Chapter 97..The warring Era

"Let's have a look around then." - Jack said as he stood up and left the tent, Leaving the tent, Jack was met with a vast expense of trees that surrounded him.

"Trees! so I am in a forest of some kind, why am I here anyway."

Jack opened his Sharingan as he looked around the area, various ninjas were sleeping in the tents and some were looking around the area. Probably looking out for any sort of intrusions.

"Hmm, from what I know and can see, there are seven Jonin and twenty chunin, and forty genin including me." - Jack said as he looked at the tent he had come out from, it was housing a total of 20 genin and the other twenty genin were out doing whatever the chunin and Jonin we're telling them.

"I hope we are fighting against the Senju so that I can complete my mission." said Jack as he walked around the camping area to look for anything interesting.

The other ninja began to wake up soon as well as started doing their own stuff, As Jack was looking around the area, a shout called him out.

"Zabimaru! what are you doing, we have to scout around the area, come on! let's go."

Jack looked back to see a kid his age, He had his ninja clothes on as he ran towards the forest.

Jack shrugged as he ran behind the kid, in a not-so-ninja way, the boy who looked at Jack couldn't help but frown as Jack was not using the aerodynamically efficient way of running of a ninja.

Jack in the meanwhile was going through his fake memories and looking for anything worthwhile.

Jack looked at the boy who was running far ahead of him.

'This guy's name is Inno, he is supposed to be my best friend'

Jack decided to run faster as he got toe to toe with this friend of his

The boy In question was surprised as Jack was about to cross him, he steeled his body as he ran even faster.

Jack saw that the boy got to his level again and was smirking at him.

"Hmph!" Jack harrumphed as he also pushed Chakra through his body .

'Competing with me?, you won't be able to' - thought Jack.

As they were running around, playing around half the time, The boy named Inno suddenly stopped, Jack also stopped when he saw this and looked at Inno who had a worried face

"What's the matter?" - asked Jack.

Though before he could hear Inno, A dagger flew straight at him, Jack narrowly dodged it, he could have used the substitution Jutsu, but that would have opened a whole new can of worms.

It was said that the substitute Jutsu or the body replacement Jutsu was developed by The pervy Sage, One of the three Sannin in the second ninja war.

Jack stabilized himself as he looked at Inno, seeing he was safe, Jack put his attention back to the opponent who had changed positions by now, but that did not matter to the users of Sharingan.

He could see several Chakra signatures moving around. It seemed to be two chunin and several genin.

"Zabimaru! it's the damned Senju, you go back and report, I will hold them back." said Inno, the boy as he launched a fire jutsu at the incoming Genin, who in return used a water Jutsu and nullified the jutsu.

Jack sprang into action as he used his Sharingan, and intercepted the Genin who was about to launch a kunai at the back of the unsuspecting Inno.


"Goodbye," said Jack as he used Genjutsu against the boy and easily took care of him

Genjutsu: Hell viewing Just

The genin in question fell down as he started foaming from his mouth.

Inno, who had taken care of his own opponent, turned back and nodded at Jack, who nodded back and they began fighting the genin as the two chunin were still out of sight, though Jack could still see him due to his Sharingan.

Inno hadn't yet unlocked his Sharingan, he was a better sensor, so he was tasked with scouting along with Jack who had unlocked his Sharingan but was physically a bit weaker, Inno couldn't help but exclaim in his mind as he saw Jack deal with three Ninja at the same time.

Sharingan really was overpowered as it allowed Jack to deal with three Genin.

Inno could feel the Chakra inside Zabimaru, it was so much more than his, as much as that of a his seniors

When they had finally dealt with all the Genin, which numbered Seven, the chunin finally fell down.

The warring era was really different from the canon ninja time or maybe it was just the normal behavior around here.

But the chunin didn't come down to deal with them and save their own genin, although only three out of the seven had died, due to Jack handling the other four and putting them in a Genjutsu.

"Well, if it isn't two Uchiha bastards, I will make sure to give you both a gruesome death."

"Don't bark and just bite us if you can." - Said Inno as he readied himself

Jack knew that Inno had called for reinforcement, but it still wasn't a good call to make the Chunin fight them.

It's better if Chunin spent his time finishing his monologue and not dealing with them.

Inno used the fireball Jutsu and sent it right at the two Ninja who easily evaded it and launched a jutsu of their own.

One Chunin launched himself at Inno, who also clashed with him head-on.

Jack on the other hand could feel the ground moving a bit, also he could see the chakra of the chunin moving below him.

'This is that jutsu in which one can move inside Earth and also use it to ambush his enemies, unfortunately for you, I have the Sharingan, perhaps if you had wood clone or shadow clones, you could have fought me.'

Jack waited as the Chunin made his move, right as he sprang out of Earth and grabbed on to his legs, Jack grabbed onto him and dragged him out with a bit of a force and sent him straight towards a tree.

The tree shook from the force of the man hitting it.

"Fire style justu:Fireball Jutsu!"

Jack shouted as he summoned a big ball of Fire, much much larger them normally possible and decimated the poor Chunin.


Author Note:-

From my observation,I have come to know that the warring era did not have any classification for their ninja which cause them to send out weaker ninja ro their deaths,I just want you to keep in mind that I have put in ninja ranks just for convenience and to show power level


Hello guys I hope you enjoyed the chapter.


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