32. The Reasons

Mrs. Davis calmed down considerably when she heard what her daughter said. She patted her daughter's hand, feeling much better for having such a caring daughter. "You're right. Celeste is indeed the best."

Celeste smiled but said nothing. She knew that her mother was a very dumb person who was easily swayed by words. It was also because of this that she tried her best to make sure that she always appeared the best in front of her mother.

Adopted children?

They wouldn't be able to last long. With her mother's impression of those adopted daughter being the worst, she knew that it would be easy for her to make her mother always stayed with her.

Naturally, she didn't want to share her father and mother. Her father only wanted adopted children to take their heart when she had an attack after finding the suitable one. Her mother only wanted her, but she didn't know the true reason.

Thus, Celeste didn't mind being the one to control their emotion.

It was a pleasant feeling to be able to control them.

"Mom, let's eat."


While the mother and daughter duo was already busy, Ann stayed in her room, playing with her laptop. She had managed to get the information; so wouldn't it be a waste if she didn't read it?

So she read the content as fast as possible.

'It's not here.'

Seeing that the one she wanted to know the most was missing, Ann pouted unhappily. She didn't want to take the same risk as today again. Facing against those powerful figures who controlled the entire world, she wouldn't be able to face a chance against them.

She didn't want to risk her life when she was not sure that she would be able to get what she wanted.

It was not worth it.

'Forget it.' Ann stood up from her chair and walked towards her bed. Her laptop had turned dark while she stared at the ceiling above her. It seemed that she had to figure out a way to obtain the information.

Hmm, in that case, it was time for her to make use of her connection again.

Connection aka Reynard Sall.

The next day.

Ann walked down the stairs and headed to the dining room. Mrs. Davis's face scrunched from the moment she saw Ann walked towards them. For some reason, she would never be able to like this adopted daughter of hers.

"You still dare to show your face here?"

"Why not?" Ann asked back.

"There's no food for you!" Mrs. Davis was annoyed and snapped.

Mr. Davis looked up from his newspaper and looked at his wife with a frown. "Don't listen to your mother. Sit down and eat your breakfast."

Ann pursed her lips but she still sat down. In any case, she didn't want to bother trying to buy additional food when she could eat some food here. Though, she had to admit that the food here was not up to her taste.

"John!" Mrs. Davis was enraged when she heard what her husband said. She couldn't accept having that unruly adopted daughters of hers staying on the same table.

"What is it?"

"She's running out late at night! She's not allowed to eat!"

"Running out late at night?" John Davis furrowed his eyebrows. "Where did you go last night? Do you play on the street?"

"Is that your problem?" Ann arched her eyebrows.

"Ann Davis!"

"Davis?" Ann let out a faint laugh. "My name is still Ann without surname."

John Davis's face turned dark. "Don't be…"

"You take me in for a reason, so don't try to be good for me when you didn't even have any plan to keep me here for long."