An Orphan

The sky was clear.

It was unusually lively in the Mary's Orphanage. There are a lot of children who were trying to look their best and came forward to welcome the guests. Many wanted to be adopted.

A teenager stood at the back with laidback expression. Her jet black hair fluttered along with the wind while her jade eyes were staring at the younger children with disinterest. Her posture made her look like a wild young girl.

"Ann," a soothing voice called from the side.

The teenager raised her head and looked at the person who came. She arched her eyebrows lazily. "What is it, Monet."

"Geez, why do you always look so lazy?" The girl who came, Monet, let out a faint laugh. She crossed her hand. "Even though you've just been transferred here a month ago, it didn't mean that you should do nothing and just relax like there's nothing important."

"You're asking me to play with them?" Ann arched her eyebrows. "I'm not a kid."

Monet looked at Ann, who was still leaning on the chair lazily. Even though Ann didn't do anything, there was kind of aura around her body that seemed to tell other people that she was not one to be messed with. Her upturned lips and lazy look caused her look rather cool and wild.

If only Ann was a man, Monet swore that Ann would not lack suitors at all.

This year, Ann was 17 years old. Monet didn't know much about Ann but she heard that her record showed that she had been staying in a rather remote orphanage. Since no one adopted her up until this age, she had started to work various kind of odd jobs. It was only because the orphanage was closed that Ann was transferred here.

Just one more year and Ann would be an adult, so she was naturally lazy to do anything right now.

"The Davis Family come today."

"Davis?" Ann tilted her head. The corner of her lips curled up slightly. "I heard that Davis is one of the few powerful family in Compel City?"

The city where they stayed was called Compel City. It was one of the few biggest cities in this country. There were a few families who were powerful here, one of them was Davis Family.

Monet nodded. "Yeah, when you got transferred here, I heard that they're approaching the director in order to be able to adopt you. I'm rather surprised that such a powerful family take a fancy on you."

"Adopt me?" Ann sneered. "They're not pitying me, Monet."


Ann didn't answer and only lazily stood up. "The directors had no reason to reject free money. I'll go inside and pack up."

"Hey, I didn't say that you'll definitely be adopted." Monet was stunned.

"Better be prepared."

Hearing that lazy and careless remark, Monet was speechless. She stood stiffly on her place while her eyes were looking towards the direction where Ann left. This was the first time she saw Ann did something.

For the past one week or so, Monet was the one who assigned the chore for Ann. No matter what type of chore it was, Ann always managed to finish everything splendidly at the shortest time possible. It made her slightly wonder just how many odd jobs that Ann had done.

Ann walked into the house in an unhurried step. The children were all waving at her when they saw her and she replied with a nod.

'Davis Family, huh? Finally, they took the bait.'

Steeping into her room, Ann looked at her bed and took out the backpack that she had already prepared beforehand. There were not many items inside and no one aside from her would be able to use it. Thus, Ann was not worried about leaving these things around carelessly.

Knock! Knock!

"Ann, are you there? Monet told me that you're in the room."

"Mhm, what is it?"

"The director is looking for you."

"Got it." Ann took her bag and walked out of the room. She silently wondered how the director would act this time when he found a large cash cow standing in front of him and got an offer that he would never be able to reject in his entire life.

That would be an interesting show.

In another place.

"Sir, we got report that that Davis Family is going to the orphanage."

"Orphanage?" A man asked in languid tone. His long and slender fingers tapped on the table as his chair turned around. His dark eyes looked at his assistant as he arched his eyebrows. "What is their plan this time? Taking a child."

"Apparently, there's a new orphan taken into the orphanage and she has the blood type AB Rh negative." The assistant sounded helpless when he talked about this matter.

The man didn't say anything and leaned on the chair. The corner of his lips curled up to form a smile. "I see."

"Sir, do you want us to stop it?"

"There's no need." The man waved his hand. He tapped his fingers on the table in a different rhythm. "I want to see what the Davis Family has in store."

"Yes, Sir."