Singularity-F 5

They were aimed at something thousand or so feet up the road that I couldn't make out. "What the hell is he aiming at?" I wondered.

Olga though gasped, "...If I ended up here....then surely the Chaldea Masters did as well!" she said in realisation, horror filling her voice. She turned to me then, eyes wide and pleading, "Please, I know I have little right to ask you of this, but I implore you to save them, if we lose the Chaldea Masters all of humanity will be doomed!"

You know, I'm so not the hero type. Sure, I don't mind helping people out, and I'm not a prick that likes to see people suffer and will lend a hand when I can. but I'm not that altruistic.

Every fibre of me being did not want to do this. Getting tangled up with Emiya right now is totally suicide. Not only is he my natural enemy right now with God Hand weakened, but my own weapon is troublesome to use against a guy like him.

It's simply too big. I'm not Herakles. I've grown a few inches since I ended up here due to the merging, but even still the axe sword is as long as I am tall. I'm not a ten foot mountain of muscle, I can't swing it around as naturally as Herakles could.

Against someone like Emiya while it's in my hands? It's a horrible weapon. But, if that prick does kill these masters that are so important, I might be fucked anyway. My only option with them dead, would then be to try and jump worlds with the Morganach family magic, but again, who knows what world I could end up in?

I could end up in the fucking Reverse Side Of The World and get my ass smoked by Phantasmal Beasts or a God or something.

'Fuck it!' I ground my teeth. If I save the masters, they can summon a servant to help me fuck Emiya up.

And I really wanna punch that smug white haired cunt in the face. It'll be cathartic after being shishka bobbed by his younger counterpart using his Class card.

It may have been Shaw, but I fucking have all those memories. Not pleasant mother fucker.

"Hang on." I said and swept Olga back up again, ignoring her protests and swung her over my shoulder.

Then I reinforced myself to the limit and done the same for the axe sword. 'God damnit, couldn't I get just a day or two to make a plan?' I complained inwardly.

I was sure I could puzzle out Mana Burst given some time. The application of it was simple in comparison to Reinforcement and I have Herakles instincts backing me up, I could totally do it.

But nope. My damn luck stat has to be lying, right?

I leapt through the air, Olga hanging on for dear life. I was briefly worried that my sheer speed would be bad for her, but put it out of mind. Ilya rode on Herakles shoulder when he was fighting, she should be fine!

My bare feet left craters in the road as I rushed at top speed towards the arrows. And while for some it would take some time.

I closed five hundred feet in a matter of a few scant seconds.

In a few more seconds, the target of the rain of glowing arrows came in to sight.

But, despite my imagination at there being multiple masters. There was instead only two people. And only one of them was a master, surely.

An older brown haired boy alongside a small white dog thing sat huddled beneath a curvaceous pink haired girl dressed in skimpy armour, a massive cross shaped shield held out in front of her and easily repelling Emiya's arrows.

A shield Noble Phantasm? First I'd seen one of those beyond the fucking shield Emiya had. The flower conjuring piece of shit.

And maybe Avalon, but that was a sheath really. Did transferring the user to another dimension briefly count as a shield actually? Considering it let Saber beat Gilgamesh and Ea, I was willing to give it the benefit of the doubt.

As I closed in on their position, the rain of arrows from Emiya immediately puttered out and came to a stop.

'Shit yourself with two servants knowing your position, huh?' I smothered a grin.

"Senpai, are you okay?" the shield wielding girl whirled around and stared down at the older boy worriedly.

"Ah..yeah..I'm fine.." he looked up at her dizzily.

Her eyes widened and whirled around just as we landed in front of her, her shield hefted at the ready to block me. But I just raised one hand up placatingly, "We're here to help." I said.

While I'd love to punch Emiya in the face. This girl is totally cute, and with a great body too. I don't wanna punch her in the face unless I have to.

"Rea-" the pink haired servants eyes lit up and she made to respond.

But before she could, the white haired woman atop my shoulder wriggled out of my grasp and landed on her feet, "Mash!" she shouted, eyes going wide with delight, before pausing and frowning at the dazed boy beside her, "Master Candidate 48, what are you doing here?!"

"Fou!" the puffy white little dog took that moment to chirp in helpfully.

Well spoken little fluffy thing. But, this thing is kind of familiar to me for some reason. Where the hell have I seen it before?

I shook my head and put it out of mind as Olga began to speak to her subordinates, my eyes taking in the form of 'Mash' appreciatively. 'So this is one of the servants Chaldea has then? I've never heard of anyone in history called Mash before, hell the only thing I can remembered called that is that old comedy army show my grandparents used to watch.'

Actually, now that I think about. Why the hell did they summon Da Vinci? That's the dude who painted the Mona Lisa right? How the fuck did that guy qualify to be a Heroic Spirit? And how the hell would he be useful in a fight?

I gave Olga a pitying look that she was unable to see right now. Poor girl. It really was a piece good luck for her that she ended up running in to me. Otherwise she'd end up taking on the likes of Gilgamesh with Da Vinci who would probably try and slap him with huge paint brush or something.

Well, I suppose if anything else, they might defeat Gilgamesh just through him laughing himself to death.