Chapter 138...Fisk in prison

I was currently looking at Fisk from afar as he was addressing the media on society and how he wanted to change it.

He then went on and mentioned about how freaks were running around the place, he was keen on seeing me in jail it seemed, A lot of things were different due to me being here, but there was never a shortage of pesky villains

'You cower at the sight of HAND, yet you think you can face me.'

Though I was facing a bit of pressure from the government, such as them banning my pharmaceutical miracles, anyone caught with them was being charged with prison time, and everything else that the government could, I know Fury wouldn't have the guts to cross me like that since he knows what I am capable of, now I know who's been pulling the strings.

"Boss!" A clone came to me while I was looking at the shiny bald head.

"I have heard that Baldy Fisk is gonna have dinner with his misses tonight." He said to me.

"Do you have the evidence?" I asked him.

I have always left a clone of mine with Fisk from the day I began having problems with my business, which was the day after New year.

My caution has finally paid off.

"Yes boss! I have video footage of him talking with various baddies and such, even have an audio of him threatening Daredevil back when he was surrounded some time ago in an abandoned building." The clone said excitedly and tossed over a USB to me.

"Great, you can go now, and don't slack off on the training."

"Says who!" he said and portable away.

I took out my phone and dialed Yuri's number, she was the only cop I was willing to trust in this city, Stacy was too stuck for me to talk to him.


"Hey Yuri, it's me, I need to talk to you, are you free!?" I asked her, it's been sometime that I have talked to her.

"For you! there is always time, what's up?" she asked me.

I was glad she was happy to meet me, I gave her the location and tapped out.

I also advised Daredevil to stay seated, which included his band as well, I don't want them being caught in cross fire.


In an expensive ass restaurant.

Wilson Fisk was having a great time with the love of his life, they were dreaming about correcting this rotten city as they ate their food.

"What about That Wizard guy and that guy in a green suit calling himself Blitz." asked Venessa as she looked into Fisks eyes, all she could see was clear evidence that he was going to do what he said.

"What about him, he will cleaned up like the rest of them, either he folds, or I bend him myself." Fisk declared as he drank his vine.

"This city is filled with rot, I will clean it and usher a new era." He proclaimed.

Vanessa and Fisk looked into each others eyes as they were about to kiss.

"Alright that's enough you two! get a room dammit." I couldn't help but speak as I looked at them being all over each other.

"You guys clearly don't have any table manners." I mocked as he flipped the table over and reached his hands out to grab me.


"Gaaaahhh!" Fisk roared in pain as his arm was bent in a weird angle, Venessa reached into her purse and took out her gun, a look into her eyes and she was gone on a ride to the wunderland.

"How did you get in here!?" Wesley came barging in before I sent him flying away.

Fiskb threw the table at me with his other hand which I easily blocked and threw back at him, who in turn tore it to pieces.

"You have some great level of strength, gumball, but not that much." I mocked him as I sent an upper cut which sent him flying across the hall.

"Get up, I haven't even started yet, I heard you were gonna fold me, you piece of Omelet." I roared at him, I saw the clear look of anger and fear on his face.

"You are strong- Guhh! but you are not above the system!" he said as he held him broken arm and stood up slowly.

"Neither are you, Gumball!" I pointed at the TV and on the news was the most exclusive piece in recent years, the savior of yesterday, the Monster of Today, was written on the news with a pic of Fisks asslike face on it.

All his background and his wrong doings were written out, there was no need for audio for Fisk to know what was happening.

"Ahhhh! You ruined everything!" Fisk yelled like a mad dog as he slammed into me, Only for him to feel the splitting headache that came his way, as I was not some weakling, I was strong, not to mention my base Spider level physique, I was powering myself with OFA as well.

I just knocked him out good and broke his other hand as well, even applied a curse that will not allow his hands to heal for years, provided he only takes rest and normal civil medicine.

I watched from the rooftop as the police detained Fisk and his men along with Venessa, it don't make it right if you support bad people just because you yourself are innocent, she was charged with being his accomplice as I had their lovely last moments on the camera.

Of course I wasn't the one delivering it, I had Yuri as my go to person, she got the info to the police on my behalf, Fisk had most people bought with his money but I had it handled as well, Let's just say that many police men were also being released of their duties, I had this planned for a long time, like for half an year, if I didn't have my clones, it might have taken me about four months more.

"You did good!" Yuri complimented me, I chuckled at that.

"I was doing what I felt was right, people like Fisk are far more dangerous, so I had to act before he ran for the mayor or something like that."

"Which means you have been doing reconnaissance without me huh." Yuri looked sad by that.

"I couldn't exactly ask you to act as a part of his gang since you are a pretty famous policewoman."

"And who's fault is that huh!" Yuri retorted. I guess I was the reason for that, wasn't I?

"You don't need to take that seriously, honestly you are so weird, I am going, keep me in touch next time you find stains on someone." she said to me and descended down the stairs.

I looked at her go and left as well, with that I was able to bring down Fisk for good, I hope this video evidence is enough to get him to stay in prison for a long time or else I will have to get him a special spot in my own prison.

'Maybe next to Mr. Lizard, or they can share the same room, haha!'



Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon


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