Singularity-F 26

"Master?" Mash spoke up breaking him from his thoughts, she was fidgeting a bit from how long he'd been staring into her eyes, "Is something wrong?" she asked.

Faeran put it out of mind, "Nah, nothing like that, I was just reminded of something when looking into those pretty eyes of yours."

"...Master!" Mash pouted again, drawing a chuckle out of him.

"Don't mind him lass, he was probably frying that pea sized brain of his trying to think up some good compliments to flirt with you," Cu snorted, "Take it from me, the Scottish were never very eloquent when it came to romancing."

"Haha very funny," Faeran rolled his eyes and looked over his shoulder at the blue haired servant, "Though I don't want to hear that from a dog who's definition of romancing a girl is humping her leg."

"...You know one of these days people are gonna get tired of cracking those damn dog jokes," he huffed good naturedly, "So is there a reason you came through here and left the other white haired lass all alone? I'd think you'd be staying with her to keep her from breaking down from stress and fear."

"She's asleep and I was going to try and find some covers in this shit hole for her," Faeran replied, "While I'm here though, I may as well transfer these command seals to Ritsuka and Mash since I finished up with them not long ago."

"Hah, done already?" Cu whistled, "Not bad at all lad. It's a real ambitious plan you've made, I'm impressed."

"I'm a pretty impressive guy," The Scottish teen grinned, "It's a good thing Ritsuka is asleep anyway. It'll let him adapt to the flow of information easier and Mash should be able to handle it much easier with her new constitution as a servant."

"True, true," Cu nodded sagely, "It'll save Master a lot of disorientation that's for sure."

Faeran turned from Cu to look at his servant, "You ready?" he asked.

Mash looked at the command seals on spiralling up his arm like a crimson tribal tattoo before nodding, "Yes Master." she nodded resolutely.

Good girl.

He called upon his chains, two ebony black chains forming around his wrist. He wasn't a church official so he didn't exactly have the command sealed transference spell, but his chains could work as just a good a bridge.

He willed the chains through the air and they slithered like dark serpents over to Mash and Ritsuka, gently wrapping around their arms.

He willed the two Command Seals through the chains, and moments later the pair of them vanished from his arm and re-appeared on the back of Mash and Ritsuka's hands, one a piece.

As soon as it did, Ritsuka grimaced a bit and shifted in his sleep, but didn't wake up and Mash winced lightly, reaching up to rub her temple, "Ah...I see what you mean now by disorienting." the lavender haired girl grimaced.

Faeran allowed his chains to disappear and smiled at her, "It'll be easier to adjust to the initial flow of information if you go to sleep." he told her. It was standard practice to put the heir who received their magic crest under after implanting it.

Mash's lips quirked up a bit and she shook her head, "...I would but I'm not tired, this body of mine doesn't get tired as easily as it did before thanks to me being a demi servant now." she replied.

Faeran nodded. He understood that. Even after all he'd done and the crazy situations he'd been through today, he hadn't been tired at all until he took on the mental strain of inputting his knowledge into those crests.

"I could hypnotise you to sleep, though it'd be quite hard with your Magic Resistance skill." the teen mused. Even if as his servant she was able to take his od much easier.

"Ah, I don't want to cause you any trouble master, you've already done so much." Mash gave him a small smile.

"Well there is one thing I could do to make it work." Faeran grinned lightly as an idea came to mind. If it worked on a Devil King, well, it could work here he supposed, especially since she was amendable to it.

"Master?" Mash blinked.

Faeran stepped forward over to her and gently cupped her cheek, the skin of her cheeks heating up red once again, "Don't resist okay?" he ordered her in a gentle whisper and opened up his circuits once more and flooded his eyes with his od, starting up the hypnosis spell.

"..Mas-?" Mash went to ask in confusion, but never got the chance to finish as he leaned down and claimed her lips with his, holding eye contact all the way and then letting his od flow into her from his mouth into her own.

Her lavender eyes went wide with stunned shock, but she didn't resist, just as he ordered. And in moments, her eyes began to go heavily lidded before closing and she slumped backwards.

He made sure to catch her by the shoulder and gently lower her back into a laying position. It wouldn't be the most comfortable, but as part servant it shouldn't bother her too much.

"You're a right audacious little bastard, you know that lad?" Cu snorted.

"I am," Faeran agreed shamelessly, turning to face the Irish Demi-God, "It's for her own good though. Once she wakes up and has adapted to that knowledge, she'll be able to use Reinforcement like me to enhance her strength, speed and durability."

He pinned the blue haired servant with a smug smirk, "Besides, don't act like you wouldn't have taken the chance, you've been checking out Mash since we met," he pointed out, "If it weren't for me, you'd have been hitting on her yourself."

"Water's wet innit, and the lass is gorgeous," Cu shrugged back just as shamelessly, "But I ain't the type to sniff around another mans territory and you've been practically humping their legs yourself lad to spread your scent. Bit of a dog yourself aren't ya?"

"Alpha as fuck and don't you forget." Faeran grinned back at him as he responded.

The pair of them erupted into a small bevy of laughter that kept on for a good thirty seconds.

"You're alright lad." Cu wiped a tear of mirth from his eye.

"You too mate, it's good to have someone around that can take a joke like the lads back home," Faeran nodded. They fell silent for a moment, Cu getting back to inscribing runes on Mash's gear before the Scottish of the two stuck up conversation again, "But speaking of beautiful women, what ever happened to your first Master, Bazett's body?" he asked.

There really was no point beating around the bush. He didn't like doing it and Cu wouldn't appreciate it.

Cu paused in his task and looked up, a frown appearing on his face and the amused atmosphere around him disappearing, replaced with a tense one, "And what do you want to know about her body for?" he asked, narrowing his eyes and staring into Faeran's own, "I like you lad, but Bazett was a good woman. You may be a lot different from your typical magus, but I've got a good feel for you, and you seem the type to do what's needed to pull a win. But I'm not letting you desecrate her body to make it into some tool for you."

He caught on quick. Despite the reputation he got for his bad luck and being a bit of a meat head only interesting in good fights, Cu was far from an idiot.

"It's a good thing I'm not interested in doing that then," Faeran replied truthfully. He felt he was a pragmatic kind of guy when needed, but he wasn't comfortable with mutilating the body of a beautiful woman just to make into a tool. Especially one he actually kinda liked. Kiritsugu, sure, he hated that guy. But not Bazett, "If it was someone I hated, like a certain useless father and wannabe super hero, sure, but I respected Bazett and she was hot as hell, so no way I'd use her body like that."

Besides it would be a fucking dick move to ask for the body of someone Cu actually liked to turn into a tool.

"...Good to see I didn't misjudge totally then lad," Cu shook his head, a sardonic smirk appearing on his face and the tense atmosphere fading almost immediately, "So you want Fragarach then? That's the only thing I can think of. You know you can't use it right? And if you try what you did with those other Noble Phantasms, pops won't be happy with you."

"I notice you didn't say it wouldn't work." Faeran shot back.

Cu shrugged, "With the modern age and all of humanity fucked over in this world? It may as well be ownerless, I'll give you good odds on it," he pointed out, "Like I said though, you might piss off a god."

"You're his son aren't you? Can't you put in a good word for me?" Faeran teased.

"If it was just pops, I could probably swing it in your favour," Cu shrugged, "But, the right to make Fragarach came from Manannan, and I don't have any pool with that guy."

Faeran sighed, "We're going up against Excalibur here mate," he settled on replying, "Archer is gonna be a big enough problem, but we don't have fuck all that can stop Excalibur if Saber starts blasting it at us, we'll be fucked."

What he was saying was, they didn't really have the luxury of not using an advantage like that.

Cu tapped his chin, "I get what you're saying lad, I'm just giving you a friendly warning," the blue haired man replied. He then waved his arm and light flash and a second later, a long silver tube with a shoulder harness on it appeared in his grasp and he tossed it through the air to Faeran, "I suppose it might not be too bad since it's only a one shot weapon and then it'll break and without fucking over Bazett's body to make it into some kind of Mystic Code you aren't gonna be able to make any other ones."

Faeran caught the silver tube easily and looked it over. He recognised it as the container Bazett kept her already prepared Fragarach in, "It's not like they'll be able to do much to me anyway, they're all stuck in the Reverse Side Of The world," he pointed out, "I get what you mean though. I don't like the idea of being a dick to the Celtic gods either."

They were gods that originated not only from Ireland, but Scotland as well after all. It was like spitting on his own heritage. But needs must and all that.

"...So wait why did you have it?" Faeran's brows furrowed as the question came to mind.

"Cuz I'm just as much an idiot as you," Cu grinned, "I was gonna use my runes to grab its ownership and use it myself to kamikaze Saber if I had to. But I'll leave it up to you kid, this way I can just focus on fighting."

...Left unsaid was that between the two of them. Faeran would be the one in bigger shit if doing this pissed off Lugh and Manannan. After all, Cu was Lugh's son after all.

Damn Irish prick.

"You've just made an enemy for life." Faeran vowed.

"Great, I'm sure it'll be a good time all around, I'll take you up on that offer once we beat the shit out of Archer and Saber!" Cu laughed, "We can even have a pint or two together afterwards!"