Chapter 157

I ask Fury and then get escorted to one of the rooms where I can finally rest for a while, my eyes feel like someone is stretching them , like someone is putting salt on me.

It feels weird, though I am much more used to it by now.Thank God I didn't have to use my Mangejyo Abilities,

My Mangekyo abilities are good enough, One eye allows me to rewind time by a couple of second and the other eyes allows me to save a specific memory and record my enemy, his weapons and attack, everything to the finest detail,even more so then that of the normal Sharingan, the biggest example of what I mean is that if I am able to fully sync Madara, Mine and Ddraigs dream of making a combat practice place for me will be fulfilled.

I will be able to use my Right Mangekyo to Record my enemies, and then have them fight me,I hope that's true.

[Congratulations! Madara template reached 80 percent Sync]

[Congratulations! You have unlocked Tailed beast level Chakra]

[Work hard to earn the EMS and complete the Madara template]

"Is that so, what if I just somehow get EMS, will the template automatically reach 100" I asked


'As I guessed, but how do I do that,I will have to find a way,I guess' I thought

One was to just grind hard, do a mission

While the other way was to somehow get Wood release, but that things was seriously pricey, Maybe I should go to the DXD world or something,I bet I could find a way to fulfill my dreams, maybe even steal a few things...Bad ,I am a hero, heroes don't steal things


The door opened and Tony looked inside, seeing me wide awake, he happily walked inside, Damn! I should have just slept

"Heya! my friend who keeps secrets from me, what the f was that!?" he asked me in a weird tone,I wanted to punch him so bad for some reason

"Sigh! it's just one of my abilities" I told him, though he wasn't satisfied with that,I really wanted to blast him away and go to sleep

"Was that , like a magic spell or was it your other ability, the one from Blitz" he asked me

"Not really,it's a third type of ability" I told him a vague answer

"yeah! that explains everything, now I understand, not!" he exclaimed, man this guy was sarcastic

"listen Tony! I am really tired from my previous stunt, that stunt requires me to use Chakra, an energy born of my mind and body, which means I am as exhausted as a 90 year old grandpa who has been running for an hour" I told him

though the sudden Chakra influx I got already started fixing me up,I was feeling stronger than ever in my Madara template, I really wanna see what it feels like if I can become a jinchuriki,

"I know, I know, it's just that we are currently having a very important meeting, the teams all split up, Caps is still acting like someone put a stick in his ass and Fury is too descriptive, Natasha is a spy so she doesn't has much say and Bruce says he will do whatever you are doing" he finished

I looked at him, Why was this happening, the Avengers were mostly intact, so why we're they still not ready to fight, maybe because they still haven't learned where the final battle is

"It would be good if you could join the meeting" he asked me

Without any sarcasm or funny bone, he was being serious

"Besides, Even Fury is saying it would be better if you out a word in since you know much more about our enemy then anyone else" he said

I finally relented after thinking about it,I was mostly healed from the exhaustion already, Tailbeast level chakra for the win.

I arrived at the meeting area, everyone was waiting for me,

"Good! everyone is here, now, we know that our enemy is strong,but that doesn't mean we can't do anything about it,I built the Avengers initiative so that we could fight threat like these,so that we could get a team, a team to fight the battles that we can't" Fury paused as he looked at us

I looked back into his eyes, he was mostly speaking the truth right now,

"A being from another world threaten the safety of our world, it is time we sent a massage that Earth is not to be messed with, that we are not weak, that we are ready" Fury gave the speech, even I was moved,

"If you are done, can we get to the part where we can deal with the witch and go home" said Tony, while eating a sandwich he got from God knows where

"Can you stop for a moment" asked Natasha

"Not really" replied Stark,

I could hear the sighs coming from Cap as he rubbed his head

"We don't know where our enemy is yet, Dr.Banner, have you found any signals or way to identify our enemy"

" As a matter of fact,I have found a vague hint" replied Bruce, a big map appeared on the desk, it was the map of New York

"I don't know how but when Cedric was fighting with the demons, I was able t receive explicit signals from New York, which means that previously we were being led around like idiots and that whatever it is that this women was doing" Bruce gave. dramatic pause as he continued

"She is ready" he said

"You mean she is in Newyork" Spoke Cap as he stood up

"New York is full of people, if she summons a similar army like the one before ,I can't imagine the number of casualties" spoke Tony with a but of worry

"I didn't know you could worry for someone other then yourself" said Nat to which Tony replied that one of his trait was being a hero

"Dr.Banner do you have a way to pinpoint the exact location of the Tesseract" Firy asked

"I believe I may have a way to somehow find it, but you will have to be within 5 to 10 miles of it" He said as he put a small device In the desk

"That would take weeks,it's a wild goose chase at this point" Natasha said,I could feel her worry, we still haven't found Bart so she might be worried about that

"That's why we need to move now!" Cap was about to pick the device when Tony Interjected

"Hey now big man!, why don't we give it some time and see if I can come up with something better then this" Tony tried to be helpful in his own way,

Though Cap was having none if it as he tried to snatch it from Tony but surprisingly he wasn't able to which shocked him until he saw that Tony had a part his armor on him

"What's the matter with you!?" Asked Tony

"You ,it's you, you think this is a game, we are at war, at war with someone that can summon demonic things from his knows where and yet you have the time to fool around" Cap yelled at Tony,

Which started another fight between everyone, from the corner of my eyes ,I saw Fury sighing, the guy didn't have any cards to play since Phil wasn't injured or dead

"GUYSS!" I banged the table, shutting everyone up

When I knew that I had this attention,I spoke

"First of all, You!" I pointed at Cap,"You are being too pushy, Tony didn't have any responsibility to come and help, yet he did, and you are just being rude, he is a genius when it comes to investing stuff , so maybe if you just listened to him, we could find a way to locate our target

Tony smiled at that,about to can't Cap, who was looking at me like I killed his dog

"And you Tony! Stop being a child and treat this seriously, we really are at war, and the enemy is done underestimating us now" that shut him up as he looked at me and nodded,I knew he was in now

"And you,I have seen you guys continuously try and get info out of Bruce, if you wanna talk, talk with me,it's Godsend he even wants to help after what America did to him" I yelled at Fury

I then got back at Cap, who was still looking at me,I knew that gaze,"Cap,you have to understand, none of us are soldiers, some are but not entirely, we are heroes, as cliche or weird as it may sound, we don't fight to protect because of someone orders, but because we want to.i hope you understand that every one has their own way of dealing with stress, now,I already have info on where the Enchantress will be" i said as a massage was received by me

Heimdall was able to locate Enchantress, Asgard was sending Thor, although it wasn't much but we had to deal with it.

"How!" asked Fury

"Thor is coming, since Enchantress is an Asgardian, it is partly their mess as well, he will aid us in fighting her

A friend of mine was finally able to locate her, she is somewhere around Stark tower according to him

" Bruce ,try and look for any traces if the Tesseracts Radiation from that place" I asked him

"Oh! you are right, she is on Stark Tower" he exclaimed

"Alright, lets move out, Fury, have everyone evacuate away from Stark tower, the farther the better, if you have any underground bases or shelters, use them to rescue civillians" I told him

We are going to fight inside the city, which means I will have to fight carefully, Susanoo Is a no go



Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon


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