Chapter 92...A day out with Mommy

He had so many talents,

He could draw, He could right he had a creative enough mind to write up stories that would be like by millions of people.

He was also a scientific genius like her seeing as his study area was filled with countless university level books, she couldn't ask for a better son

He was also a lot more responsible and mature than kids his age, this worked in her favor as he was able to focus on her work, so much so that she had forgotten to take care of him.

"What are you think8ng about mother?" asked Jack as he scooped up some soup in his spoon before eating.

"Nothing honey, you eat your food and don't spill," said Martha lovingly as she caressed Jack's silky silver hair, just like his father's.

"Alright Mother" Jack replied as he kept eating his food, he really like this place, it made really good food.

As Jack was Busy eating his food, his mother who was looking at him suddenly had her eyes wide in surprise as she looked at a table a bit far from theirs.

Jack looked in the same direction and noticed someone he didn't think he would see, It was Felicia and another woman who looked just like her, except for her black hair.

"Lydia!" Martha called out.

The women sitting beside Felicia looked in their directions and was surprised to see Martha.

"Martha! I didn't expect to see you here" said The woman as she walked over, followed by Felicia who had a sour mood, however she looked at Jack, her eyes life up.

"Haha! I am also surprised to see you, why didn't you tell me you were coming to New York" said Martha as hugged Lydia.

Jack could see that the both of them were very close.

Martha introduced Jack as he stepped forward and greeted her

"Jack, this is your mothers relative, you can consider us sisters as well"

"Haha, Martha of course w are sister, anyway, here, This is my daughter, her name is Felicia," said Lydia as she brought Felicia forward, who was looking fixedly,

"Aunty it is nice to meet you"

"Such a cute child, Lydia why don't you join us for breakfast,"

"Of course, Felicia honey, can you bring my bag over please" Asked Lydia as she sat down beside Martha, Felicia harrumphed at that as she picked up her mothers' bag and brought it over,

Lydia introduced Felicia to Martha and Jack, and to her surprise, Felicia told them that she already knew about Jack and that they were both in the same class and stuff.

Jack noticed that Felicia was acting like herself when with her mother, although ot might also be because Jack just didn't know her much, he decided to help her out as he could feel that things weren't good between her and her mother.

After asking his mother, he left, taking Felicia with him as they both went out as the mothers began talking about something serious.

"Huff, thanks for getting me out of there" thanked Felicia as she heaved a sigh of relief

"No problem, I figured you have some problems with your mother," Jack said, Felicia looked at him for a while before she sprouted a smile

"So that means we are friends now right, Cousin"

"I guess we are, so now that we are out, anything you want to do" asked Jack.

He could feel awkward he was the cousin of Black cat, the love interest of spiderman, for whom she was willing to turn a new life, Jack also remembered that the reason she turned into the Black cat was because she was actually about to be sexually assaulted by some guy in school, then another guy saved her, in the end, he too tried to sexually assault her until she escaped and then trained like hell to kill her assaulter only to learn that he had already died of an accident, this filled her with frustration so then she turned to the work of her father.

The world's best burglar or something and then met spiderman who began to have some interest in her when she used her powers to save New York from some remote-controlled bombs.

Speaking of powers, Jack thought about how this Felicia might really have the powers due to the x gene being present in this world

"What are you looking at" asked Felicia, She was currently chowing down on her ice cream, Jack came to learn that she loved ice cream, who doesn't, to be honest.

"Nothing, I was just thinking about something" said Jack as he decided against scanning her with his system, that invasion of privacy was reserved for those he considered his enemies.

"Hehe, is that so?" asked Felicia as she gave him the stink eyes before she went back to eating her ice cream, Jack chuckled at that as he also wolfed down on his ice cream.

"Oh right! why haven't you been coming to school lately, your friends have been worried sick about you" asked Felicia.

"Well, family matters, I will be coming in tomorrow though"

"Thats good, at least your friends can heave a sigh of relief after this"

"Yeah, I have been a bad friend," said Jack, he didn't even pick up their calls, though he also didn't pick up anyone else's call at that time either.

Felicia kept looking at Jack, as if she wanted to say something but then decided against it, Jack noticed this but didn't put any mind to it.

He knew Felicia didn't have any bad thoughts for him as he was currently equipped with the Midoriya template.



Hello guys I hope you enjoyed the chapter.


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