Before Faeran could ask him to elaborate any further, the sound of groaning to their side drew his attention and he looked over to see Ritsuka sit up and tiredly rub at his eyes.
"Morning master, have a good nap?" Cu stood up from the motorbike dusting his hands off, apparently finished with his inscribing of the runes. He did quick work that was for sure.
"...Caster?" Ritsuka yawned before pulling his hands away from his eyes. He cocked his head to the side and Faeran felt a brief flare of mana from him before the older teen nodded, "Yeah, looks like I'm fine and the rune tattoo's have healed in good, I should be able to use t-" Ritsuka froze and his eyes widening.
"...How did I do that?" He asked himself before grasping the side of his head and wincing lightly, "That was...Structural Analysis?"
"Looks like," Faeran grinned, pride filling him, it seems his little ploy had payed off. See, most magi in general, Shaw and the Morganach family included treated the likes of Reinforcement, Gradiation Air, Structural Analysis and basic beginner spells like that as totally useless. Despite the fact they had such amazing uses. Like Structural Analysis, you didn't have to be an autist like Shirou Emiya who used it alone for like a decade to get a brief detailed overview of anything you used it on - Like say your own body and getting a good look at anything out of place, such as injuries or such in need of treatment, "For curiosity sake, what did you use as the trigger for opening your magic circuits?"
In general, the trigger for the self hypnosis that opened the magic circuits tended to be more or less instinctual and at the same point, tragic. He for instance, instinctually remembered the rev of a bus engine, the engine of the bus that almost killed him when he was only ten years old and destroyed the dream he'd been training for diligently near every day for four years straight, since he was six. Shaw on the other hand, imagined the squeal of a dying hare.
His first and only pet. That his father forced him to kill to prepare him for the life of a magus. God were magi fucked up.
"...An explosion and the ruins of Chaldea.." Ritsuka answered back in a bit of a daze.
Yeah that sounded about right.
"How's your head?" Faeran changed the subject, "The information flowing in all right?" he asked. He had stimulated the knowledge in the command seal, or rather bootleg magic crest now to let the knowledge flow into him while he was asleep.
It should more or less flow into him naturally and let him adapt to it properly and let him treat it as if it was something he always knew. It would just take a little bit of getting used to. But it should be nice and quick regardless.
Ritsuka shook his head and let his lips form into a smile that he directed at both Faeran and Cu, "I'm fine. It's a bit odd suddenly knowing all I do now when I was basically just a normal guy yesterday, but I'm grateful," The older teen lifted his hand up and clenched it into a fist, "With this I won't be a completely useless piece of dead weight dragging you guys down."
Man, Faeran had to admit, Ritsuka was pretty amazing. He was thrown into all this just like Faeran, but unlike him he didn't have the same amazing advantages he did that let him adapt to it all, yet despite all that Ritsuka was doing all he could and not backing down or letting it all get to him.
He must have nerves of steel. Because Faeran was sure if it weren't for Herakles mental abilities, he'd have been freaking out pretty hard at least in the beginning.
"That's the way master, you've got the look of a man about you now," Cu praised him, the blue haired servant walking over to clap him on the shoulder, "Don't forget that recklessness yeah? It's that feeling alone that made heroes in the first place, the root that let us oppose fate."
"...Caster.." Ritsuka stared up into his servants eyes, smile growing at the praise and words of advice.
'Smart words, I think.' Faeran felt something stir and thrum in his chest at the words. 'Herakles?' he wondered. It wasn't really him, but something about those words stirred Herakles within him.
Despite the fact that all logic practically said to not be reckless, that it would just make everything worse if you didn't think things through. Faeran couldn't help but feel they were kind of profound.
After all, what logic was there in this situation?
Heck, if he let logic dictate he wouldn't have had the balls to mess around with Fragarach and all those other Noble Phantasms that once belonged to Gilgamesh.
Ritsuka continued to stare up at Cu, before blinking as he caught sight of what was parked directly behind Cu in the middle of the room, "...Is that a motorcycle?" he asked dumbly, "...Why is it parked in the living room? Actually, why can I sense mana from it?"
"We got bored waiting for you and the others to wake up." Cu shrugged, taking his hand off of his masters shoulder.
"We needed something other to do than drink all of Kotomine's booze and take the piss outta each other," Faeran shrugged in agreement, "I picked this bike up earlier, figured we could work on it a bit and turn it into a mystic code for shits and giggles."
"Aye and it turned out great," Cu thumbed his nose and pointed proudly at the motorbike, "This things easily on the level of the brats axe sword at this point, it may as well be a low level Noble Phantasm at this point with how tough it is."
"Durability wise probably," the Scottish teen hummed, "Fire power wise though? Not quite there. It needs a cool charge attack, like an energy field that when you speed up in it and crash into someone it looks like an energy beam."
Like when Medusa used her Bellorophon. That shit was amazing.
"Eh, the way it works energy, lightning or fire would just screw it over in the end and you'd need to replace it," Cu rejected the notion, "At best I could add a bunch more wind runes and make like a huge like hurricane aura or cloak thing around it, but it'd cost ya' a hefty amount of mana to do."
Faeran's head whipped around to look at the Irish demi-god, "You can do that?" he asked eagerly.
Cu snorted, "Pfft, lad, remember who you're talking to here." he didn't even dignify that question with a proper answer.
"Bitchin', let's do it!" Faeran pumped his fist. He had plenty of od to burn as things were right now. Even with giving up two command seals to Ritsuka and Mash, he still had more than double the amount he had before he yoinked the ones from Kotomine by a decent little margin.
Ritsuka's eyes trailed over to the dozens of empty golden jugs before looking back to them, "You two are drunk and making a mystic code out of modern technology?" he stared at them as if they were idiots, "...I don't even know much about creating mystic codes beyond that Faeran has passed on to me through that command seal, but even I know that's really stupid."
"Haha, don't be such a stick in the mud master!" Cu chortled, "I told you, don't forget to be reckless sometimes right? Besides, I'm a servant and the lad is a freak of nature, even if this blew up we'd be fine!"
"Aye," Faeran nodded sagely, "Besides, we're only tipsy. We're not new to drinking."
"You're only fifteen." Ritsuka deadpanned back at him.
"So? I've been drinking since I was twelve," Faeran didn't see the problem, "And it's not like I've been drinking wimpy stuff like bacardi breezer or anything. I started off on cider and buckfast and even tanned some good bottles of whiskey I got my hands on even then."
Ritsukas sighed, shoulders slumping, apparently giving up on that topic, "...What about me though?" he asked, "I'm not servant or anything like that and I was right here, if it blew up I'd have probably gotten killed or something."
Cu looked straight up at the roof away from his master and began to intently examine the completely white ceiling as if it were incredibly interesting, all the while whistling innocently.
"Oops?" Faeran rubbed the back of his neck and laughed sheepishly. He actually did not think of that all, "My bad mate?"
Ritsuka palmed his forehead, "..You've gotta be kidding me," he groaned, "And I admired you! I thought you were so cool and reassuring with everything you knew and how strong you were."
"...Your sacrifice would have been in honour of badass motorbikes?" Faeran 'comforted' him.
Ritsuka gave him a baleful glare, "No." he denied flatly.
"Oh c'mon mate, I was sure it wouldn't have blown up, it's not like we've tried using the runes yet," Faeran blatantly lied. His shiny new personal skill - Riding: E showed the truth in that statement, "Besides, don't lie, I know you think it's cool as fuck and want to try it out yourself. No guy our age hasn't imagined driving about on a motorbike and picking up some hot ass birds."
Ritsuka opened his mouth to respond, before pausing, his words dying in his throat. Because, as expected, he could not deny that statement. Every guy dreamed of looking cool in front girls at some point, and well there wasn't much cooler to the average teenage male than having a motorbike.
Faeran was an expert on teenage males after all. He was one.
"That's what I thought." Faeran grinned smugly.
"Oh shut up," Ritsuka rolled his eyes as his shoulders slumped in defeat, "It's still not cool that you didn't think of me while working on it you know."
He was not wrong there though.
"Yeah, sorry about that, honestly," Faeran nodded at him, "That was our mistake mate, it won't happen again."
He really did need to work on that whole just battering right in there thing. He'd kinda been doing that a lot since he got here yesterday.
Man he really did use little logic at all didn't he?