Chapter 141

"What are you talking about!?"

I asked him hurriedly, I didn't have a good feeling about this, something seems fishy.

"Wh-cough when I was that monster...I made more like me, and I kept them in the underground sever." he said to us and started coughing.

"That's impossible! we didn't find any other Lizard a besides you." Peter told Dr.Connor who continued,

"I wasn't done either, I tried to keep them with me but they fought with me and left, the Lizard that I wanted a"

"A family!" I said the part Dr.Connor was trying to say.

"I will try and locate those Lizards, You keep tabs on our doctor, who knows if his alter ego is still around to frick us." I too Peter and left the cell with Bruce

"Here, you will be able to cure them with this." he handed me darts filled with anti lizard serums.

I just hope no one was hurt by the Lizards. I flew towards the skies and stood atop the state building. Then I used Madara Uchiha template and tried locating any similar chakra signatures to that of those lizards.

After running around the place, trying to find the poor lizard dudes, I was finally able to locate them, but they aren't in a good place.

"Yeah I found em, but there is some problem, they are imprisoned by Oscorp in their private facility." I told Peter.

"Are we going to do something about it!?" Peter asked me.

"What does your heart tell you?" I asked him.

"I will probably try and get them healed, but if it's Oscorp, maybe they are trying to cure them." Peter said.

I scoffed at that, "Thats highly unlikely, Oscorp is a business company that thrives on tech and medicine, do you honestly believe they will be trying to help those people."

Peter went quiet at the mention of what Oscorp was, after minite he replied.

"You need help." he asked me.

I knew he was on board, that was good enough for me. "Nah! I just need to get those Lizards out, I am rather good at breaking people out." I joked, with Portals and Apparations, I could just as easily get them away from Oscorp, and Oscorp can't even identify their human identity die to the Lizard being the dominant one.

The real problem will be Connor, who knows what might happen to him, I will ask him what he wants later, from what we have. investigated, he has been reported as missing and the Oscorp have already fired him.

started infiltrating the place and started looking for the Lizards, althouh I know their general direction, I don't know where exactly they are, I ended up on a dead end more then two times trying to find em.

Finally after four hours of gruesome sneaking around, I was able to locate them, fortunately Oscorp wasn't too harsh on them, they were located in a artificially stable ecosystem that was perfect for lizards.

I landed inside the ecosystem that was enclose in a thick walls of steel and immediately put everyone to sleep and took em with me.

"Have fun figuring that out, Osborn." I chuckled to myself and left, I knew for a fact that he was trying to replicate what I could do with technology or some other means.

He also had a magical contract with me, even though it doesn't help him much because of his unique inherited evil illness.

As I was about to talk to Bruce who was injecting the sleeping lizards with the cure, I felt one of my clones spike his chakra in a very familiar way.

"Haha, I told you I would find ya." I immediately locked on and used Apparation, it was much faster then portals and arrived right besides the weird spikes teen who I knew was the one making those guns.

His bodyguards tried to hit me with their guns and whatever the hell you call a baton thats layered with Plasma, I didn't waste no time and used the sharingan to caste the guy under my genjutsu.

'And that's how you use a genjutsu.'

"Boss, quick! open the space folder." A goon yelled out as he shielded his boss from me which only earned him a chuckle from me who akready knew that he had won.

"He ain't awake anymore, it's time I cleaned up you guys for good." I told the goon and used Lightning cloak to make quick work of the goons before I backhanded their boss and took him with me.

I put the boy in a cell after confiscating all the tech off of him.

"This guy is really a genius isn't he?!, he was able to build a cube that has an enclose space of its own, and this space can overlay upon already existing space." Bruce started praising the brat as he slept soundly in his cell.

"Why would he make things that bring harm if he can do so much, if its money, I doubt he cant make a weird shit that can constantly suck the banks dry." Peter said as he looked at the guy,who was just as old as he was.

"We can ask him once he wakes up, you guys get ready for anything abnormal!" I told them as I threw water on the boy, waking him up from his sleep.

"Hah! where am I?!" he asked as he looked around.

All around his was tinted glass,but something told him that he wouldn't be able to break this glass.

"Thats not important, tell me, what were you doing selling hightech guns and gadgets to those goons." I asked him as he faced us, he couldnt see us since my mirrors were one way.

"Why would I tell you that, freak." he yelled at the top of his lungs and faced the other way.

"Maybe then I will consider to let you off." I told him to which he scoffed, so I decided to help him understand the gravity of the situation.

"By letting you off, I mean you will be handed over to the authorities, like a prison for normal people, or where ever they keep you, you are currently in my lair, this is protected both magically and scientifically, those that are my enemies wont be able to escape here."

I told, he showed a panicked expression but soon calmed down.

"Don't try to play with me,nothing is impossible, I will soon be free of here and be back on the streets." He harrumphed and laid down on the bed.

I shrugged and left him alone, we arrived near Connor's cell and saw the other lizards had turned back into civilians so I had Peter check them and then leave them back to their families.

Connor was also himself now, but I don't know what to do with him, maybe have him sign a binding vow to not reveal the formula or work on it for nefarious purpose.



Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon


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Yo guys,i just finished the Newyork battle ark