Chapter 91..GOING HOME

"Come in young hero." - said Frigga as she pointed towards a chair, jack was currently what could be called a small personal library, this was a room filled with books.

Frigga seemed to notice my gaze and said "These are all books on magic, particularly those that I like to use often."

Jack nodded at that,

"So what kind of magic are you good at." - asked Jack.

"I know Aldritch magic, as well as Asgardian magic." - said Frigga.

She began explaining what Asgardian magic was and by the end, understood that the Asgardian magic was essentially a mix of Arcanum and super science.

Illusion magic and a mix of astral magic as well. Frigga told she would help him learn Asgardian magic as thanks for saving both her sons, Jack didn't deny it.

Though he knew he would have to leave soon, it was decided that he would come back and learn whenever he could.

meanwhile, Frigga, who was also a goddess of magic among other things, asked him to perform his magic spell, after Jack complied with her request she was really happy and decided he was talented enough to learn magic on his own as well.

She gave him two books,

~Illusion magic

~Tranformation magic

She asked him to try and understand the magic books and perform magic on his own.

She told him he could ask her about magic as much as he wanted. It seemed like she was happy to find a young prospect like him.

When Jack was about to leave for Earth, Frigga advised him to start using his spells only using his voice and intent, she told him to discard his wand.

Jack nodded at that and left. He also wanted to check out the template upgrade function of his system.

Jack really earned so much in this trip, now with the transformation magic, he will be able to learn how to become an animagus, No!, he will be much better then an animagus as with the transformation magic of Asgard, he could change into any animals,a myth monsters and many more, in advanced stage, he could even exhibit their abilities.

After meeting up with Thor and his friends for the last time, he went to the bifrost, ready to go home for good.

"We shall meet again if the All Father wills it." - said Heimdall as Jack stepped through the colorful light.

The next moment,Jack appeared in the same old place , It was surrounded by the SHIELD agents, Fortunately Jack had his face covered.

"Coulson." - Jack saw Coulson on the field.

"Cedric....where were you!?"

"I was in Asgard, it's a nice place."

"You mean you went to the Gods place, to Asgard."

"Yes , I did, they are a nice bunch, you can count on them, anyway, I have some things to do so I will take my leave." - said Jack as he directly vanished, arriving at his home, specifically his room.

It was night time so Jack just went to sleep as he hit himself with a sleeping charm, without the use of his wand.

The next day, he woke up with a healthy mindset and washed up as he got downstairs, ready to make dinner for himself when he stopped in his tracks, he saw his mother sitting on the dining table, with a sad look, as she played with her food thinking about something, he was about to call her out when she looked at him, her face was full of surprise as she looked at him.

Before he could even say her name, she was already pulling him into a hug as she called out his name over and over, telling him how she was so worried about him, that when it hit him.

He had been away for a long time without an explanation or a back up plan, although he knew she was his mother, he had never put much interest in her as they both had a life to live and goals to achieve.

"Son! where were you,I came back home yesterday and noticed you weren't home,I was so worried about you." - She cried as she looked at Jack.

Jack had nothing to say at this moment, he thought for a moment and decided to think later.

"Mother, I am sorry for worrying you, I was over at Peters house, we had a good time, we even played games and did our homework." - Jack said.

His mother heaved a sigh of relied as she scolded him to not leave without telling her first, Jack could only nod at that and not say anything.

"How about we eat out today, you don't have to go to school today." - said Martha as she wiped her tears. Jack smiled at that. Martha really loved him, she just didn't have any time to show it.

Jack took out his phone and saw that he had many missed calls from his mother,peter and Gwen, even Jean had called him.

He decided to send everyone a single massage so as to not make them worry anymore, He got into the car with his mother and they went for a good breakfast.

Martha patiently waited for her son to finish eating and then asked him how he was doing in his school, to which he replied he was doing very good and that he had made many friends.

She then asked him about what he does in his free time to which he replied he has been working on a new comic and that its going to be finished in a while.

Martha who heard that was really happy her son was a real genius.


A/N: so if most you didn't notice from the character page of Odin,this isn't the wish washy one from MCU, in fact, some of you might know that MCU is weak,I have introduced certain elements that are compatible with story to make the story interesting, which means all end villains are usually their comic counterparts,


Hello guys I hope you enjoyed the chapter.


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