31. Unrestrained Child (2)

"You unrestrained child! Where did you go at such late hour?" Mrs. Davis snapped immediately when she saw Ann.

Ann looked up and tilted her head. "Do I need to report where I'm going all the time?"

"Of course you have to! Do you really think that this is a place where you can come and go according to your wish?" Mrs. Davis was thoroughly angry. She felt that her husband decision to bring an orphan child was the biggest mistake in the world.

What was so good about this skinny kid in front of her? She didn't even go to school well and instead roaming around after school. Did she really think that she could do this every single time.


"What do you mean by oh? Do you want to go back to the orphanage?" Mrs. Davis yelled.

Ann arched her eyebrows, a smile formed at the corner of her lisp. "Sure, why don't you send me back there."


Mrs. Davis didn't know what to say. Wouldn't everyone want to be able to live lavishly and enter rich family? All the orphaned children would love to be able to change their lives, turning from sparrow into phoenix.

But why did this damned girl still acted as if she cared for nothing?

Mrs. Davis was frustrated.

"Mom, I'm sure that Sister didn't do it on purpose." Celeste pulled her mother's hand, acting as the caring daughter. She sounded so soft and gentle that one would find it difficult to find fault with her.

Mrs. Davis instead get even more enraged when she heard what her daughter said. "What didn't do it on purpose? She must have done it on purpose! Do you really want to destroy Davis Family's name to the trash bin? I think that the entire world must be owing you something to make you behave so atrociously!"

Ann was too lazy to talk with someone so unreasonable like Mrs. Davis. Besides, she knew that she wouldn't stay in this house for a long time.

Sooner or later, they would kick her out.

Especially when the test was done.

Until that time, she would just enjoy her time in this place and made sure that she would be able to use her current status properly.

"Come back here! Explain where you have just been!" Mrs. Davis repeated her previous order.

"Why should I explain to you?" Ann asked.

"I'm your mother!"

"Mother?" Ann's eyes were tinged with a hint of amusement along with ruthlessness. "My mother had died."


This time, Ann didn't wait for Mrs. Davis to say anything else as she walked towards her room. Her straight back and proud figure soon disappeared from their sight as if there was nothing that they worth talking with her.

Her departing figure was infuriating.

Watching her mother getting angry, Celeste was smiling internally. However, her face still showed concern.

"Mom, please don't be angry."

"How can I not be angry at that ungrateful child? It's already her blessing for our family to take a pity on her and take her in and look at her? What did she even repay us with?" Mrs. Davis panted to take deep breath. Her chest moved up and down, clear indication that she was infuriated.

She didn't like this child from the very first glance. Different from the other orphan children that her husband took before, Ann didn't even bother trying to curry favor from them. It was as if she was a lofty figure while they were nothing more than a mortal.

Her attitude was very annoying.

"But Mom, if you keep on getting angry, you'll only hurt yourself," Celeste coaxed her mother.