Chapter 145

The old man came out of the portal, he used a spell and fixed his arm, He then started casting another spell.

[Bolts of bothokk]

I immediately used the shield of seraphim and defend, I then use the seven suns of cinnibus, this was a powerful spells that calls upon the seven suns of the powerful entity cinnibus to burn down your enemies and eradicate armies.

The old man opens up a portal and escapes from the range of the attack, I immediately know where he is coming from so I form the Crimson bands of cyttorak and launched them at the empty place besides me, the old man becomes surprised once he finds out what happened.

Before he can even try to escape ,I use the sacred sword of Vishanti, a spells that is only used by the acting sorcerer supreme and bring it to his neck.

The extremely hot blade sizzles his long beard,

"Give up."

I ask of him, he nods at Me and I dismiss the spells, I help the old man up, he gives me a pat and speaks.

"Nicely done, you were able to use multiple spells at once and even used Sacred sword of Vishanti, I am truly impressed." he praises me before going his own way.

The sorcerer supreme, Ancient One takes down the barrier surrounding me and him, everyone was watching our fight, she congratulates me and hands me my new robes, The robes of a master Sorcerer and the best thing of all.

'I am gonna get an artifact for myself.'

I was truly happy about this, because now I am officially a sorcerer master and because I will get a freebie.

'I hope I get something powerful.' I hype myself up as me and her enter the room where all the artifacts are kept.

"Let yourself free, the artifacts that are attuned to you will call you out, I believe you will get something that is worthy of you, and you it." The Ancient One said and we walked.

I walked around and saw various things, a lot of weird and simple artifacts were shown on display, I even saw the cape that Strange wears.

I saw it wave at me, I waved back absentmindedly, just as I was about to walk away,i felt a pull,not on my physical self, but on my conciousness, something was calling to me.

I trusted my instinct and followed wherever it led me towards itself. I even forgot about the Ancient One at that moment. I guess she will understand my situation.

I finally arrived in front of a glass showcase, inside it was a staff, I slowly lifted the glassware and picked up the staff, it wasn't that big, it was only the size of my arm.

I held it in my hand and twirled it around , trying to get a feel of it.

I could feel a powerful energy signature from it,just sitting in my hands, I felt it thrum with excitement and power.

"Ahh! so its the staff of Khaopachi, one of the previous sorcerer supreme." said the ancient one as she took the staff from my hands.

I felt a little annoyed at that, its mine now, don't take it without my permission.

"What does it do!" I asked, she probably had more info on it then anyone else.

"Umm, I don't know." she said blandly.

"Excuse me!" I was surprised, how could she not know what this did, I mean, she is the sincere supreme and this weapon belonged to a sorcerer supreme, so she should be aware of this weapons uses.

"It's true, the previous owner died right after obtaining this, and the one before him, and the one before him as well, even the one who made it, Khaopachi, died after he made this staff, it was his life's work, He died shortly after he crafted this one."

She handed me back the staff, though I wasn't really keen on grabbing it anymore. She chuckled at my expense

Sorry if I am a little scared of this staff, this is a friggin cursed bitch, I don't want it. nada!

"Hmm! it seems that jean is back, come on, she will be happy to meet you, she has grown a lot in these months."

"How much!?" I asked her as we made our way back to her room.

"Let's just say that as long as she doesn't lose someone she loves, she will not be losing control, and she has started to communicate with the Phoenix, she can fly, use fire at a whole new level, even make constructs out of it, heal herself, has mastered telekinesis, telepathy is also coming along fine and she has completely avoided her fate of becoming the death of us all." the Ancient One said, by the time we entered, Jean was standing along with Karl Mordo who was being annoyed by Jean's constant questions.

But as soon as she saw me, she literally ran towards me and grabbed me in a hug, I returned her hug.

I really missed her as well, she wasn't visiting me often these days, I guess that was because of the mission she was in.

"Wow! you have become a master of mystic arts!" Jean was surprised as she checked out my new robe.

"Though I could still beat you up, if I am using my powers that is." she smirked.

Was that a taunt, huh, you are still a hundred years too early.

"I highly doubt that, you are too impatient, childish and the worst of all, you don't see things with open eyes, if Mr. Jack goes all out, he could wipe the floor with you in three minutes." Karl quickly doused out the flames of Jeans fighting Spirit by berating her.

I couldn't help but feel a little annoyed at him, let the girl have her moment, even if she is not aware of how wrong she is.

The Ancient One recieved the Relic that Karl Mordo recovered.

"So! How was your vision?, you didn't come visit me, I guess it was because of the mission."

"Yes, it's all because Karl wouldn't let me help him, we would have finished in half the time." Jean whined and complained.

"The Ancient One told me to only let you observe, not to let you fight, mph, Ancient One, excuse me, I have some matters to attend to." Kalr excuses himself.

"oh! Right, I heard that each master is allowed to Choose a weapon from the treasury, can you show me what you got."

Jean said to me, I wasn't so sure about that, but decided to show her in the end.

As soon as I took out the staff from it's hold, it practically jumped at Jean, the next thing that happened shocked me to the core.





Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon


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