15. Sall Family Information

"What the hell is this?" Charles was absolutely speechless when he saw the boxes that Ann hadn't brought up.

"Your new sister bought it." John Davis rubbed his forehead. He could imagine that the others would definitely make fun of him when they found out about this matter. it would be better if they didn't hear about it.

Charles pursed his lips and he crossed his arms in indignation. "I don't have any new sister!"

John Davis looked at his son then shook his head silently. He knew that Charles wouldn't be able to accept Ann so quickly, but he needed them to accept her for the time being. "Just bear with her."

"I don't want to! And what's with these lousy items? It's far from being able to describe the real werewolves!"

"Charles Davis!"

Hearing his father calling him with his full name, Charles stopped shouting. He could see the warning that his father showed through his eyes. For a moment, he was sure that his father's eyes turned into a vertical slit.

He knew that whenever it happened, it meant that his father was so angry that it might be possible for him to be punished so badly that even his mother wouldn't recognize him afterwards.

Thus, Charles shut his mouth.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

Ann walked down the stairs calmly. She watched their interaction with slight amusement that was concealed. Even though she would like to see more, it would be impossible that they would come into blows when there were outsiders around.

"Are you interested in these too, Charles?"

"Who will be interested in these cheap things?" Charles snapped once more. He furrowed his eyebrows when he sensed his father was glaring at him. Taking a deep breath, he turned his body around and ran to his room.

John Davis sighed. "You're grounded for the night, Charles."

"Yes, Father."

"What? Why are you grounding him again?" Mrs. Davis came out of her room. She was exhausted after partying with her friends, but it didn't mean that she would turn blind eyes if her husband was targeting Charles again.

"He needs to control his temper." John Davis pursed his lips.

"What do you mean by controlling his temper. He's in puberty, so it's not weird to see him lash out from time to time! You don't have to be so controlling of him…."

The two of them lashed out to one another while Ann picked the last box upstairs. She was not interested in their conversation and whatever they were planning to do. What she had to do for now was to finish decorating her bedroom first.

The last box contained some movies and Ann put them inside the cabinet.

Looking at her room, which now had dark vibe, Ann nodded in satisfaction. She walked to the table and typed on her small laptop again.

'Reynard Sall.'

When she first investigated about the influential people in Compel City, she did read some information about Reynard. However, she only read about him in passing because she didn't think that it would be possible for her to enter Sall Family.

Now that she was looking at the information presented to her, that brat was quite interesting now.


A faint message rang in Ann's ear. She lowered her eyes and looked at her hand where an old looking watch was there. The watch looked like the cheap one that could be found almost everywhere and not popular amongst the influential noble, but many middle class or lower liked to use it.

Tapping the surface, several words appeared on the screen.

Ann clicked her tongue and quickly typed a message back. She stretched her hand and put her laptop away. Even though she was here for a mission, she still felt like she was having a vacation right now.

Well, it didn't really matter anyway.

Sooner or later, she would finish this mission.