33. The Reasons (2)

John Davis's face turned dark. "Don't be…"

"You take me in for a reason, so don't try to be good for me when you didn't even have any plan to keep me here for long."

John Davis's face turned pale. He looked at his adopted daughter for the first time and noticed that Ann's clear jade colored eyes were staring back at him. It seemed as if it was shining in the darkness, capable of seeing through any layer of deception.

It was strange.

"What are you talking about?"

Ann sneered. She didn't have any plan on maintaining this suffocating atmosphere in Davis Family. When they took her in, they didn't even seem to care about reminding the servants and let them do what they wished.

"Why are you only questioning me when your beloved daughter also stayed out until late the day before? Do you really think that I don't see how much you don't want to listen to my explanation?" Ann stood up. "I'm going to eat at school, staying here with two faced people are annoying."

John Davis was stunned. "Celeste is a kind girl and will never do anything bad! She's different from you!"

"Are you saying that because I'm from orphanage, it meant that I must be bad?" Ann turned her head back to look at the group of people behind her. Her jade like eyes shone with a glint. "If you really dislike me that much, send me back to the orphanage. I'm sure that it'll be easier for you without another mouth to fill."


At this time, Ann had already walked out of the mansion without even listening to the shout behind her. it was clear that she would not care about what they wanted to talk to her about.

Her proud and staunch back was all that they could see.

"Dad, I already told you that she's a problematic person!" Charles snapped at this time. He had been waiting for Ann to create trouble so that he could kick that annoying person out of his home.

John Davis took a deep breath. His son's voice only made him felt more frustrated. "Shut up! She'll stay here for the time being."

"Why?" Charles was upset.

"Just stay!"


"Just be like your sister. She's smart and know what to do!" John didn't even doubt whatever Celeste wanted to do because he knew that his daughter was much better than this annoying son of his.

Celeste pursed her lips. It was not like she was smart, but her father had adopted three girls in total for the past year. All of them were girls who have AB Rh negative bloodline. But not a single one of them stayed within their family as they were sent back to the orphanage after they stayed here for less than a months' time.


It was obviously because their heart didn't match hers. Even though their bloodline matched, their heart was far from matching. All they could do was to help her with some blood transfusion but couldn't help with her heart's problem.

Ann was the fourth one and also the oldest one.

She knew that she didn't have much time anymore and her father had to continue searching for the heart donor. But patients with AB Rh negative that matched her was very rare.

He didn't manage to find one even after all these years.

Now that there was another new orphan, John Davis simply took her in so that he could do test. He didn't know whether the heart would be suitable or not because they were slightly different from normal humans.

But no matter how slim the chance was, he wanted to take it.

If it was proven to match, he would spare all the effort needed to take the girl's heart.

But now the test result hadn't come out yet and the family was already on the verge of breaking points. John Davis was thoroughly frustrated that the other family members didn't seem to see this as something important.

"Mother, Brother, give Sister a chance, she's only been here for 2 days." Celeste smiled softly.