Singularity-F 27

"She was lookin' kinda' sus, with a finger up her arse," Faeran sang idly to himself as he rifled through a large chest situated at the bottom of Kotomine's bed, one hand idly picking up empty hilts and sucking them into the mirror world while his other hand held onto a golden jug of wine, "And the shape of ma' cock on her forehead."

He had to admit, it was some good shit. Kotomine had some great taste in wine. Or Gilgamesh did at least.

Also as he pulled the last hilt he could find out of the chest, he had to admit. As far as Black Keys went, that stupid ass priest was fucking loaded with them.

What the hell was he gonna do with a hundred and fourteen Black Keys? Was he trying to be Priest Gilgamesh or something? 'Well whatever, mine now.' Faeran snorted taking a swig of the wine.

Did he mention the wine was good shit? Way better than paying some street bum to get him and the lads some buckfast. Seriously, it was enough to even get him and Cu tipsy even with servant constitution and all that good shit.

It was too bad they were in the situation they were in and couldn't get properly plastered.

He closed the chest lid gently. For a reason mind you. His eyes drifted over the shut chest up to the bed where two curvy feminine forms lay peacefully snoozing on either side of the bed.

Once he was done playing around with Fragarach, he decided putting them both in the bed after he found it would do them some good. It also let Ritsuka sprawl out fully on the couch.

'You know, that space between them looks right tempting.' Faeran's lips curved up mischievously as he eyed the space.

A white fluff ball leapt up onto the bed and stared him straight in the eye as soon as the thought passed through his mind, "Fou!" Fou yipped at him, little blue eyes narrowing at him.

"Fine, fine." Faeran rolled his eyes and turned away from the juicy target of a space. He wasn't done clearing out Kotomine's booze anyway.

Stupid cock blocking squirrel dog thing.

As he made to leave the bedroom behind Faeran cast a glance over his shoulder at Fou. It, quite pleased with itself burled in a circle like a dog before curling up between the two girls, though leaning more towards Mash than Olga.

Something about that little thing seemed really off and totally wigged him out. He had a feeling he totally knew it from somewhere and it wasn't really some little fluff ball at heart.

He couldn't feel any massive well of mana from it or anything, but all his instincts were screaming at him that this thing was strong.

He knew what it was. It was on the tip of his tongue. But, he just couldn't place it? It was annoying for sure.

'Well whatever, I don't need to sleep anyway.' the teen huffed and left the room. All he needed to recover mental fatigue was booze!

And he could work on his motorcycle while he was at it. He didn't really have access to a mana furnace or anything and couldn't be bothered making one, but he could get the basic upgrades out of the way and he even had Cu around to throw in some runes!


"C'mon, think of how amazing it would be with Sowilo." Faeran protested.

"And I'm telling you, it's too powerful for such a narrow thing," Cu rolled his eyes, "It'll probably work for the first few times but it'll wear down. There's only so far reinforcing it all and Ehwaz will take it. Ansuz won't give as big a kick and won't be able to overpower the enhancements and still give it a boost."

They were currently back in the crappy church lounge. Multiple golden jugs lay empty and scattered through the room and the pair of them were currently arguing over the best runes to inscribe onto Faeran's new motorbike.

Or well, the final rune to use. Because he had already reinforced it at every point from the tires to the engine and Cu had enhanced it even further by inscribing Ehwaz runes all over it and even put Ehwaz runes over the headlights to make it even more stupidly durable.

Right now, they were arguing about what rune to put within the exhaust. Because, Faeran wanted the magical rune equivalent of nitro's.

"Tch," Faeran clicked his tongue and crossed his arms petulantly like the teenager he actually was, "I suppose you have a point." he grudgingly admitted after a bit of thought.

"Of course I do you brat," Cu snorted, "Which one of us is the druid of the forest here? Oh right, me. Once you go learn this shit from shishou and have her kick the shit out of you for the slightest mistake, then you can complain to me about what I think is best when using them."

That said, the blue haired Irish demi-god crouched down behind the motorbike and began inscribing runes within the exhaust.

"Man, you're only a step away from 'back in my day' with that spiel old man," Feran crossed his arms and looked over his shoulder to watch him use the runes. While Runecraft wasn't quite as simple as just making the rune, it still paid to watch a master at work and learn from how they went about it, "I might take you up on that challenge though if I ever run into Scathach. You know they call you Irish Hercules as a joke sometimes where I'm from? Well, I'm basically Scottish Hercules now, I think she'll take to me even more than she did you."

He supposed the nitro were only a minor point really considering Cu had added a speed enhancing rune to the bike while he was at it and even added some kind of modified rune that would reduce the drag the wind would have on it. The nitro would just be icing on the cake, or jizz in the whore as it were.

In response to his words, Cu just chuckled, "You know, I would absolutely pay to see you meet shishou," the blue haired servant responded not turning to look at him, "I can see it now. you'd act all cocky just like you do with me, probably hit on her like you do with the two lasses here because as monstrous as that hag is, in body she's got beauty to put a princess to shame, and then she'd break your legs, it'd be glorious, hah!"

Faeran's eyebrows rose in interest, "Really?" he asked, "But there's some legends that say you were her lover for a bit. Me and you aren't that different, well besides my cock being massive and you having a shrimp dick."

"You're gonna make a lot of enemies with that mouth of yours," Cu shook his head, not even taking offense at all, "And aye, I did lay with shishou a few times, damn near lost my life in the process. Lemme give you some advice from one 'Hercules' to another, if you ever meet her lad, don't try it, it'll seem like a really good idea at the time, but it's really not and you'll regret it."

Now he really had his interest, "What do you mean?" Faeran asked, leaning forward in curiosity.

"Well lemme put it like this," Cu looked over his shoulder and his crimson red eyes were actually dead seriously as they stared into Faeran's own bright blue, "Even you're little inherited twelve lives won't save you. And Shishou apparently became an even bigger monster after I died, I'd run for the hills if she came after me lad."