Singularity-F 6

What is going on here?" Olga inspected the shield wielding girl with a critical eye, "Mash, you're a Demi-Servant right? I can tell just by looking at you! How? Why has it succeeded now?"

"Director!" The girl, Mash stabbed her shield into the ground and stood at attention in front of the white haired woman, a troubled look appearing on her face a moment later, "As you know Chaldea prepared a servant beforehand in order to resolve Singularity F. Right before I died though, the Heroic Spirit appeared before me and offered me a contract. He would lend me his power and Noble Phantasm as a Heroic spirit and with it, I in return would put an end to the disturbance causing the singularity."

Olga sighed placing her hands on her hips, "I see," she replied before looking to the brown haired boy kneeling on the ground beside the pink haired girl, "And so this commoner has become your master then?"

"..Master?" He looked up giving her a confused look, "..Wait, I'm the Master!? but how!? I don't even know the first thing about magecraft and what's going on, I just got here today!"

I almost winced in sympathy for him. He was way out of his depth here. Hell, I'm out of my depth here.

"Actually, no," the shield wielding girl, Mash shook her head, "Senpai is completely new to all this Director, he was a civilian before all this, he doesn't know how to form a contract yet."

Olga bit her thumb, "I see, understandable I suppose," the white haired woman sighed, shaking her head, "First order of business is teaching him how to make a contract with you though."

Mash nodded, "Yes, as things are, I won't be able to keep up this form for long, my own Od capacity is not great enough to sustain this power for any long period of time." she replied.

Huh, so the Demi-Servant transformation needed to be sustained by magical energy then? In that way, it was wholly inferior to the Class Cards I think.

My eyes drifted to the older teen as he raised his arm and as he did, my eyes landed on the back of his hand. Emblazoned on his skin was a trio of red sigils forming together to look like a shield.

"There's no doubt you're the master mate, these command seals are all the proof needed to show that." I cut in, reaching my hand out to him.

He blinked slowly, before giving a sort of half smile and accepting my offered hand, allowing me to pull him to his feet, "Thanks." he replied gratefully.

But, I wasn't paying attention to him anymore. Not because of anything he done. But, because the second my hand touched his, a burning prickling appeared at the back of my own hand.

My mouth dropped low and my eyes went wide as a trio of red seals burned their way onto the back of my own hand, each in the shape of a blade and spread out like a windmill.


"Command Seals!?" Olga's own eyes went wide with shock.

"Looks like." I nodded slowly, looking my hand over for a moment. How freaky. It felt just like a Magic Crest did, though much more diminished in scope since there was only three of them.

Why the hell did they appear on me though? I suppose technically I could count as the master of Berserker, but is that it?

If nothing else, these made up slightly for not having Shaw's Magic Crest. Strictly speaking even without the Magic Crest and these, my Od capacity was higher than Shaw's was even when he had the Class Card.

Simply speaking, my own magic circuits are of higher quality than his own were. His own output was massive thanks to Herakles divinity enhancing his magic circuits. But my own magic circuits, come from a combination of Shaw's soul added to my own, and then enhanced with Herakles Divinity.

And my output compared to Shaw's before he got the Class Card, well, to be frank, there wasn't even a contest. There was such a large gulf between our max capacities that it was like comparing a bucket to a lake. That was how absurdly powerful Divinity was.

"Um Director, sorry to interrupt, but who is this boy?" Mash asked breaking me from my thoughts, "I don't recognise him from Chaldea. And I feel the same kind of feeling as a servant from him."

Olga shook her head, her long white hair shimmering back and forth, "This is an ally I made upon landing here, his name is Faeran Morganach, he is in a somewhat similar but apparently quite different position from you," she explained and crossed her arms, "I owe my life to him and he has agreed to be our ally."

"I see," Mash nodded before smiling brightly at me and bowing her head, "It's nice to meet you senpai, I hope we can get along."

"Senpai?" My eyebrow rose. I examined her body for a moment, my eyes particularly straying to her quite large chest, just as big, if not bigger than Olga's own, "Aren't you older than me?" I asked.

"Ah," her master gave a sheepish laugh, "Mash has a bit of an odd way of defining her senpai's, apparently she considers all people her senpai?"

"Well, it's fine," I shrugged. Well, not really, it was weird, but I didn't really care, "It's technically applicable right? We're both merged with Heroic Spirits, though in different ways from what I gather and I got mine before you."

"You're a Demi-Servant too?" the older boy gasped in surprise, before blinking in some form of realisation, "Oh wait, I forgot. I'm Ritsuka, Fujimaru Ritsuka, it's nice to meet you! Thanks for helping us out." he introduced himself, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.

Before I could reply, a silver bracelet around his arm lit up and began to beep loudly.

A second later, a blue light was emitted from the bracelet, forming into a holographic screen projecting the image of a slender orange haired man dressed in green and white.