Chapter 123

It was pretty easy to deal with the pathetic weaklings as the only thing they had going for them was their weapon mastery and its characteristic to cut most things easily,but i had my trusty chakra metal sword in hand which was coated in lightning, so was my whole body

I easily dealt with them,not giving the time to change into the monsters that Hanzo once turned into,i would be a fool to let them do that,I had Madara's arrogance in me,but i also had his last memory,when he finally figured that the reason he was defeated was his own arrogance,who gives their enemies enough time to power up, this ain't dragon ball Z.

Seeing that Matt was dealing the the ninjas rather easily with his sticks set to their max setting,I made it my own mission to go ahead, not before I left a clone behind in case he were to be overwhelmed.

Once I found the secret room and opened it,I was greeted with a gruesome sight, Many children were put inside cages as their blood was being drawn for them, they were treated like loveststocks, even worse then livestock,at least the cows and the goats are well fed and taken care off, but all I saw was poor malnourished kids that looked like they came out from some slave markets of medieval times.

"Damn them,I hope I find you Gao, or else I won't sit still" I said to myself as I opened up each cage one by one and took the kids out, among them was Gibson's son, Roxxon was a mafia industry, handled by Gibson who was nothing but a criminal, but his son wasn't, a son shouldn't pay for the crimes of their father, not in this way at least.

I fed them some potions to keep them up, they looked like they could die out any minute, it pained me to see them this way, I will return this pain a hundredfold.

I tried to looking for any signs of anyone other than us, something that will be unique, perhaps I can find this Gao and deal with her

"Finally,I am done with these ninjas for a while" said Matt as he entered the room, though he froze the next moment, his senses were advanced enough for him to pain a picture of what's been happening here.

"What the hell is this?!" he asked in anger

"Another man playing God I guess" that was the only guess I could give.He wouldn't believe if I said that they were trying to bring someone back to life or if I said that its their way If increasing their strength, though I am surprised he believed when I said that the ninjas were just puppets and he could go all out, though maybe stick already told him or something.


Matt told me to leave as he had already called the place and that they will be taking over from here, i didn't trust the bastards enough so I used a clone and had it turn into a malnourished kid.

If anything goes wrong, he will be there to whoop some ass. I left the place and started looking around using my Sharingan and sensor abilities to see if I can find someone with the same creepy energy as that of those dead ninjas,

I traveled around for a while before I decided it was time to go home, my clone also dispelled itself and I received its information, Everything was fine now and I can go home, I told Matt to give Stick my number if he has anything new on HAND and wants to discuss with me.

It's best to say that I didn't find anything if important, no sight of the Crane mother or madame Gao to be exact.

I noticed the time, it was way past my bedtime so it's better if I go back, I had forgotten to put a clone in place, let's just hope mother isn't home to nag at me.

'Tomorrow I will also get the spider bite which means I might end up becoming a super-powered individual or I might become a cabbage depending on whether I win or lose.' I thought to myself as I went back to sleep



"Wake up!" I was smacked awake by someone, I reached for the alarm beside me ready to smash it into the clone's head burnt he dodged it easily, that's probably for the better as I will experience the pain, in the end, either way

"You sick bastard" I called him out as I massaged my head,

"This is not the time for sleeping you idiot, come on, get up and come to the lab, we need to get you injected with the spider bite," he said

I was confused for a moment before I remembered about the spider project, I washed my hands and face and we went to the lab and saw the statistics , there was only a single spider left by now, it was a miracle how he was alive by now

"Probably cause I used the philosophers stone to enhance its vitality" my clone said.

I turned around and looked at it with surprise

"First of all, how did you read my mind, and second, Didnt I tell you not to mess with the philosophers stone" I asked as I looked at the clone, who was busy feeding the spider

"Sigh, come on, it turned out for the better so no harm done, and I can't elread your mind, we are both one and the same so I know what you were thinking" he said

"Hmm,I guess you are right, anyway, lets get this over with, what are our chances of this succeeding" I asked

To which the clone chuckled as he held up two fingers"There is only 2 percent chance of failure,I doubt we are that unlucky" he said as he walked towards me with a weird liquid in his hand

"This will keep you stable, to make sure that you don't pass out after the bite" he said

I took the liquid and drank it in one big gulp before I sat on the chair comfortably , ready to get the spider to bite me, the clone walked towards me with a canister in his hands, the spider was inside it , moving with it's tiny legs,

It was the same as any other spider except for the red and blue patches on its body

"Careful, this one bites hard" said the clone

"Man you are acting really weird now a days, Are you fine!?" I asked

The canister was placed on my skin and the clone pressed the button, the spider landed on my skin and bit me the next moment,I didn't feel anything for a while

"Umm...think we failed" I said, unsure of what to do next, though the next second,I started feeling pain in my whole body along with a weird sense of hotness, my body felt like it was on fire, ants crawling on me and into my body.

My brain felt like it was being split apart

"Ahhhhh! I think this isn't good" I said

"No, although you are feeling very dangerous amounts of pain, your vitals on the other hand are more then fine, your skeletal structure and muscle structure are going under unknown changes, you just have to row through this" he says

The clone started using spells to alleviate some of my pain but it kept increasing with time,I felt like I wanted to pass out but whatever he had given me kept me awake , The pain kept going for who knows how long ,i was finally able to get myself together,the chair i sat on previously was nowhere to be seen and i was on the floor covered in sweat from head to toe.

"Did it work or not!?" I asked myself as I clenched my hands, they felt the same , nothing new.

As I was about to get up,I found myself touching the ceiling

"Ack!" my head banged against the ceiling

"Something definitely worked out, haha" I couldn't help but laugh out, if I have really gained all of spider man's powers, this will be awesome.

I decided to do the hand gesture and tried to shoot webs


'Seems like no webs' I couldn't help but become a little sad



Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon


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