Chapter 139....Chaos in the streets

It's been a week since Fisk has been bagged by the 'Police', everyone is applauding Yuri for what she has done for the city as no one was able to see past Fisk, while everyone saw Daredevil in a new light, that despite the public opinion he kept doing what he did, saving people from death.

I kept an eye out for any of Fisk's goons but I think it's gone for good, though now I have to prepare for the chaos that might ensue with Fisk gone, the guy was practically the underground boss of the whole of New York and now he was gone.

I will have to keep the streets clean at night, which means that now my clones will be working overtime, Which means no time for me to improve my template.


I look at the area half a block ahead of me, a couple of people were breaking into a store, I was about to go ahead and visit them when a clone of mine jumped them and paid a good visit to them

After taking care of them all, he gave me a thumbs-up before going somewhere else, Possibly the next block, there was another robbery in progress.

"Hey!" I called out to Peter who was swinging by as well, the guy's suit was covered with scorch marks, though he was fine.

'Did he fight someone with a flamethrower.' I thought.

"You won't believe it, these guys have frickin flamethrowers on em."

Peter shouted as he landed next to me.

"I really can't believe that." I said to him, he sat down, I could feel he was a little spent.

"Who would have known that taking care of Fisk would have caused such a big accident." Peter said as he took the water bottle I gave him and drank some water.

"Tell me about it! but that doesn't mean we should let him be, this chaos will end in a few days once the criminals realize they can't defeat it us." I encouraged him.

Though I was a bit worried myself since I also came across some of the worst situations, Hostage situations, I hate them the most, fortunately, I have the Sharingan and can just cast a Genjutsu on them.

"It's just a matter of days and besides, I heard from Bruce that you guys are almost done with the Lizard serum as well." I asked him as I sat beside him.

"Yeah! it's finally about to be completed, it was a real mystery, it was only possible because we had your clone with us, I didn't know you were a genius in Biogenetics, were you a scientist that got his powers through a lab accident and now you use your powers to help stop crime."


"Peter! dont tell me you have been watching those edgy superhero tv series, are you?"

"Haha, It's just what me and Bruce do in our free time." Peter chuckled nervously as he answered.

"Speaking of Bruce, how do you feel about him." I looked him in the eyes, his masked eyes, and smiled, I knew Peter wouldn't to be quiet and had already done his research on Hulk.

"He is a nice guy, to be honest, I like hanging out with him, at first I was confused about why he needed to hide his face when we went out for a bite, so I did a little digging and who would have known that he was the HULK!" Peter exclaimed as he waved his arms around.

Fortunately, the incident in Harlem didn't happen or else Hulk wouldn't be well-liked by people, though I didn't ask him if he gave Mr. Blue his blood or not unlike in the movies.

I left Peter to his devices and started hunting a guy of my own, I noticed that while these goons aren't much of a threat, their weaponry is something extraordinary.

There is someone out there providing high-tech weapons to these normal goons, I suppose I could ask Fisk but he wouldn't be keen on telling me about this, would he?!

I took out the broken jammer I had stolen or should I say confiscated from those goons,

I used magic and a trail began to lead

"I suppose it's time I find out who it is exactly that's been."

I haven't yet learnt how to use mystic arts to investigate someone, it would be really wonderful if I could just open up a portal to someone, like how Dr. Strange helped Thor and Loki in the movies but I guess I will just have to use the spell from Harry potter, Accio mostly works on inanimate object, only if they are nearby but not if they are far.

This spell I am using is an advanced level spell and the only reason I know it is because I have learnt it after continuous hours of training.

although I am considered a genius in charms, it isn't easy to learn without a teacher, I tried to teach some stuff to the Ancient One but she wasn't able to learn it, she said something about how my magic very much resembled a previously lost and forbidden magic.

While thinking about this, I circled the whole New York before I was finally led to what I believed was the supposed place where these weapon were manufactured.

It was a car scrap yard, I started looking around the place, after looking around I couldn't find anything, or that's what whoever was here was trying to make me believe, my Sharingan was painting another picture, even with my danger sense, I was able to sense someone with an intent to harm me.

'Are they using some kind of cloaking tech, No! this is something else. it's like they have somehow folded space, what have I gotten myself into, a gang with a personal space dimension.

I acted like I left the place, I flew high in the sky and waited for them to act.


In MHA world.

Midoriya POV:

It was very weird for me, I came back to my body, I was here all along, but it felt like I was watching a movie the whole time.

I was using quirk...quirks, many of them and I successfully saved Eri, and Sir Nighteye who, for some reason was supposed to die.

And that is where things get weird, I was able to access a much deeper part of my quirk, I now have some vision of the future as well, and some other things among them.

One being that now I am able to use 30 percent OFA on myself for long durations of time without hurting myself, and I can access the previous owners quirk, but I am still not good enough to access them yet, except for Danger sense, although from the future memories I have gotten, I know that I should have gotten Blackwhip.

What's surprising was the things, or more like the tasks the future me left for me, it was a whole list of things, he even left behind some vial filled with Elixir of life and a potion that can save Allmight.

I think I should talk to Almight about this, I was thinking to myself when I saw Endeavor in the news, battling a Nomu.

Looks like the Future me was real, it wasn't all just a dream, I need to tell Almight about this ASAP.