Chapter 146

The staff emitted a screeching sound and started changing from it's normal appearance to that of a staff engraved with engravings, little orange pictures moved around and Settled themselves around the staff as carvings.

I could make them out to be Phoenix images and various symbols all over the staff, it's size was also a bit bigger then before, though not by much.

It flew back into my hands by it's own accord, I had the sudden urge to slam it on the ground, I don't know how but now I know what this staff does.

For starters, it's a soul weapon, meaning it can be stored within me and used by me whenever I need it, it's self sustained, repairable, And it can also fight on it's own.

It can also use the dimensional energies that it comes into contact with.

Such as now, when it came into contact with Jean, who is the owner of the Phoenix force, it absorbed some of her powers, or replicated it, I don't know which one explains it better.

If I come into contact with someone who owns or directly uses other dimensional energies, the staff might Replicate/absorb the energy.

I just wanna go out and have a duel against someone at this moment.

"Can I see it?" asked the Ancient One. I handed the staff to her, she started checking it out from top to bottom, slowly and carefully checking out the engravings before she gave a nod and the staff flew back to me.

"The staff of Khaopachi is to die for, it's a worthy artifact, it wasn't wrong for the artifact to choose you, who shares it's characteristics, it can absorb, replicate the dimensional energies and use them as it sees fit, though you will need someone with a direct contact with a dimensional energy." she told me.

I looked at her, then looked at my staff that seemed to breath out small embers of flames,

'The ancient One touched the staff, and she has the dark dimension or whatever its name is, she is contracted with it, does that mean I can now use this staff to frick with the fragment of reality and mirror dimension.' I thought to myself.

"What are you thinking, I don't like that look on your face, you look like some evil villain who finally has the key to destroy the world." Jean laughed as she commented on my facial expressions.

"Come on! I am a good guy, you can totally trust me with your powers, though I wonder what can this staff do now that it has a bit of Phoenix force within it." I joked with her, she instantly got some distance from me as if she was afraid of me, she was only doing it as joke.

"Maybe you can try that out, but not here, in the mirror dimension we go." suggested Ancient One and she opened a portal to the mirror verse.

"Alright lets go!" shouted jean as she happily flew inside the portal followed by the eager Ancient one.

I also followed them inside. we arrived in the city of New York, it's silence and emptiness irked me, made me feel like I was back in my nightmarish dreams or something.

"Are you alright!?" asked Jean as she flew closer to me, her figure wrapped in warn flames.

I just nodded at her, the mirror dimension always spooked me for some reason, maybe I just don't like to see an empty world or I have some phobia or something else.

"If you don't wanna do it, lets do a rain check or something." said Jean as she looked at me worryingly.

"it's nothing, I just feel weird in the mirror dimension, let's do it." I assured them I will be fine and the took out my staff.

I activated the staff how the ancient One told me, it was pretty simple, since it was a soul weapon, I could just ask it and it will do what I want as long as it is capable.

"Show me what you can do." I shouted loudly for dramatic and slammed it onto the ground, the next moment, it released a tremor around me, and a huge wall of flame rose that burned the nearby area to crisp.

I also noticed my bruises disappear.

"So a flame that harms the enemies and heals allies." said the Ancient One.

"Wow! what else can it do!" Jean.

"I guess it can be called back to me as well." I said a little unsure of myself.

I threw the staff far away,

"Woaahh! what a good throw, are you enhanced?" She asked me excitedly.

I could only ignore her and act like I was calling the staff back to me.

The Ancient One chuckled at my interaction with Jean, I just hope Jean doesn't find out, I would have been fine telling her, but if she knows, it won't be long before everyone in X-Men does.

I heard the faint sound of an object flying towards us.

It kept flying towards us, why do I feel like it's speed is increasing.

"Oh! it's seems like the staff has an attitude, no wonder the previous owners died." replied the Ancient one as she enjoyed my predicament, I had a doubt that perhaps she knew what was up with the staff, she might just be having fun with me.

I ignored her and did some more experiments with the staff, I found out that it can decrease it size to be small enough for me to put in my pockets, though that's not needed since I can just store it in my soul.

I didn't try and check if I was able to get something from the dark dimension or if I can alter the mirror dimension as I please, I will try it later though, Strange had such a handle on the mirror dimension that he could use it to tank attacks from the infinity stones.

After some time we called it a day, Jean promised to hang out with me and my friends, I guess she doesn't know what's been happening within the city.

I was pretty tired and so I decided to go to sleep.

, I will also be drawing my characters templates tomorrow since I have two draws on me.





Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon


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