Chapter 124...The Lizard I



Jack was trying to adjust to his powers, as going out with them will just be a disaster if he doesn't learn to control them, two clones were drinking tea as they watched him get thrown left and right because of his own movements.

"I gotta say, this is really fun, especially with a three time sharingan, you can see all the minor changes in his expression as he hits himself, Haha!" The clone said with a teacup in his hands and feet kicked up on the table.

"You do know that he is us and we are him, right!" questioned the other clone, the one who helped him with the spider project, though he also couldn't hide the smile forming on his face.

"Haha! he is an idiot, why not just turn into one of his other template and go out." said The Uchiha template.

"Then who will train his base form?, perhaps you want to take up the task, oh great uchiha." asked the Clone

"Nah! I like being Madara, it's fun and badass." - he said as he took a sip from his mug that had a big bold 'Badass' written on it."

"Yeah I can see that!" said the clone with a sarcastic tone.

They went quiet while Jack kept hurting himself, it took him a while, three hours to be exact but he had gotten the basics down, he had the physique of spiderman now, he could crawl on walls, had super strength and other stats associated with a spiderman.

'I really wanted those cool bio shocks or the ability to turn invisible, it's fine though, I am no longer vulnerable enough to die with a single strike, being a mystic arts user, I was still a glass cannon, even if I had learned to cast wandless magic.' though Jack as he mended his torn clothes and walked out of the danger room.

"Well, that was gruesome to look at." pointed out the clone as he gave Jack some water to drink.

"Any anomalies!?" questioned Jack as he drank a mouthful.

"Nope, you are fine as a horse, or a spider if that's more your size." remarked the clone as he looked at the data.

Jack was better than fine, along with the increase in his base strength, or the powers of his base body, came the increase in The sync rates for Both Midoriya and Madara templates, a whopping ten percent in both.

Now he was stronger than ever before, Jack opened his system interface to have a look.

[Name: Jack Silver]

[Overall power level: Superhuman]

[Equipped Template:None]

[Templates active:Madara Uchiha (35 percent)]

[Owned Templates:Cedric Diggory(Upgrade), Midoriya Izuku(90 percent, 60 percent OFA)]

[Equipment: Enchanted clothes]

[skills:Mystic Arts, Superior Wizardry and Witchcraft, Spider physique, Illusion magic basics, Transformation magic basics, Asgardian magic]

[draws left:0]

Jack was satisfied with his progress, he calculated that within a month or two, he will have the chance to draw two times, It was time to train another quirk from the list of quirks.

Although the overall power level was still presented as Superhuman, Jack was sure he could take on most heroes if he were to meet their MCU counterparts but that will be hard since the world had Mutants and whatnot,

'Would Thor get hurt from my lightning cloak, Nah!' thought Jack.

Jack knew that he had to wait for some time to get enough cash, his current funds weren't enough to buy him the stronger Kekkei Genkai or the thunder flying God,

"Did anything new happen while I was away, anything remotely strange?" asked Jack.

"Not really! No." replied the clone.


Jack POV:-

Man! training my physical strength is very hard, but it's good, I am not a glass cannon, I can use 20 tons of force, which is unbelievable, what will happen once OFA merges with my base body, how strong will I be by then.

I put aside these thoughts as I rode my bike to the school, I was late for the class and was expecting to be berated again, but what is this!

Hey! why is everyone running out of the school?

I spotted Gwen running out as well, though her face was full of panic.

"It's a giant lizard, run." said a guy as he kept running for his dear life.

My sensitive ears also picked up the sound of a low roar.

I parked my bike to the side and ran inside, although I know I am powerful in my base form now,it's better to use Madara In this case, putting the lizard in a Genjutsu.

I ran inside, some people noticed me, or my blitz persona to be exact and cheered, running towards me.

"Run away you idiots, what are you doing?" I yelled but that had no effect on them, I sighed as I ran inside the school and quickly located the lizard just in time to stop it from slashing at Peter who was still in his civilian clothing.

He doesn't know I am aware of his identity, but I don't intend to keep it that way.

"Spider-man! did I teach you nothing these past weeks."

"Huh! Ah, you know my identity." - Peter shouted in surprise before he was thrown away.

"Puny Human!" yelled the lizard, it then saw me, and ran towards him only to feel that his feet were now heavy.

I had used the Mud Jutsu to make the ground muddy.

"You know what's my favorite part-time, or used to be before I was given this wonderous opportunity, killing Lizards! haha." I laughed I used a Chidori and delivered it through the lizards Chest and then used the blades to cut it's legs and Tail.

The lizard showed no signs of pain and was already starting to heal, This really surprised me little, not gonna lie.

'I need to research this serum of his.' - I thought.

Peter came back and delivered a flying kick to the Lizard that had regenerated it's legs.

"How do you know my identity!?" asked Peter.

"Come on! the first time I saw you, you were wearing really shabby clothes, plus it's easy to get you location using a complex location monitoring algorithm and then the next moment, I had your identity." I mocked him.

"Uh! Ah!" he tried to come up with something.

"Alright, we can talk about th8s later, for now, I want you to go ahead and help me deal with this thing."

"Yeah about that, this lizard, it's my professor, he is like that because of me so.."

"So you don't want me to chop his head off got it." I chucked at that, Peter was Peter, not being brutal even to his enemies.

"Yes, exactly, though I guess cutting of his legs and tails is fine and all." he said.

By this time the lizard was back, Peter ran towards it, with extreme speeds he dodged the incoming claws and ducked beneath it and used a fire extinguisher to send it flying.

The wizard was in the air so I used Typhoon release Gale breakthrough and sent it flying away, it got several cuts and bruises in the process as my justsu was augmented by the power of Wind and typhoon.



Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon


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