Chapter 137

[Congratulations you have completed three missions]

"Three!? I thought I completed two." - I asked.

[Save Eri and Nighteye

Fight and defeat Overhaul and save Eri

Defeat the league of villains]

"I guess I did complete three missions then." I nodded to myself.

[You have been rewarded with One free draw for completing the Midoriya template(60 percent OFA)]


I exclaimed, keep me coming, I got three rewards for my three missions, I got a ticket I can use to upgrade my Template, a Time chamber ticket, and an upgrade ticket.

[10 percent sync rate up, Raise the sync of any of your templates]

[Time Chamber Ticket: use the ticket to enter a shabby time chamber that lets you spend 2 years inside at the expense of three months, Does not come with any specific accommodation or ability.]

"If this is shabby, what is a luxurious one like!" I couldn't help but get excited, if I spend 2 years inside I bet I could easily max a template.

[Upgrade ticket: use the ticket to upgrade a character-specific skill or ability.]

I thought for a while and decided to use the upgrade on Madara's Mangekyo Sharingan, with this ticket I will be able to get Mangekyo Sharingan much faster.

I equipped the Madara template and used the ticket, the next moment I felt a warm feeling going through my eyes, it wasn't painful in the least, rather it was very soothing, it went like that for a while before it finally faded.

I looked at the mirror and sure enough, my eyes were the same as that of Madara MS.

I wanted to test them out, but I didn't have the time, I am supposed to be meeting up with Tony, he was finally able to get something about the AIM, I told him a bit about it, but not too much.

I flew towards his area of residence, I wonder how strong I am if I use the One for All above my already powerful spider physique. I bet I could take on several hulks at once, only if there are the MCU version, and I wouldn't want to try that for now.

I landed at the pad that opened, Tony had it programmed to open up if I arrive, he is a considerate guy.

"It's been a while, Cedric, how are you doing?" Tony asked me as he downed a glass of firewhiskey, a glass that always keeps refilling itself.

"Want some!" he asked.

I got a glass of my own and replied "I have one of my own."

"So did you find anything about this AIM." I changed the topic once Tony started bitching about people trying to steal his tech, if I get the AIM to collapse, this will help Tony as well, although I want him to go through some development, that doesn't mean he has to go through such an experience, though half the reason Tony was pushed around was because he was scared shitless from the big ass army of Thanos he saw through the portal.

"It's nothing much, I don't know how they are hiding is well from the world, there is roughly any signs of them on the planet, even SHIELD is looking for them." Tony remarked as he downed another glass and burped fire out of his mouth.

"Ah! that hits the spot." I could only look at him blankly and sigh.

"He does his activity using the name of Mandarin and I have a clue on his base of operation, no face or name comes up." I could tell Tony was feeling annoyed deep down, to know there was something that he didn't know about and that we'll hide, he would want to open it up and look what was inside, he was that type of person.

Always curious about the unknown.

"He also goes by the name of Aldrich Killian, you should know about him." I told him

Tony put a hand on his chin and thought for a while before quitting.

"He came to you a few years ago....or maybe even before, and you had someone's pants to get into so you ditched him and belittled him in a way, he went from being fanboy to a fanboy and a crazy villain.

"I really don't remember." Tony said as he ruffled his hairs.

"I do!" We both turned around and saw who it was.

"Happy! who is it." Tony was surprised.

"Of course I remember him, out of all the crazy people, he was the only one who looked at you with reverance, though you did insult him, dont you remeber him?" Happy said as he tried to immitate a man walking around with a stick.

"Aha ! that guy who was stopping, telling me about some project of his, it was the night I made out with that media reporter chick." Tony happily shouted as he recalled the memory while I waited for him to come up with something.

I wasn't able to find any signs of the extremis, there were some clues but they were just dead ends, no sign of the base as in the movies.

"Not really!" Tony sighed as he slumped on the chair." But I got a lead from out previous investigation, from what I have concluded, he is currently somewhere in the Middle east." Tony concluded.

"No need to be so down, we will get to him eventually, finding him ahead if time gets rid of some problems is all." I consoled.

"But what is the reason that Shield and even you are trying to find this AIM, isn't he just some weapons master or some thing like that." Tony grumbled.

"Well, I have reason to believe he is trying to make enhanced people, and he might come after you in the future, I need something from him as well." - I told him in case something changed, we don't know if the guy might come knocking Tony's door out of the blue, plus I believe that the events of First avengers movie are about to happen, although I have warned Fury about what that thing can do, I am sure that bastard isn't gonna pay any mind to what I say.I hope some of the events align, seriously though,Loki was in prison the last i checked,so what will happen

I grumbled inwardly as Tony become interested in this AIM organization, I hope it isn't the one in which MODOK exists, that bastard is really scary.



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