Chapter 96

The thuggish man laughed hard at that, his platoon of thuggish friends also laughed out as the man took something out of his pockets.

It looked like a small metallic box, "You see this little baby of mine, no signals for you unless I say so." - the man took a long sip of his booze as he bashed the empty bottle against the wall, further terrifying the woman who stepped back in fear.

All the previous bravado leaving her as she begged with a meek voice, "I...i will give you your money, I just need more time."

The man seemingly smirked as he began walking towards the woman as he said

"How about you repay me some other way." the man was about to reach out and touch the woman when a small projectile flew at him and knocked his head back.


Jacks hands were in a throwing motion, he had used a table spoon and threw it.

"Gahh! you prick! men get him!" upon the mans orders, the others flew into a rage and charged at him as the man stood up, forgetting the woman he was about to molest.

Jack who was standing near his previously occupied table could only sigh. "Man, Why did I have to run into you idiots, since you have come, don't mind me knocking some sense into you." - Jack said as he does the first goons kick and gave a counterpunch, sending the man flying back.

The second goon, was surprised by what happened and didn't have time to register as Jack grabbed him by the hands and flung him back.


The windows broke apart , the goon could be heard shouting, it seemed a piece of glass had struck into his arms.

The last goon, who looked to young to be doing this kind if stuff was frozen solid as he looked at what happened.

Jack didn't use any fighting technique, because it wasn't needed when he was strong enough, even without OFA to fight normal human.

The last goon threw away the bat in his hands as he ran away.

The head of the goons was now terrified as he took out a knife and tried to threaten Jack who had already thrown a table at him.

It hit the man and caused him to fall back to the ground in pain. The woman had retreated all the way back to the kitchen, came out and was surprised by what she saw.

"Go back inside! it's not safe...yet."

"Look man! I am sorry if I offended, I will never come back here, I promise! just let me go this once." - the man pleaded.

Jack didn't bat an eye as he mercilessly struck at the mans leg, causing a cracking sound to be issued.


"You feel that...that was the sound of your leg breaking, now tell me, who gave you this device." Jack asked.

Goons had already been in high number in the whole of New York, but Jack was surprised when he saw this signal jammer in the hands of some small time goon, specifically this one.

Jack could see that this one was especially powerful, contrary to it's size.


"Tell me!" - Jack pushed on the mans broken leg causing him to yelp out in pain as he pleaded.

"Alright Alright! I will tell you, just stop."

"It's this guy named Romello, he has in with some super smart guy who can make anything you want with enough money and parts."

'Now, who the heck is this new character in town."

Jack crushed the device as he called out the lady who was listening in on them.


"Call the cops, and so that you don't tell them about me.." Jack then cast a spell, so that the women and the surrounding people would forget what he looked like.

He also got rid of the cameras and then proceeded to beat the crap out of the man to get more info before he left as he heard the distant sound of sirens.

He went back home and told his Shadow Clone about this new guy in town and asked him to keep a lookout and investigate until he comes back.

'It's better to go to The Shinobi world,I can get much better stuff over at that place' though Jack as he filtered out unrelated quests and looked at the available missions.

'hmm, Sharingan is a very good thing,it's decided,I will do this template mission' - thought Jack as he clicked on it.

[Defeat 30 Senju in the warring state Era-A Grade-Sharingan upgrade]

[Do you wish to accept this quest. Yes or No]

'Of course I am gonna accept.'

As Jack clicked yes, He felt like he was going to sleep,



A man who was sleeping in a dimly lit tent suddenly woke up, he looked around the place as the relative location and memory entered his mind.

"oh, so that's how it is, the system put me in as a member of Uchiha clan in the warring state era, And luckily I am part of the ninja group that's about to head out to fight with the Senju" - Jack said to himself.

"My name is Zabimaru , and I am an uchiha Ninja who has a one tomoe sharingan and a the rank of a Genin."



Although the warring era didn't have any ranks for ninja,at least not in my knowledge but I will be using them for my own ease and yours to better justify his strength


Hello guys I hope you enjoyed the chapter.


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