Singularity-F 10

From the initial clash Faeran quickly understood one thing. As far as speed went, Medusa was faster than he was.

And as far as physical strength went. She was dead even with him, even reinforced. Which meant, she most likely still had her Monstrous Strength skill.

Yeah, if it was just his own pure abilities, without having had the time to see about learning Mana Burst, his greatest physical ability would not let him overpower his opponent.

Thankfully, in the last little while he'd come into a certain trump card he was not expecting.

Faeran ground his teeth and with a shout thrust the axe sword up and out, overpowering Medusa and sending her flying up into the air where she smashed through the top of one of the buildings surrounding them and came out on the roof. She would have went flying even further if she didn't lash out with the hooked spear in her hands and hook it onto the building and grind her body's momentum to a halt.

Despite having been smashed through the thick stone wall of a building, the purple haired beauty didn't have even a hair out of place, "Hmph, so you have some of the strength to go with that getup of yours huh?" Medusa hummed smirking down at him, "Though, you're not quite as strong as the real Berserker was."

Indeed he was not. But he wasn't that far off it now. Thanks to a handy dandy little passive ability from his new servant. Among other things.

Mash had two very interesting Personal skills.

Wall Of Chalk Obscured In Time. Now this skill in of itself was completely bullshit. She could use it on herself or another. And not only did it increase the users overall power, even that of Noble Phantasms, it also for a short period of time shifted the target out of the time axis, more or less removing them from the time stream for a short period of time.

It was an ability that more or less, worked to the same degree as Avalon and made the user un hittable for that small period of time. An ability that could allow the user to get around even Ea!

But the bullshit of Mash's abilities didn't end there. No, because her second Personal Skill, while not quite on the same level, was overpowered as well.

'Now Is A Wall Of Fragile Snowflakes'

A very weird name for a skill. But, the effect of it could not be underestimated. As long as someone Mash considered an ally was in her general vicinity, or in Faeran's personal case connected to her as her Master, this skill would heavily enhance their physical body, both strength and durability and even further in his case, protected him from mental attacks and poison.

Now, what happened when that was applied to someone with God Hand? Well, Faeran had the answer to that.

Because, ever since he formed a contract with Mash, not only had his strength parameter risen to B+, but God Hand itself had risen to C+!

"I'll take care of that eventually," Faeran shrugged at her words, and he did plan to. there were so many ways for him to get stronger or hit harder and faster, like Mana Burst for example, he'd been practically waxing poetic about it in his head, but he really was eager to give it a shot, "But ignoring me for the minute, there's something about you I don't quite get."

"Oh?" Medusa casually twirled her spear, "And what's that boy? I thought you were my biggest fan? Clearly you're not living up to the title."

"Nah see it's cause I'm your biggest fan that it seems so odd to me," He grinned at her, his eyes going to and lingering on her weapon, "That's Harpe right? It's gotta be." he asked.

There was no other weapon like that from her legend.

"This old thing, why yes it is," she grinned down at him showing of all her teeth, "I suppose then you know little boy, what's going to happen when I cut you with this? You won't be healing at all, ever."

"Doubtful," Faeran retorted unconcerned. After all from what he remembered of Harpe, for all its ability as a god killing weapon, it wasn't an outright absurdly powerful Noble Phantasm and he seriously doubted it was of a high enough rank to get through his God Hand, "No see, what I don't get is why you have Harpe at all. Why the hell would you get summoned with it, it makes no sense. It was used to kill you, but you never wielded it. You're far better suited to being a Rider with your pegasus, or even a Caster secondary to boost your eyes and the Blood Fort Andromeda."

The coy predatory look on Medusa's face faded away to be replaced by a frown, "You do know an awful lot about me don't you boy? It makes me wonder, have we met somewhere before for you to be this confident about your knowledge of me?" she mused. She stared at him for a moment before huffing and shaking her head, "It does not matter, as I am now, there is no going back. But, I'll tell you this in respect for this admiration you claim of me boy. It is true, I'm not normal even by servant standards. I was revived by the one in possession of the grail, Saber. But, before she cut me down, I was not a lancer as I am now, I was originally summoned as the Rider class."

Faeran's eyes widened, 'Wait, Saber has the grail? Is it Arturia? The hell is going on here?' he wondered wildly, thoughts racing.

"I'll correct you on one thing though, Alter, that's what Saber is going by now, but I am not the same as her," Medusa plastered a grin on her face and leered down at him with glowing topaz eyes, "She has been altered at the very core, her very history twisted. I on the other hand, am merely stained and blackened by the revival of the grail, filled with a bloodlust that will not be satiated, it is in fact taking all I am now not to throw myself at you to bathe in your blood!"


Faeran grit his teeth, "So there's no chance of you joining me?" he asked, hoping for a positive answer.

"I'm afraid not boy, the only reason I'm not a raging beast like the others are is because I dealt with a much greater bloodlust in life, but even so, you'd find my spear in your back no matter how I came to like you, it is my nature now," Medusa licked her lips, "It's too bad, I would have liked to hear your story and learn just why you claim to be my biggest fan."

Faeran sighed, this...this was fucking shit, "It's not a big secret, I'm not from this world and ended up here by accident, and while I never met you, I was lucky enough to get to see you in action in another grail war," he shrugged and explained casually, "I came to admire you when watching all you did and even developed a bit of a crush on you."

"Is that so?" Medusa chuckled, lowering herself down into a ready stance, spear pulled back behind her, "Then I'll apologize in advance, I'm sure you're quite disappointed to see me in a hideous form like this."

Faeran snorted, "Not really, even now you're beautiful beyond belief, so beautiful that It's easy to believe you were once a goddess," he replied. So beautiful in fact, that if it weren't for the supreme confidence that Herakles mental abilities provided him, he'd be stammering and stuttering over himself no doubt even in this situation, "No wonder that shrew Athena was so jealous of you."

Medusa just stared at him for a moment, "...You, what's your name?" she asked after a moment.

Ah, she wanted to know his name then? That actually meant quite a bit to him, "Faeran Morganach, I hope you remember it," he grinned up at her, "It's the name of the man who would have stolen you for himself if you were still normal."

"Is that so?" Medusa chuckled, "Whether I kill you or you kill me and return my spirit to the throne, I'll inscribe that name on my spirit origin. I'm sure you'd be a fun master to be summoned by in another time and place. But ready or not Faeran, here I come!"