Singularity-F 3

The massive forest that I knew was spread around the Einzbern Castle? It was gone, completely and utterly. All that remained was charcoaled tree remains and seared and burnt grass.

The sky was pitch black, filled with roiling dark clouds. A thick heavy smog breached all the way to those black clouds and in the distance I could see Fuyuki City, but, it was a desolate place, not a single light in sight, just a vast ruin of destroyed buildings and raging flames spread about all over the city, some so high they were smouldering over buildings skyscrapers themselves.

...Have I ended up in some horrible bad end?

I worked my jaw back and forth a bit, before narrowing my eyes and stomping down the stairs and beginning my long trek to Fuyuki City.

"It looks like the fucking apocalypse rolled over here." I ground my teeth. It was probably only thanks to Herakles mental personal skills and maybe even a little Mad Enhancement that I wasn't utterly bat shit terrified right now. Because Fuyuki looked fucking terrifying right now. It looked like something right out of a horror movie.

'Are you kidding me?' I huffed internally. I thought my luck was really high thanks to Herakles! You'd think I had the fucking luck of a Lancer with this shit!

Why couldn't I have been dropped in the Unlimited Blade Works good ending, and then I could have just popped up behind Gilgamesh when he was trying to drag Shirou along with him and rip his head off. Easy and simple, see.

There ain't nothing easy and simple about what I fucking see right now! And to make matters worse, I'm stomping through this burnt forest in nothing but a metal armoured sk- kilt, a metal armoured kilt!

Rocks and ashes dug into my feet, but I felt no pain despite my annoyance with it all. I was just that sturdy as I am now.

Honestly, I could literally hulk jump from here to Fuyuki if I wanted, shoot a thousand feet through the air and not take any damage at all. That's how absurdly durable Herakles was even with a two rank decrease in his abilities.

It was still annoying though.

"You know what, fuck this!" I ground my teeth, frustration getting the better of me a few moments later. I kicked off the ground, leaping high into the air and shot towards Fuyuki.

I crossed a hundred feet in a single bounding jump. And then I did it again, and again and bunny hopped my way to the city, and when I reached the end of the forest I launched myself high up into the air, straight into the city itself.

I slammed hard onto the road of one street a few moments later, my impact so powerful the ground buckled underneath my feet and spiderweb cracks spread about.

On instinct, I stepped to the side, just in time for a sword to slash through my previous position.

"Tktktktktk!" glowing red eyes peered out at me from a bone white skull, a skeleton stood before me brandishing a long blade at me

"A dragon tooth warrior?" I wrinkled my brow in thought for a moment as dozens of weapon wielding skeletons swarmed out into the street from the alleyways and rushed me.

"No wait," I said to myself, shaking my head as I examined them a little closer, "They look more like human skeletons." I noticed.

Just in time for a battle axe to smash into my neck from the side. The blade of the weapon crumpled against me.

"Yeah, how about no." I snorted drily, lashing out with a backhand that caught the skeleton in the jaw before it could do anything else and ground it into powdered shards from the sheer force of the blow.

No normal weapon could stand up against a Noble Phantasm. And my very skin is the God Hand.

I cracked my neck and then my fingers as the skeletons attacked me. Weapons swung at me from all angles, only to be rebuffed off of me as if they had smashed into a wall of titanium.

I lashed out and grabbed one by the skull, my palm wrapping around its face. And then I squeezed and a loud crunch echoed as I crushed its hand with my bare fingers, "I could use some good stress release right now." A sigh of relief exited my nostrils.

There's nothing quite like hitting things for stress relief after all.

I wish I could say that fighting the skeletons perked my mood up.

But it didn't. Sure, if I was the me of before just one would have killed me, but now, I may as well have been fighting some wet paper towels for all the ability they had to hold up against my blows and deal damage to me.

Honestly, I wish I could even just marvel at the fact that I just got through fighting magically animated skeletons, but I'm so over this shit right now. The mental and physical skills of Herakles enhancing me and the memories of Shaw just made them all seem so...trash, bottom of the barrel, low tier.

I tore through the dozens of skeletal warriors in less than thirty seconds. "What a waste of time." I sighed, rubbing my forehead.

What do I even do from here? Head to the Tohsaka Mansion, the Emiya Mansion? The..Matou?

I highly doubt they're still standing. And what the hell happened to cause all this anyway? Did Gilgamesh win and make his wish? Did some idiot wish for something that caused this to happen? Did Angra Mainyu get incarnated?

"If Fuyuki is in this state, I doubt Shirou or Rin are still alive." I groaned. That was disappointing. At least if they were around, I'd have somewhere to go, and Rin was hot, so she'd definitely make things more bearable, at least aesthetically.

I shook my head and eyed the mountain in the distance, where the Ryuudou Temple stood, or at least whatever was left of it with the city in this state.

That mountain was where the Greater Grail should manifest at the completion of the Holy Grail War, right? Then If I head up there I might be able to find something.

I stepped forward a- "Why does these kinds of things always happen to me!" a female voice screamed, echoing out from a street a a large building over.

My eyes widened slightly, before I turned and quickly jumped up on top of the building and peered down at the street.

My gaze settled on the form of an attractive white haired woman in clear magus attires, stuck on her knees in the middle of the blazing broken street.

She had one hand pointed out, all fingers facing out in a knife hold and a split moment later a barrage of red spheres of magic energy formed and fired out, blitzing through the air like bullets towards a dozen or so armed skeletons chasing after her.

Three of the skeletons took the Gandr curses, one to the face, and the two others in the chest and were blown apart, but they were the only ones and the other skeletal warriors quickly fanned out around her and rushed her from all sides.

She fired wildly at all in sight, but couldn't aim properly, wild and panicked as she was and I caught sight of one skeleton climb its way on top of a lamp post to take her from above.

"Tktktktktktktktktk!" its bones chattered and it threw itself down towards the white haired woman.

She caught sight of it and locked up, "Help me Lev!" she screamed in terror.

Before the skeleton could cleave her in twain with its sword, it shattered apart when my fist smashed into its torso and blew it apart.

I landed a moment later beside her and her pretty yellow eyes went wide. The Skeletons swarmed from all sides, but they never got close. With a thought, the massive axe sword shimmered into existence in my hand and I spun around in a blur of god speed, the axe blade cleaving through every single one of them in a few instant moments before they could get close.

"You alright?" I asked her, trying to smile at her, but no doubt smiling cockily. I couldn't help it though. Because god damn, I bet I looked so fucking cool right now.

At least something good came from this utter bullshit of a situation.