Chapter 134.

I gave them a small thumbs up, surprisingly, Nighteye also supported me which was something unexpected, someone suggested that Nighteye use his ability to which he politely decline while telling them about the consequences of his powers.

'Wonder what will happen if I give him a shot of power enchancing drugs.' - I thought.

Everyone agreed to start the ambush tomorrow and Bubble girl proceeded to give us a list of the members of the organization.

I also got one and took a lot at the list in case I missed something, I guess the only one I really need to worry about is Overhaul himself, others are just cannon fodders at best.

I went back early and slept, I needed to be at my best tomorrow, I wasn't going to unsummon the clone till I reach the estate.

'I could just handover Overhaul to the heroes just by the use of Genjutsu but he is too dangerous, not to mention ambitious, and what if AFO gets his quirk, I think Japan will be royally fricked by then.

'I can deal with Liberation army at a later date, they are just cowards anyway, at least Chisaki had the gall to go against the heroes, although in his own disgusting way.'


I woke up the next day and met up with Ochaco and the other internship members, they were filled with nervousness, everyone noticed how they were acting.

Since we all were sitting on the same table I noticed someone and that made me remember something I overlooked, the guy with the Navel lasers.

'This idiot was a traitor, although he did have a change of heart according to what I heard from my friends, wasn't able to catch up on my MHA, how do I disclose this though' I thought.

Maybe now that Tomura is dead, All for one will try and kill me, he is welcome to try it, but I think they might try and get Bakugou, although Bakugou is a little piece of firecrackers, I think it's best he doesn't go down such a tragic path.

"Relax guy! We will have pro heroes on our tail, I am sure nothing will go wrong." I tried relaxing them, although that was a mistake since one of our friends with a specific quirk overheard our whispers and we were crowded by our friends in no time.

"Oi! Deku you bastard, what is this about ,are you hiding something, Ha!" I tried to ignore the little firecracker who was in my face.

Iida also came forward and asked us

Kirishima and Ochaco tried to persuade them it was nothing, but I didn't see any point in this.

"We are trying to apprehend a criminal, that's what me and the others were discussing about." I told them as I took a sip of my juice.

"A criminal! you guys are all under different agencies that are working in different area, which means this criminal is most likely a big gun, tell us, who is it!" I heard Shota.

Shota was really smart for a guy that was given a flame related quirk, but he does have a ice side so maybe that cancels it.

"Yup! it's a guy that's using his supposed daughters body to make bullets that can permanently damage and erase your quirk if you get shot by it more than the required amount." I gave a general description.

Everyone gasped in horror.

"Izuku-kun is it alright to be sharing this information?, I thought this was confidential." Ochaco asked, I just shrugged in response.

"You guys might get in trouble." Said Iida.

"I don't really care if I get into trouble or not, besides in a matter of hours or minutes, the whole place will be aware of what's going on anyways." I gave my point and was about to stand up and get dressed for our mission.

"It will be for the best if you guys can calm your nerves, we will be fighting criminals who will try to kill us, and I think it might be more then we can handle." i advised, it was best if they listened and calmed down.


In a cell inside Tartarus

a man who looked like a baked potato was wrapped like a mummy suddenly started moving and writhing.

"How is this possible! who killed him?!"

he said to himself before he vanished from the prison.

Alarms started blaring as everyone went into alert mode and started looking for him.

All might also heard the news and his heart was filled with worry.

"Midoriya, I hope you are safe , I must do my best to let you live a safe life until you can take up the of symble of peace." he said to himself, before he started jogging with renewed vigor.



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