A Little Tail


The mop that they carried hit the ground as Ann evaded to the side. Her jade like eyes deepened as she swiftly changed her position and stretched her hand. Before the first boy could react, she had already strangled his neck.


"Little boys should just stay at home obediently," Ann said with a smile then threw the boy as if she was throwing a sack of feather.


Looking at the rest of the boys, Ann cracked her fist. "Now, it's your turn."




Before long, the group of menacing boys had turned into a group of wailing boys on the ground. With a punch or a kick, they were down so quickly that Ann felt bored. She really felt that she was bullying little brats.

At this time, she completely forgot that they were the same age as hers.


Ann turned around and saw Reynard stood there with stupefied expression. His jaw was wide open that an egg might be able to fit in while his eyes were shining as if he had seen the best treasure in the world.

That made Ann felt that he was a bit dangerous.



Evading to the side, Ann watched as Reynard tripped on the leg of one of the wailing boys on the ground. She looked at him coldly. "What are you doing?"

"I want to have you as my master!" Reynard said excitedly. He was thinking of going home quickly but didn't expect to see a group of students coming here. Just a he was thinking that he should give them a lesson so that they would not follow Celeste so blindly, he saw a spectacular scene.

Several boys were beaten up senseless by a young girl!

How could he not be amazed?

Thus, he decided that he would make Ann as his master no matter how much time it would take.

"You can definitely beat them up too." Ann snorted. She had seen his movement and knew that he practiced martial arts. If he wanted to, he would be able to beat them up so easily even without her teaching him anything.

There was really no need for him to take her as his master.

Reynard pursed his lips. "But your moves are more standard! I never know that you can defeat your opponent with such little force like that! There's not even any mark on your hand."

'That's because these brats are too weak.'

Of course, Ann definitely couldn't say that unless she was searching for trouble. Right now, she was still thinking for a method to make sure that she could shoo Reynard away. She didn't want to have any relationship with this brat.

"I'm not interested."

"I want you to be my master."


"I want you to be my master."


"Please, Master~."


Ann felt a bit helpless as she noticed a tail that was following her as she walked to the other district. He looked at her with aggrieved expression as if he was an abandoned puppy. However, that image certainly didn't suit his identity as the young master of Sall Family and also the school bully.

Sall Family.

If she was not wrong, Sall Family was one of the few other influential families in Compel City. It was slightly better than Davis Family, but because the two families were not exactly working in the same field, it was hard to say which family was actually better.

Just as Ann was pondering, she arrived in the store that she wanted to visit.