Chapter 56

Tony browsed the various potions on the website, there were potions for many things, ranging from deadly disease cures to something as simple as beauty products.

Tony looked at the Potion for poisons, he pressed the Add to Cart button and then proceeded to checkout, then he received a warning that stated he was from an organization blah blah blah and that he would have to sign a magical contract, this greatly surprised him.

The reason why the magical contract was not brought into the light was that it was private and therefore could not be disclosed to the public.

Sharing intel to a degree was allowed, any attempts to publicise this matter. Needless to say, Tony was curious about this magical contract and decided to have a look at it.

The next moment, a crackling sound occur as Jack, in the form of Cedric came into his view.

"Hello! Tony Stark, it's a pleasure to meet you." - said Jack as he gave a smile.

Jack had already forgiven Tony for the matter previously, it wasn't anything major and besides, they would be working together as one force sometime soon.

Tony was surprised to see Someone enter his home and was about to grab something when he slowed down as he realized who it was.

"You know this is a breach of my privacy."

"Yeah, I do." Jack replied, completely immune to Starks Condescending tone of voice.

"You asked for a contract, I am here for the contract, Mr. Tony Stark." continued Jack as he materialized a contract and handed it over to Tony.

Tony gave the Wizard a look as he looked at the contract and started having small talk with Jack.

"So, what is it, some future technology or something?" asked Tony as he flipped the pages.

"Anything unexplained by current science is just advanced science, is a bullshit quote and no, this is not some tech." replied Jack as he materialized a chair for himself and sat down.

Tony also sat down, He felt very calm with the unknown guy who was sitting in his lounge, with a chair he materialized out of thin air.

"Mine is better." - said Stark as he pointed at the chair.

"Mine can float." - replied Jack as the chair began to float.

"Touche!" Tony Said as he continued reading the contract before throwing it away.

'Get bound by magical contract, no way in hell' - thought Tony as he stood up and turned around, completely ignoring Jack who was too amused to mind Tony.

Jack couldn't help but be baffled at how such a man was willing to lay down his life for the world, maybe Tony still needed some work, or it was just his personality that was shitty.

"I have seen the contract, I will find something else to do, don't wanna be your pet buddy." Tony waved his hands as he started worming on a hologram, most probably a schematic for his next Iron man.

"It's not a pet contract, it's a confidentiality thing, I don't want people messing with stuff they don't understand." Said Jack as he tried to persuade Tony.

On one hand, he didn't want to see Tony suffer, on the other hand, he didn't want to leave behind a potion to someone who had the resource to study it.

He had made so many counters to things like these, aside from the buyer no one could use the potion unless it was asked of him from the website.

"Still don't think I should hand my will over to someone who looks like an edge lord." rebuked Tony

"Excuse me?" asked Cedric

"I mean, look at you, what's with that robe of yours, and that animal badge, what are you, team animal, at least look a little cooler" Joked Tony

Jack sighed, he knew Tony was right, he decided to try out new clothing, the Hufflepuff robe was gnawing on his spirit for some time as well.

"How about this, you and me, we sign a two-way contract," said Jack as he started making a new contract, this got the attention of Tony who was trying to crack the alchemist association website, he stopped and looked back.

"Oh yeah, what are the terms then," Tony asked.

"I give you the potion and you give me an armour and some stuff now and then, according to my needs, we can form a cooperation with each other, you get something, I get something, win-win deal" proposed Jack.

Jack wanted to own a Stark Iron Man Armor, if Tony agreed, he could achieve his dream, and with this Tony will feel more at ease, Jack didn't put any cruel clauses like in other Contracts.

"It says that both parties aren't allowed to the timer with each other inventions for greedy purposes such as selling them or mass producing them unless given permission." asked Tony as he pointed at the Clause.

Just like that, Jack and Tony started talking about the clause, Tony didn't question the authentic value of the contract as he had seen and researched enough of The wizard to know that he was legit, Besides, this guy was a friend of The green guy that had saved him and Yensen, so he gave it a shot.

By the end of the conversation, Jack left after signing a contract with one of the wealthiest and smartest men on Earth, with an invite to his birthday party.

Jack didn't go home and kept patrolling around the area before he went ahead and started training in the magically augmented Danger room, it still wasn't near perfect, but it was getting better.

Jack was steadily progressing and was sure that he would be at 50 percent sync by the end of this year, which meant that he would be able to use 30 percent of One for All and also get a new character, though he would have been happier if he would have been able to integrate the powers into his own body once it reached 50 percent sync or by the time he was given the next character, he silently cursed whoever made the damned system and went on with his life.




i hope you guys are doing okay,hope you like the new chapter

you can get advanced chapter of plus 8 or plus 15 on patreookn


another news is that now editor is completely fine,he has no tasks or papers or illness for the foreseeable future