Chapter 140

I kept waiting for whoever it was to act, it took them an hour before they were finally able to consider themselves safe.

I immediately started flying towards them, They were a couple of men covered in standard gear, in between them was a teenager with weird spiny hair and he had a device in hand.

'That must be the device he used to make that weird space, I will have to force them into the mirror dimension, or knock them out before he can use that device again.'

I was thinking to myself as I flew down, though half way across I was hit by some kind of red beam and was sent flying, the beam was faster then my danger sense, and that couldn't help but surprise me.

"Hah! I knew he was around, lets go guys!" The teenager spoke as he pushed the cube like device and disappeared from place.

I stood up, he was already gone and I was left with a bloody hole in my superhero suit, I just got this and it's already being broken, that too by some nobody, but he does have ownership of a private space so that's one.

"I know you are listening to me, stop selling those weapons to the wrong people, they are hurting a lot of innocent people." I said as I looked at his chakra signature, I have his signature memories, the moment he comes out, I will know.

Knowing that he wouldn't be coming out anytime soon I left the place and decided to assign one of my clones to this guy.

My template is about to have a breakthrough, soon I will have the chakra quantity of a kage level ninja.

'I should have just captured a tailed beast, but that would be slavery. Lets ask for a friendship the next time I go back, having kurama would be a fun thing.'

I went back to the lair and started making some armor for the police, although I hate them to the bones, but it doesn't mean they should be dead, not all of them are bad guys.

after working for three to four hours I was able to make a vest that will be able to tank significant amounts of those Energy attacks that I took, and I doubt that this level of weapon is given to everyone.

The best thing is that I am able to make these things much more cheaper then they should have been.

It took me two more days, Finally I was able to make at least 20000 of these vests, I even have a factory line set for them, of course the line is magical.

"Yuri! you know that problem you guys have been having with those guys, yeah I have something that can fix that." I told her to meet me at our usual place before I hung up.

It might take some time before I can catch that rat so it's better if I prepare others for him.

I also installed my suit with the vest material, it was a bit hard opening up the thing and installing it, the suit was given to me by the system so it was a miracle invention in itself, to be able to take the OFA without breaking yet being broken by a mere Plasma or a heat type bullet was a bit of bullshittery.

I also took the spare suit that I had for Peter and started making the same adjustments to it, the guy came to me really banged up yesterday, if it weren't for his spider physique , he might have died.

After a week, the situation started calming down altogether, my clones kept running around the place trying to locate that guy who was selling this stuff.

I have named him the Tinkerer. And he is probably some kind of super-genius, maybe he has a weird mutant power that makes him smart, I remember reading about a character like that who could make pretty much anything with his super-intellect and was a mutant.

The best news of all was that the Anti Lizard serum was finally ready to use on the poor guy, Peter held the serum in his hands as he looked at me and nodded, I put the lizard to sleep, Eter injected the serum and stepped back with me and Bruce.

We waited for a while to see what would happen, this was a blank shot on our end as we had no test subjects or such, Peter wasn't willing to reveal too much of the equation for the serum, I think he is scared it might get leaked again.

"Guaaaaaaah!" The lizard finally woke up and started struggling fiercely as he screamed at the top of his lungs.

I kept his chakra signature in check, it was a hazy black, but I was slowly changing to a murky green, after ten minutes of him screaming, I put him to sleep using magic again forcefully, it's unnecessary for him to suffer so much.

After three hours of slow process, there was no sign of a lizard, just a naked old man with...two arms, I rechecked his chakra signature and he was completely fine.

Peter got him a bed as Bruce kept checking his Vitals, while I took a sample of his blood and started looking for anything abnormal.

"this is really something, a drug that can potentially cure amputees." Marveled Bruce.

"I highly doubt that!" I said as I had him check the graphs.

"this means-"

"This means that the thing that gave him his hand back is the lizard serum, not the Anti-Lizard serum" I stated.

"*Gasp* Where am I?" Suddenly Dr.Conners woke up and started taking off the apparatus off of him so I had him held down.

after Peter managed to calm him down I addressed him, of course, me, Peter and Bruce were keeping our identity a secret.

"Doctor, do you remember anything?" I asked him curiously, from what I know, in the original, he suffered from multiple personality disorder.

"oh! no, what have I done, I am a monster!" he exclaimed and started slapping his head.

I had to use my magic to calm him down

"calm down, we have cured you, you don't need to be that monster anymore, you might wanna take a long vacation though." I joked as I told him.

"no no no! You don't understand, I am not the only Monster!"




Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon


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