Singularity-F 7

"Doctor Roman!" Ritsuka exclaimed eyes going wide before a large smile formed on his face.

"I finally got through! Fujimaru-kun, Mash Can you guys hear me?" He called out worriedly, only for his eyes to widen as they looked directly at the white haired woman a few feet away from me, "Ah! D-director! You're alive!?" he cried in shock.

"Never mind that Romani!" Olga stomped forward up to the holographic screen and glared at the orange haired man, "Why are you the head of the medical section in that chair!? Where is Lev!?" she demanded.

The orange haired Roman's shoulders slumped, "..Professor Lev..he was right in the middle of the explosion, we haven't found even a hair of him," he reported solemnly, "I can't see any hope of his survival."

Olga's lips trembled, "Ah...uh..." she staggered back a bit in shock, "..No.." she whispered to herself, voice distraught.

Roman visibly grit his teeth, "The reason I've been trusted with command is that there is nobody left here that outranks me director." he pushed on and reported.

Olga looked up, "..What...what about the master candidates? What happened to the forty seven in the rayshift coffins?" she asked. Yet, there was no hope in her voice, I could hear the resignation forming in it already.

Honestly, she looked a single step away from breaking down in tears.

Roman closed his eyes and shook his head despairingly, "They're all in critical condition and Chaldea has lost eighty percent of all functions," the orange haired man revealed, "..At this rate-

Before he could finish Olga shook her head and glared at him, "Don't be foolish!" she cut him off angrily, "Transfer them to cryopreservation immediately! Above all else the lives of the master candidates are the most important thing here, they are the hope of humanity!"

Huh. 'Well she's not the director for nothing I guess.' I found myself smiling. She's quite impressive holding up so well here. I definitely wouldn't be holding up nearly as well in her shoes without my Vitality and Indomitable skills.

"I'll do it at once!" Roman saluted, shooting up from his chair and rushing off. As he did, the holographic call ended and faded away.

"Why didn't he do that in the first place before trying to call?" I couldn't help but wonder. Panic maybe? I'd give him the benefit of the doubt I guess, though it was still pretty damn stupid.

Olga didn't respond to me and gave a shuddering breath, her shoulders shaking as she lowered her face into her palms, "As long as they don't die, this can all be justified later," she said, mostly to herself, "I can't possible carry the burden of forty seven lives on my back." she sobbed lightly.

"..Director.." Mash frowned, eyeing her in worry.

I sighed looking at the white haired woman. That really was quite the burden to be carrying. I felt sorry for her having to go through this. Stepping forward, I reached up and placed my palm gently on top of her head and ruffled her hair, "Calm down Olga, it's not the end of the world just yet." I said gently.

As soothingly as a piece of shit like me could really.

She froze for a moment and looked up from her hands, tears in the corner of her eyes, "...Faeran?"

I plastered a grin on my face, "Don't forget you've got me helping you out here and I have all the power of Herakles at my disposal, the greatest hero to ever come from the Greeks." I boasted.

I may have been wary of Emiya, but I am in no way afraid of him and I know what to expect from him unlike Shaw. and I have Mash and that shield of hers backing me up. With him out of the way, I'm confident I can handle anything else that pops up here.

She stared up into my eyes for a moment, before taking another deep shuddering breath and wiping her eyes, "...Yes...yes, what am I doing, it's too quick to despair!" she scolded herself indignantly. There was a blaze in her eyes now, that quickly disappeared as she looked to the side, cheeks turning pink, "...Still, thank you Faeran." she added, voice going very soft.

So soft I almost didn't hear it. so she was the easily embarrassed type? how cute.

I was going to tease her a bit, but I paused. A pressure formed at the back of my head and I scowled. This feeling, I know it. I'd felt it as soon as Archer attacked me. was a bit different from how he felt.

Mash must have sensed it too because she pulled her shield free from the ground and whirled around holding it at the ready, "Enemy presence detected, I think it's a servant!" she reported.

"I think you're right." I confirmed. And they were approaching at quite the speed.

"Another one, already?!" Olga shouted in frustration while Ritsuka just looked completely lost.

"Director, orders?" Mash asked.

Olga looked at Ritsuka and grit her teeth, "We don't have time for you to form a contract, let's retreat for now!" she replied.

Good enough for me. Honestly, I'd much prefer to go find a base of operations to hide out for a day or two and get a grip on things fully. There were a lot of options for me to pursue right now to maximize my chances of victory.

I reached over and wrapped my arm around Olga's waist, drawing a yelp from the attractive woman as I lifted her up over my shoulder, "Again? At least let me know in advance Faeran!" she complained.

"You grab him and let's go." I ordered Mash while nodding at Ritsuka.

"Right!" Mash nodded, dismissing her shield and copying me, scooping up Ritsuka and ignoring any of his complaints to throw him over her shoulder.

And then together we turned and sprinted off at top speed in the opposite direction of the servant rushing us.

As we ran a thought occurred to me, "It'll take a while for Ritsuka to learn how to form a servant contract right?" I spoke up as we ran. Among other things he'd have to memorize the entire chant and figure out how to extend his magical energy out to Mash to initiate the contract.

"That's right!" Olga replied and I felt her nodding her head against my shoulder, "So we should find somewhere to set up base for now to hide away. Once Mash has a contract and can be supplied magical energy, then we can begin investigating Singularity F in full!"

Pretty standard and straight forward. But, I had another idea, "I agree with finding a place to work as our base for now to work out of," I nodded in agreement, "But as far as contracts go, I have command seals myself now, why don't I form a contract with Mash?"

"Senpai?" Mash running at my side looked over in confusion.

Olga was silent for a moment before crying out, "Of course! You obviously would know how to make a contract easily yourself and we can immediately get Mash at full fighting power if she contracts with you," the white haired woman said, "And that even leaves Fujimaru open to contract with any other servant we can possibly ally with, it's perfect."

"Right?" I grinned. Then I looked to the side into Mash's eyes, "You up for it Mash?"

Mash stared at me for a moment before nodding, "Yes senpai, if it will help complete the mission I will gladly form a contract with you." she replied.

Perfect. And it killed tow birds with one stone. Not only did it get Mash at full power ready to back me up, it also got me a cute girl as a servant.

What? I know what I'm about. And I'm a sucker for a pretty face and a nice rack. I know I wouldn't so easily getting into fights with actual servants for Olga, if she wasn't as beautiful as she was.

I flipped my magic circuits on and extended my od out towards Mash, "Let silver and steel be the essence. Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation. I shall be the one you pay tribute to!" I began chant, "Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall. Let the four cardinal gates close. Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate!"

With the full force of my od being spread out, a massive raging aura of magical power spread out around me like a raging bonfire.

"Let it be declared now; your flesh shall serve under me, and my fate shall be with your sword. Submit to the beckoning of the Holy Grail. Answer, if you would submit to this will and this truth!" I continued on, "An oath shall be sworn here. I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven; I shall have dominion over all evils of all of Hell!"

I extended my hand out towards Mash, "From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three great words of power, In accordance with the approach of the Holy Grail, if you abide by this feeling, this reason, then answer!" I declared.

"Yes! I Servant Shielder accept this contract. My shield is your shield, and my fate is your fate Master!" Mash smiled brightly at me and accepted.

A connection formed within me and I felt the mind of Mash press up against my own. And as the connection solidified, so to did Mash's strength. The raging aura of od disappeared from around me, and an aura of strength that Mash seemed to lack before now exuded from her.

"Now you feel like a proper servant Mash!" Olga cheered from my shoulder.

That she did. Get fucked Emiya.