Singularity-F 25

Making his way through the living space of the Church, Faeran came across the other three of his group in a drab living space.

He'd call it a living room, but honestly, it was so drab and bland it couldn't really be called as such. It was a simple square room with brown walls and a brown carpet. Two couches lined up against the walls and a couple of book cases to go along with them.

Beyond that, the only other adornments of the room were candle sticks hanging on the walls. The room didn't even have a light bub. How sad.

When he stepped into the room he noticed that Cu sat on one couch, Mash's shield leaned up against the arm of it with what looked like her armour laying beside him, while he held a piece in his hand, while with his other hand he traced his index finger glowing brightly at the top into it.

On the other couch, sat Mash and Ritsuka. Well, lay in Ritsuka's case. The older brown haired boy was taking up much of the space in the couch and was completely asleep. While Mash was squeezed in at the end, wearing a completely different outfit.

It was some kind of incredibly tight orange, black and white bodysuit that left absolutely nothing of her voluptuous body to the imagination and even had a small boob window that displayed a generous cleavage.


His eyes despite that amazing sight were drawn to the floor around the couch they were both on. Engraved on the floor around it were multiple glowing green runes that enveloped the couch in a green barrier.

"Healing runes?" Faeran asked, looking to Cu as he gently shut the door behind him.

Cu didn't even look up from what he was doing, "Mhmm," he nodded, "Master's actually pretty gutsy and reckless. I gave him the whole shebang. Physical enhancing runes, speed enhancing runes, eyesight enhancing runes, healing runes and even popped a resurrection rune on him, he ain't gonna be fighting servants but he won't be getting killed like a fly at the very least."

Faeran whistled, "Damn, that's amazing," he praised, both Cu and Ritsuka, "So the healing runes are fixing him up while he's sleeping then?"

"Aye," Cu replied, "Master despite the tough face he was putting on was in a lotta pain, figured I'd just put him to sleep and heal him while he slept so the rune engravings don't hurt anymore."

What a mad lad. Ritsuka was a bit of a badass himself huh? He was completely new to all this but didn't back down at all even from getting runes seared into his skin. His respect for the older teen went up a notch.

He grinned at the sleeping boy for a moment before looking to his servant sitting beside him, "So what's with the outfit?" he asked, "Not that I'm complaining, you look great in it."

"This?" Mash pointed to herself, "It's the Chaldea Combat Uniform. It's a Mystic Code created by Chaldea to help with Rayshifting. It has some input spells for strengthening a familiar, specifically a servant I believe and is even capable of enduring a few hits from C-rank strength from a servant."

Huh. that was pretty nifty.

And it seemed Mash actually kept her clothing when she became a demi servant and it was just basically switched with her servant gear until she changed back. A lot like normal servants, he remembered Arturia could switch between that blouse and skirt and her armour with a thought more or less.

Not so much for him. When he appeared here, all he was wearing was Herakles' skirt thing. Tassets maybe? He remembered an armoured skirt thing in a game called tassets before.

And even trying to make it disappear and be replaced by his old clothes only ended up with him in the nude. Which was why he knew he had shot up a few inches, everywhere.

Which sucked all kinds of dick. He was wearing his new Celtic track suit and strip while out with the lads before he ended up here. That shit cost a good three hundred pounds. What a fucking waste.

"Impressive," Faeran nodded at her, "And looks great on you to." he complimented.

Mash blinked, before smiling slightly, "Thank you Master." she chirped back happily.

He tapped his chin as he examined her, "It won't really do you much good once you get your gear back from Cu though right?" he asked.

The lavender haired girl nodded, "Mm, yes, I can't wear it and my servant armour at the same time." she replied.

"How about when you get your gear back, you pass it to Olga?" Faeran asked, "From what I gather, she wasn't expecting to end up here with you guys so she didn't have any Mystic Codes prepared, it would give her a bit more protection."

When she heard his words Mash nodded and her smile turned beaming, "Ah, good idea master, I'll do that!" she agreed, "You really think of everything master!" she praised.

"Not really, but I won't deny praise from my beautiful servant, makes me feel all proud and warm," Faeran chuckled, winking at her, "Feel free to praise me all you want, I'll happily bask in it."

Her cheeks warmed up, "...Master, I get the feeling you enjoy saying things like this just to bully me." her cheeks puffed up into a pout.

It was super cute.

And she wasn't wrong.

"A little bit." he grinned staring into her eyes.

A silence fell between them, but not an uncomfortable one. As he stared into her lovely deep gem like purple eyes though, he couldn't help remember what Olga had revealed to him about her life span just a few short hours earlier.

Two years huh? Well, he had a fix for it.

It was lamentable though that he had to use one of the miracles from Durandal. He would do it without hesitation, but it could have been avoided easily if Shaw and his family weren't such dumbasses.

A few years ago, Shaw and his family gained invites to a special event. Known simple as the Mystic Eyes Collection Train. It was a massive luxurious event ran by a Dead Apostle and his organisation.

What kind of event? Well, it was in the name was it not? They collected and auctioned off Mystic Eyes.

Mystic Eyes of Combustion that could make anything within eyesight explode. Mystic Eyes of Hypnosis that could easily control the minds of normal people or help weave illusions. Mystic Eyes of Precognition of various types, ones that could see into the future, ones that could see in slow motion, ones that could see and predict the usage of the muscles and magical energy within a targets body.

So many amazing little things. But the one that stood out the most to him right now from Shaw's memories, were known as the Mystic Eyes Of Looting. Gold Ranked Mystic Eyes, pretty expensive, but well within the Morganach families price range.

They were very interesting eyes. When used, they could absorb life force from any target within sight and transfer it to the user. Not just humans, but animals magical and mundane alike and even Dead Apostles were not safe from them.

Imagine it, catching any simple Dead Apostle would practically give the holder of those eyes a near unlimited life span to steal. And It would be a simple matter to set up a magical circle to transfer taken life force to another target by his reckoning. It would have saved him a miracle of Durandal.

But even beyond that, he couldn't believe the stupidity of the Morganach family to dismiss it out of hand. The Morganach mage craft was simply amazing when it came to physically exchanging the spots of two physical items, right down to the tiniest detail. Quite frankly, it was the perfect magic for transplanting body parts.

One of them could have easily gotten the Mystic Eyes Of Looting, implanted them with their family magecraft and then not have to worry about life span at all and be able to continue their research as they pleased.

But, stupidly, because it didn't pertain exactly to their research, they wrote it off as worthless. Typical Magi retardation.

Honestly, Faeran could probably rant for hours on the sheer stupidity of magi in general. It was a wonder even that the Morganach family accepted the trade with Zouken to have Faeran inherit the Matou Sorcery Trait.

But Zouken probably sold it to them because the Morganach were really too stupid to see the potential uses. Or maybe they just thought an extra Sorcery Trait would look good for a marriage candidate?

Really, it was a sad state of affairs for such a powerful Scottish family to be so fucking stupid. He'd love to give those stupid fucks a boot up the ass. But then that was true for most magi.

Spellcaster all the way man.