winked.

Thank fuck for Herakles. Indomitable was the best skill ever.

She stared at him wide eyed for a moment before her lips quirked back into a smile, "Well, since you you took the payment, you better deliver on your promise and kill that bastard." Medusa demanded.

"Oh, I plan to." he bared his teeth at her ferally. He was holding it down, but the rage still simmered in his veins. That motherfucker was a dead man walking. He actually got to meet Medusa as he dreamed of, and he had to kill her. All because of that trash.

He was going to personally see how much he liked a taste of the Nine Lives Blade Works.

"Good," she nodded slowly and allowed her eyes to close, "If you summon me in the future, try to summon me properly fan boy, okay?" she teased one last time before her body began to fade into golden light.

The golden shimmering light seemed to swarm around him for a moment before fading away.

The only indication that Medusa was ever there to begin with was the hook headed spear laying amongst the rubble. He picked it up and sighed, eyes looking to the smog covered sky blotting out the stars.

Despite the fact that Harpe remained and confirmed that one of his ideas had a lot of merit and that he had a mass of power at his finger tips, he couldn't help but feel morose.