Singularity-F 4

She stared up at me, wide eyed in shock, "Who...who are you?" the white haired woman asked, staring up at me in a bit of a yellow eyed daze.

Huh you know, now that I'm up close to her, I've gotta admit, this is one hot lady. Even through those completely non flattering clothes she was wearing I could make out quite the stacked body, nice. And I'm digging the hair. A lovely pure white with a single braid hanging down the side of her head.

She was definitely exotic, that was for sure. And If I wasn't sure of it before, I was now. Only in Type Moon will you find a woman like this.

I opened my mouth to respond, before pausing and thinking for a moment, "Faeran," I dipped my head lightly in greeting as I introduced myself, "Faeran Morganach." I'd pay this much tribute to Shaw even though I don't give a shit for his family.

Her eyes somehow went wider, "Morganach, the middle class family from Scotland?" she gasped.

Huh, so Shaw's family was around in this world too? Good to know, "That's the one," I nodded, "What about you? Can I have the name of the pretty lady I just rescued."

She closed those lovely yellow eyes of hers and took a deep breath, and when she opened them again, her gaze had hardened and the terror and shock had left her, "I am Olga-Marie Animusphere, charmed." the white haired woman replied, standing up and holding her hand out daintily towards me, the back of her hand facing me.

Ew, noble manner crap. Well, whatever. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and gently grasped her hand, lifting it up to press my lips against it before pulling back, and as I did, I blinked, her name registering in my head, "Animusphere, like the Clock Tower Lord?" I asked to confirm. I'd have had no idea who they were if not for Shaw's memories, but the Animusphere family of magi were apparently pretty big deals.

One of the twelve highest ranking families of the Clock Tower.

Her chest puffed up with pride, "The very same," she nodded, before eyeing frowning and eyeing my bare chest, "...How did you accomplish this though? As far as I'm aware the Morganach family has done no research into servants and they definitely don't have the ability to create a Demi Servant, never mind the fact why you're here in the first place."

Demi Servant? I've no idea what the hell that is, and it's the first time I've heard anything like that. Even with my knowledge of now three different universes with the Holy Grail War and different ways of going about it.

Was I wrong in my thoughts earlier? Is this actually a different world entirely from the main three routes? I resisted the urge to click my tongue.

There's way to much going on here that I don't know about, it's gonna make me antsy at this rate.

"Not quite, though given the name alone I can make a decent guess on it being close enough," I shrugged, letting the axe sword dissipate into motes of light, "Let's just say I'm not from around here and where I come from, the Holy Grail War is a bit weird."

"...From around here?" she narrowed her eyes at me, before sighing and shaking her head, "It doesn't matter, after all, neither am I. If I'm correct, this is Singularity F, 2004 the city of Fuyuki."

"It's definitely Fuyuki," I nodded, "But what the heck is a Singularity? As far as I'm aware, the Lesser Grail has already been taken to summon the Greater Grail and someone might have fucked over the entire world with a wish."

Olga sighed, rubbing her forehead, "It's a lot to explain, but if this is the Singularity, then it will be impossible to fix things without a servant, and you're my only option right now," she explained, sounding annoyed and frustrated. Well, glad for the vote of confidence. Is she the Rin of this universe or something? "To get right down to the point, I am the director and leader of the Chaldea Security Division, a division formed specifically by the Clock Tower for the express purpose of resolving mistakes in the timeline that would spell the end for humanity."

...Time Travel? Are you kidding me? "So you're a time traveller more or less," I frowned myself, mind racing, not even I could pull something like that. I could only touch on the barest minorities of the second magic by using a spell researched by the Morganach magi family for hundreds of years, backed by the full divine power of one of the strongest demi gods to ever exist, "But how, that should be impossible, nothing but a True Magic should be capable of something of that scale, that or..."

"Or a wish from the Holy Grail," Olga smiled at me, nodding proudly, "In two thousand and four, my father the former head and creator of Chaldea won the Holy Grail War and it was through those efforts our organization came into existence. Yet here we are, in two thousand and four by my reckoning, in a place that doesn't exist where I come from and the place of a Holy Grail War that my father never competed in."

What? My head was beginning to spin here.

So not just time travel, but dimension hopping as well. You've got to be fucking with me. She better not be telling me that I've been dragged into a Fate Multiverse universe.

Fuck that. Even just the normal routes are complete death worlds with world ending evil gods chilling in holy wishing artefacts and the likes of a smug blonde jackass with a drill sword that could erase the planet from existence at his whim.

...But wait, I've heard something like this before right, though a bit different. Yeah, from Apocrypha. If Shirou Kotomine's wish went through, all living races would have stagnated and the timeline itself would have been pruned or something like that, disposed of either way.

'Is it something like that?' I wondered.

"The full specifics do not matter and will take too much time to fully explain," Olga broke me from my thoughts, crossing her arms and looking me dead in the eye, "I thank you for saving me Faeran, but I must ask. Will you aid me in fixing this singularity and saving humanity from extinction?"

I really wanted to say no. You're kidding right. I was fine for hunting down Gilgamesh, I had a plan for that. But this is looking like some universal extinction shit.

But, shit, what option is there? Without Zelretch around, and he's never around when you need him, my only option for getting out of here is pulling the same stunt that Shaw tried.

And who knows where I'll end up with that. It's not like I can peer into other universes and pick them out or lock on to them or anything.

Fuck, I'm up shit creek without a paddle aren't I? 'Fucking Shaw! Fucking Julian!' god I swear if I ever end up back in Shaw's home world I'm gonna tear that nancy boy in half and shit down his fucking throat for this.

"Well, that's really something I can't say no to now, isn't it?" I shrugged, plastering a grin on my face and rubbing my neck as I agreed.

"Splendid," Olga smiled brightly, clapping her hands together, "Now you said something about where the Greater Gr-"

The white haired beauty was cut off by the sound of a massive series of whistling noises shrieking through the air.

She looked up, yellow eyes widening with fright and my senses went haywire. An instant later I scooped her up in a bridal carry and got right out of dodge in a massive blur of speed just in time to avoid a barrage of glowing arrows slamming in to our previous spot and erupting into a massive explosion that tore apart multiple five story buildings as if they were paper mache.

As I looked over my shoulder though, my eyes narrowed. One projectile still remained, a glowing, roaring red comet that was chasing after me.

'It's Hrunting!' I realised. And there's only one fucker who turns swords into arrows and fires them at people.

Fucking Emiya Shirou! Are you shitting me right now!? That guy just wasted my ass less than two hours ago and he's here coming to kill me again!?

As I am now he's my worst opponent!

I flipped on my magic circuits, the rev of a bus engine roaring in my ears and instantly reinforced myself to the limit. I sped up, getting a bit of distance from the savage sword turned arrow trying to hunt me.

"What is that?!" Olga panicked in my arms, looking over my shoulder. Before yelping as I hefted her into one arm and over my shoulder.

"A Noble Phantasm!" I replied with a growl spinning around, my bare feet grinding across the red hot asphalt. If it weren't for my sheer durability the soles of me feet would have been torn open. With a thought, the axe sword appeared in my free hand.

"What!?" she screamed.

I ignored her and with a roar, swung out my blade just as Hrunting caught up. A split moment later, they clashed and the force of my blow tossed Hrunting back through spiralling through the air.

It only went back a few dozen feet at most before it erupted outwards in a massive explosion of magical energy though.

A second later the explosion washed over our position, but we were no longer there.

We were a hundred feet down the road and atop a shopping centre building overlooking the explosion. 'It might not be a dragon core, but this isn't too shabby either.' I smirked.

"...So this is the true power of a servant," Olga stared open mouthed at the destruction wrought by Hrunting. In the middle of the street, there was now a fifty foot deep crater glowing with molten red veins of heat, "How terrifying. Neither Mash nor Da Vinci have anything like this."

"Not even close," I snorted, "If that was all I had to worry about I'd go kick that guys ass right now. But just shooting Hrunting as an arrow at us amongst a barrage? That's this guy playing with the kiddie gloves."

He was totally testing me out. If he was really going for the kill with a sniper shot, he'd have went with Caladbolg I'm thinking. That's what all the instinct of Herakles is telling me right now.

"We're up against Beowulf then?" Olga's wide eyes snapped to mine.

"Nope, this is just an asshole servant with the ability to copy any weapon he lays his eyes on and project them to use himself, even Noble Phantasms." I shrugged. It was weird though.

Why did he stop shooting this way? We're still in plain view right? Is he flanking us perhaps?

And beyond all that. Why the fuck is Emiya still around at this point? If something is going on that could threaten all of humanities existence, shouldn't he be taking care of it since he's one of Alaya's dogs?

"Projection, you can't be serious!" she spluttered.

Before I could reply, the horizon lit up once again with a rain of glowing arrows. But weirdly enough, they weren't aimed at me and my pretty white haired companion.