Singularity-F 9

His servant did the same lowering Ritsuka down from her shoulder and calling her shield back to her hands in a flash of blue light. "Orders, Master?" she asked.

He pointed at Olga and then Ritsuka, "You guard these two, I'll take point with the enemy servant." he ordered

"Just you?" Ritsuka gave him a wide eyed look, "Shouldn't you team up together, won't that be easier?"

"Maybe, it depends on who it is," Faeran shrugged, "But, it's more important she guard you two I'm thinking. the pair of you are kinda squishy compared to servants."

"You didn't have to word it like that," Olga huffed crossing her arms, "But regrettably, he is correct, Fujimaru we will be of little help in a battle against servants."

"Damnit, I don't like this!" Ritsuka growled, clenching his fists. He didn't even have a contract with any of them so he couldn't supply them with his own energy to have someone actually make use of it.

"Don't worry about it mate, you're completely new to all this, once we get some time I'll teach you a few tricks right?" Faeran promised.

It wasn't really his responsibility, but he felt for him. And if he was in the same boat, he'd appreciate someone doing the same for him. And while teaching magecraft wasn't something that could really be done at all quickly.

He did have an idea for a work around. It was possible for instance to imbue the instructions and knowledge of a spell into magic circuits. That was the whole point of a Magic Crest passed down in magi families, a library of spells they learned and perfected over their life time.

He could just do that, except with a command seal and swap it with one of Ritsuka's own command seals and problem solved. It would take a little while to imbue the knowledge, but he knew the process, any magi family heir that inherited their families crest would.

Though he wouldn't pass on specific family magic, basic spells such as Structural Analysis, Reinforcement and such, the creation of simple bounded fields and the like would be fine and give Ritsuka the competency of a basic magus on the spot which would help Faeran in the long run as well.

It was surprising what grand things could be accomplished with just a little bit of outside perspective. The things that would never occur to Shaw or other typical magi, but did to Faeran was really amazing. Like, with a single command seal he could jump start the rise of an entirely new magus line indebted to my his own as retainers and begin the rise of his own faction.

His eyes narrowed and he turned facing down the street, "Mash get ready!" he snapped out an order.

"Yes Master!" Mash jumped into action, hefting her shield up and stepping in front of Olga and Ritsuka.

As she did, the hard, sharp ringing sound of clanking chains rang out and wrapping around the buildings down the street on both sides were chains that phased into existence like black smoke cutting them off from escaping from either side.

"Chains?" Ritsuka blinked, "Where did they come from?"

A moment later a figure appeared perched atop a set of the chains, "How lamentable, it seems the fresh prey has gotten all tuckered out." a low sensual voice chuckled.

It was a woman. A tall voluptuous woman clad in a dark a skimpy dark cloak that left a deep valley of pale wonderfully formed cleavage, a dark hood hanging over her head.

"You've gotta be kidding me." Faeran groaned in dismay. Despite her absurdly curvaceous body that put even the voluptuous Olga and Mash's own curves to shame, his eyes were locked on to the incredibly long and beautiful violet her spilling from the back of her hood and reaching down to her ankles.

"An unknown pair of masters, and one of them being a servant, how interesting," the servant licked her lips, her topaz coloured gaze eyeing them with a hungry sadistic glee, "This will be fun." she declared, holding out her hand and calling forth a long hook headed scythe.

"As we thought, there's the servant that was chasing us, but I don't see a master anywhere." Mash grimaced.

"This world has already gone mad Mash, who knows if she even has a master anymore!" Olga growled, settling behind Mash and raising her hand up and forming a gun shape with her fingers.

She couldn't do much of anything at all to a servant. But her Gandr could at at least prove a distraction.

Faeran grit his teeth and began walking forward towards the servant perched atop the chains.

"Oh, you're approaching me all on your lonesome?" she grinned down at him, casually twirling her weapon in hand, "Aren't you a brave one? I do so love you hero types. I love it even more when I see the despair in your eyes when you realise you have no chance against me."

"This is so wrong." he spoke through grinding, clenched teeth. He flipped on all his magic circuits at once, the rev of a bus engine flaring in his mind and reinforced himself to the limit, boosting his strength, speed and durability.

There was a fun fact about reinforcement magic. The stronger and more durable the target of it was, the more they could be reinforced. And there wasn't much more durable than one who had God Hand.

He held out his hand and called forth the stone axe sword.

Her eyes narrowed at the weapon in his hand, but she didn't comment on it, "Oh, and what's wrong here?" she asked coyly.

"You," he shook his head sadly, "You shouldn't be like this." he stated confidently. It was the attitude and the hair and eyes. They were wrong.

"And why is that? You think you know me enough boy to claim when there's something wrong with me?" she cocked her head to the side and asked in amusement.

"Definitely," he nodded confidently, "After all, you're my favourite servant, the one I'd aim to summon personally, I'd recognise you anywhere. And I can tell just looking at you that you're wrong. Your eyes are the wrong colour. Your hair has dulled its usually much more vibrant." he declared.

Medusa was his favourite character in all Fate. He loved her the most of any character and always mained her in any games he played and paid the most attention to any of her appearances in the series.

He'd imagined having her as his servant so many times. How, even if he was in that seaweed retards place and had no magic circuits or anything of his own, how he'd have been able to use her to much better use.

Ah, how sad. A person he'd dreamed and imagined meeting before, and it came to this, "You're an an alter aren't you, Medusa?" he sighed sadly.

There wasn't exactly a lot to go on. But that dulled hair colour, the blackened colour scheme and her topaz gaze. It all reminded him keenly of Saber Alter.

She reared back as if struck, "You..." she trailed off, "Who are you?" she shook her head and demanded.

As she did the chains seemed to wind back and then throw her forward through the air towards him at a blinding speed.

He lifted the axe sword and blocked a split moment later as she lashed out with her weapon. The force behind her strike though was so great the ground buckled in underneath him.

"I'm Faeran, your biggest fan." he introduced himself.