Chapter 135

The area around the mansion was sealed off, normal civilians were nowhere in sight, heroes and the police were able to secure the area without the villains knowing about it, or that's what the authorities believed, it was just wishful thinking, an evacuation of this level will surely alert anyone.

Fortunately, Chisaki wasn't scared by this and was taking it very well, He believed that everything will go according to his plan, that he was unstoppable.

"It's time someone knocked him down a peg or two." I thought to myself as I appeared near the entrance.

I was wearing the new costume that I got from the system, it looked really good and provided me with ample protection without compromising my agility.

It even had a small core in the middle, it's only purpose was to store the lightning arcs that were wasted and fire a beam of plasma, kind of like how IronMan has one.

"Woo! is that your new costume, you look Amazing, Midoriya-Kun." Mirio complimented me.

I didn't have the time to register him, because Nighteye and the police officer were making their way towards me.

I knew they are here to ask if I was sure or something similar, I didn't Undo my mini clone as he was a failsafe in case I am, for some reason, unable to help Eri, he will be able to keep her safe.

"Are you sure about this, Kid?" the officer asked me to which I could only shrug.

"I am sure." I tried to persuade him to the best of my abilities.

A police officer rang the bell as we waited for something to happen, The next second a big ass man came blasting through the door, the other heroes managed to catch the police officer as Ryukyu grabbed the villain under her paws after transforming into a dragon, this started the battle between the authorities and a villain organization.

I ran in along with the other heroes, Along the way, villains tried to stop us but I didn't want to waste any time and blasted them away with my strength, It didn't grab anyone's attention since I wasn't yet using my full power.

I knew from the memories the way I led them, I directly blew away the whole mechanism, which caused the villains hiding to ambush us to suffer heavy damage.

"Let's go!" I ran inside and soon enough we came across a similar end to the underground base of Chisaki.

I didn't waste anytime and again, used a simple swing of my arms to blast the shabby wall into smithereens.

"Midoriya! how are you this strong, did you take drugs as well?" Kirishima asked me, perhaps he was surprised by my increased firepower.

"My quirk was already insanely strong, what was weak was my body, I have just made myself stronger to facilitate my quirk." I told him, I noticed the expression Nighteye gave me when I said 'my' quirk.

"Wow! that's so manly." he replied and gave me a thumbs up

The hero Fat Gum knocked on his head and told him to stay focused, I was thankful for that, I don't want that Mimic guy to frick us over, but as fate would have it, we were already screwed.

"Woah! what's happening!?" Everyone felt disoriented as the whole place started wobbling.

'Damn that bastard!' I cursed silently before I was attacked by the surrounding walls.

I pushed against the wall and destroyed it.

"Everyone stand together, keep your backs together, and don't get swept away!" Nighteye immediately gave the order.

Now we were standing in a circle with our backs to each other, Some of us weren't exactly suited for breaking walls made out if concrete so other had to compensate.

Mirio who was already frustrated about his actions from the previous days, ran ahead while chanting his hero slogan.

'Although my clone will keep Eri safe, It's good to have added security.' I thought so.

I remember that the mimicry guy is supposed to separate us next, although now that he doesn't have Toga and Twice, he might do something different.

I kept swinging my hands and kept destroying the incoming attacks, after ten or so minutes, the guy finally understood That as long as I was around, no one will be separated.

We were dumped , or more like swallowed up by the ground and ended up somewhere else, which means that Iranaka was at his wits end.

It won't be long before he gives up or comes up with something else.

And as I expected, the big room that we were trapped inside suddenly expanded and several figures came out.

I could recognize most of them from what I saw in the memories as well as my own anime knowledge.

It was every single villain that the team faced while they were Underground, coming at us altogether.

"Let's see how you deal with this now Heroes!" We heard the shrill voice before I could point out where it was, it disappeared.

"Haha! let's fight."

"You won't be leaving alive from here, heroes!"

"My barrier is impenetrable."

"We are the trash, but even trash have value."

'This is a good line up.' I thought, if it was me from half an year ago, I might have felt pressured, but not now.

I saw Tamakiji, the introvert among the Big three step up, along with Night eye and the others, but before they could do anything, I stopped them altogether.

"You guys! don't waste your energy on this, I can deal with them alone." - I told them.

"Don't be crazy kid." Rock Lock mocked me as he was about to say something, I simply pumped my body with OFA and vanished right in front of his eyes.


A high wind pressure was released and half the villains were gone from sight.

Only the guy who fought Kirishima and The barrier guy was able to stand, other were knocked unconscious.

"Huh!" Everyone was left gasping.

"Such powers, you are definitely a good match for me, lets fig-Gahhh!" I used a fourth percent OFA punch and knocked the daylights out of the guy, The old man with the barrier quirk was not able to block my punch for even a second.

'I don't even need to use my Madara template against these guys.' I couldn't help but feel disappointed.

"Let's go, some of us should stay behind and wrap this up." I advised.

The police quickly bound the villains, after some discussion, it was decided that Rock Lock will be left behind as his quirk was a perfect counter to Mimicry's quirk.

We didn't want the villains to escape, not like they could go far anyways with how badly hurt they were.

As we were about to walk ahead, a portal opened up in front of us, it was a rather small portal, which meant something must have happened, I walked through the portal immediately, not paying mind to the warnings and voices of surprise coming my way.


Mini Clone POV:-

It's been a pretty boring and hectic time for me, I kept Eri safe all the time by keeping everyone under a Genjutsu, I didn't try using Genjutsu on that guy who can make people confess what they don't even know themselves and the guy who can make other people loose their sense of balance.

I had half a mind to just teleport Eri out of this Godforsaken place, but she was pretty shaken, she would keep talking to me,although we didn't spend much time together, but I have come to see her as a little sibling.

She is quite talkative if you get to know her, although I don't know anything about this very famous barbie or something she likes, but I promised to her that I will help her meet the barbie, maybe I could transform myself into one.

I wonder how my real self would feel about that, currently, I was safely hiding inside her hair and waiting to see what happens, I had physique of spiderman and knowledge of magic.

Then came Mirio through the wall, He had a talk with Overhaul before the other two goons jumped on him, he made good work of the two before landing right besides Overhaul and delivering a powerful kick to his face.



Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon


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