Singularity-F 24

"...What?" Olga looked at him in confusion, "What do you mean, you'll take care of it? How will you do that? Unless you mean to tell me you brought along your family fortune with you?"

Faeran focused for a moment and held his right hand out. Light shimmered and a moment later a beautiful golden and black hilted blade appeared in his grasp.

"...One of the Noble Phantasms we found earlier?" Olga blinked, brows furrowing, "Durandal is it not? Truly an amazing weapon, but what good will a sword do?"

It really was an amazing weapon. Just holding it in his hands he could feel that it would never bend nor break in the face of any enemy. A truly reliable companion for a weapon. But it was just that sheer unbreakable sturdiness of Durandal that made it amazing, "Did you know, Durandal has the ability to achieve three miracles?" Faeran said looking her in the eyes with the utmost seriousness, "It's quite similar to a Holy Grail really, it just needs enough power fed into it to accomplish that miracle."

He didn't know how to explain it. But now that he was bound to Durandal, he could just feel what it could accomplish with its miracles. It may be a waste to use a miracle of all things to enhance a girls life span, a girl that he just met today at that. Something that god damn valuable.

But nobody had ever accused Faeran of being the smartest egg in the bunch. And right now, he didn't see the problem in giving up one single miracle for Mash. Rash though it may be. He had enough magical energy that by giving up one miracle of Durandal he should be able to accomplish it.

"Three miracles?!" Olga sputtered, eyes flying wide, "How absurd! And the king of Heroes just tossed it aside as if it were trash!?"

"Yeah, he's a real piece of work that guy." Faeran shook his head and dismissed Durandal, the Noble Phantasm dissipating into motes of light and disappearing.

"...And you'll just use a miracle, something that valuable on Mash, a girl you just met today?" Olga looked at him dubiously.

It was understandable. After all, while a lot more like Rin Tohsaka than your average magus, Olga still had many values of a traditional magus. And with enough power, like say his magic circuits and command seals enhanced by the divinity of Herakles, well with Durandal's miracles, it should be quite possible for him to punch his way straight to the Root. The Akashic Records, the swirl of all creation.

See, the thing was. Faeran was not at all interested in that. Call him stupid, but being exposed to the knowledge of that, well, it would change him. A lot. He wasn't so stupid he didn't know that.

'Ignorance is bliss' is a phrase someone much smarter than him came up with for a reason. It was like how women seemed more beautiful and elegant when you didn't know they pissed, shit and farted just like men and squirted blood from their vagina every month.

And the more you grew up, the less bright the world seemed. And that fact was compounded within his mind from the memories of Shaw.

So yes, fuck the Root.

Faeran grinned at her, "Well, you did say there was a reason I obviously didn't get along with my family," he shrugged and stepped over into the glowing golden magic circle she had created, "Here's one of the reasons. I prioritise people I value over silly things like the Root. And Mash is my servant now. She's worth way more to me than a simple miracle."

...Besides, once they kicked the shit out of Emiya and Saber Alter, there would be a free Holy Grail ripe for the taking, right? After all, according to Cu, it wasn't corrupted here by Angry Mango. How he didn't know, all that mattered to him was that he could use it.

He could just get the Second Magic with it and hop to alternate worlds and hit up Fuyuki after the fourth Grail Wars and collect tons of Durandal's, by the bucket loads even!

He'd collect so many Durandal's he could sword spam them like Gilgamesh did with all his weapons!

'Really, what was I even thinking about earlier? Me, stupid? I'm clearly a fucking genius!' Faeran nodded proudly to himself.

Oddly Olga didn't comment anything else. She just stared at him intently and contemplatively.

Guess the banter ended for now huh? 'Well, it's about time to get down to work I guess anyway.' Faeran mused. Other things could wait, right now he had to focus on what was important.

Making sure they could stomp in Emiya's ass and spank Arturia into giving up the Holy Grail.

He sat down crossed legged in the huge golden magical circle and flipped open his magic circuits, the rev of a bus engine, the engine of the bus that almost killed him when he was a mere ten year old brat and ruined his future career in football and drew upon the magic circle.

Then, he focused on two of the thirty five command seals he had. And then he began the same process Shaw had learned through his family crest, of imparting knowledge and spell triggers into Magic Circuits.

First, was typical basic spell knowledge. The basics of using Magic Circuits. the basics of hypnosis. The basics simple beginner spells like Gradiation Air, Reinforcement, Structural Analysis and such. He put special focus into imbuing the knowledge of Reinforcement, making sure to outline the process properly for using it on the body.

From there he continued on. He moved on to imbuing the process of creating Bounded Fields and the instructions for standard, basic Bounded Fields such as alarm Bounded Fields and barrier variations.

Next, he focused on another important aspect of magecraft. The creation and usage of magic circles, like what Olga had created. And basic variations, including a summoning circle for summoning servants, and while he was at it he added in the knowledge of the summoning chant he was familiar with.

He lost himself in imparting the knowledge, and it felt like hours had passed by time Faeran opened his eyes again.

"Ah.." he winced. His head was absolutely throbbing. But, it wasn't as bad as it could be thanks to the magic circle Olga had provided.

His eyes drifted over to the first pew in front of the altar where the white haired woman was laying across the hard wooden bench, sound asleep.

She looked cold and uncomfortable laying there.

"...Ah I should have grabbed some basic supplies like covers and shit from Rin's or Shirou's." he shook his head. Stupid of him. There went his sudden genius title.

She was gonna get a cold like that man. "Kotomine better have some bedding in this shithole." he groused to himself and made his way over to the door Mash, Ritsuka and Caster Cu had entered through earlier.