Chapter 136

Mirio was got late because of the two members that I was wary of, the guy with the ability of confession, and the guy that can make people lose balance.

They had a great fight, while I was inside Eri's hair and we were going to escape through the base underground system when Mirio came back and heroically saved Eri.

He really was a smart guy, he wrapped Eri in the cape and started fighting with Overhaul, more like beating the shit out of the poor guy, The reason Overhaul is being beaten is because of his fear of germs, or else when he was cornered by Midoriya, he finally became a mad monster.

I decided it was time, didn't want Mirio to lose his quirk because of Eri so I opened up a portal, two Portals actually, one that was in front of the original me and the other one to bring Eri to safety.

"Took you long enough." I called out to my original seld who just nodded at me, the others were really surprised to see me.

"So this is the 'bug' you planted huh!" smirked Aizawa, I was a little annoyed at that, the guy was mocking my size.

Jack undid me and I ceased to exist, until I will be called later.


Jack POV:

I undid the clone, Aizawa looked at me, like I had some explaining to do, I guess we aren't at that point in time where Midoriya discovered that he can use the past holders quirks.

"It's a part of my quirk, I will explain later, come on!"

I saw Mirio was about to jump towards the empty cape, because Eri was long gone, the bullet was about to hit him when I used Blackwhip to block it.

Mirio looked at the Black whips in wonder, that's when he noticed us arriving.

"You guys arrived too early, those guys are good for nothing." Overhaul clicked his teeth as he curse at us.

I noticed him moving to consume the flesh of his comrades. A white arrow like hair came crashing towards us but I blocked it easily. it tried to go back, I immediately pulled it and yanked the guy who was the right hand man of Overhaul towards him and knocked him out.

"Aizawa-sensei! get everyone to safety, I will be dealing with him."

I jumped towards him, he did the same all the while turning the place into his own playground, I delivered a punch and sent him flying back.

His arm turned into mush in the process.

"Wh-How are you so strong!?" he asked in surprise" I bet he might have even forgotten about Eri.

"Give her back to me, Eri! I told you, you belong to me, every action you take is going to kill someone, you were born as a curse." Chisaki yelled, wanting to rile her up and get her to come back.

I couldn't help but chuckle at his futile attempts. "What are you laughing, after I get Eri, I will make sure to bury you in the ground."

"You can try all you want, no one is gonna be listening to you." I said to him, he was about to start his monologue again but u blasted him into the air and away from everyone.

We were now in the skies, this time, he hasn't absorbed the second guy yet so he wasn't in his giant knockoff Susano form yet.I landed a couple of punches and the guy was already knocked out, he couldn't even catch my movement due to my immense speed and evasion.

While he was falling through the sky, I hit him with a bullet and effectively took away his quirk, out of all the people, Chisaki was the second person I hated the most in this world, he had the galls to say that he will turn the world back to when there were no quirks, but he himself was afraid of losing his own quirk.

'Spineless shit' I cursed as I slowly came down, The guy with the confession quirk was dead as a bark now that Eri wasnt here to revert him.

Chisaki was near death.

The heroes had caught him in a tight bind so that he doesn't get to use his hands on anything.

"No need to be so wary anymore, I took care of his quirk, He was able to make a batch of permanent quirk erasing bullets, I just used one to give him a taste of his own medicine."

I urged the police and the heroes to let him move around and soon enough he was springing around like a headless chicken.

"He wont be threat to society anymorw, as for the research data and the remaining bullets, I will keep them with me, whoever has a problem can talk to me, and Eri is inside that van, don't need to worry about her, she is sleeping soundly." I gave one last look and disappeared, leaving behind a confused crowd and a stunned Nighteye.

I was in a hurry because one of my clones just dispelled itself, he had captured the mysterious Black fog and I plan to turn him into a normal person, from what I remember, he is a classmate of Aizawa, who was brainwashed by All for One.

I bet that I can undo whatever he did to him using my Legiliemency, I opened a portal to the location of my prisoner.

In a light structure was the Black fog, trying its hardest to escape.

"Its useless, you can't escape." I called out.

He stopped moving and looked at me

"Its you, Izuku Midoriya?!" he was surprised when he found out who it was, my clone was covering his face in case he had to do something.

the cube he was stuck in was made by me using magic, its a winderous little spell,nothing too grand but works just fine on people who think they are best at what they do like this guy who has never been caught in such a way.

"I am sorry, but I don't have time to chat with you, besides, you are just a puppet of that man, I will deal with you and then I will deal with him." I invaded his mind and started looking for the anomly, it wasn't something I couldn't deal with, although I have not dwelled in this field of study much, but the books I have from the HP world and the ones from Ancient One are a godsend.

It took me sometime, but I was able to remove most of the manipulations, the mans mind was just being suppressed by some simple commands and a new set of memories, there was also a set of words that will be able to reboot him in case he went rogue.

I decided not to take away his quirk as he was already going through so much, I will just leave him to Aizawa to deal with.

I had completed two missions now, dealing with League of Villains and saving Eri and Nighteye.

I just hope the rewards were worth it. I wonder what will happen to The midoriya of this world. I know that my existence in the worlds I go to doesn't just get erased.

[Host can choose to leave behind a projection of hismelf, Until he comes back, or Host can let the Midoriya of this world take over again now that you are done.]

"You mean to say I can leave a clone?"

I asked as I was a little confused.

[NO, Host will leave behind a piece of himself, so that he can continue to live in this world, or he can just let the original person live it out.]

"You mean like how there is always a representation of Death, life and God in every world, or I can just let the real Midoriya take it over, how does that work?

[Yes,Host can leave a piece of himself behind, and it will not have any repercussion on the host or he can just have Midoriya act as himself, he will have all the memories of what has happened has doing it himself.]

"Yeah, that clears things up a lot." I said in scarcasm, sometimes the system can be a bit weird.

[Thank you host]


"Now that I know this, doesn't it mean that in a way, I am killing midoriya if I decided to leave a piece of myself behind, does that mean I killed whoever was supposed to be the real Zabimaru, atleast Cedric was dead when I got to him." I felt like I was going into a panic attack.

Fortunetely the system came to save me

[Host is misunderstanding, the being used in Naruto world was a piece of Host, he didn't exist in the normal timeline, the person host has used as a starting point this time is someone that already existed and was living well.]

"So Cedric was about to die, and Zabimaru was a projection of me and is still living it out, which means I didn't kill some random guy right?!"


"Sigh, that's good, I have decided to leave the rest to Midoriya, take me back."

As soon as I said that, I felt myself dizzying and the next moment I found myself in my lair,

"I am back, that was fast and mind numbing, let's see how much time has passed." I looked at my phone and only a day has gone by.

I was back in the Marvel world, I checked my status.


His new suits Pic


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