Chapter 158 The battle of New York in Hell mode

I took it upon myself and flew towards the stark tower,I knew that Loki started his fight against Earth at that place, but I wasn't so sure about Enchantress, she should already know what happened to her demonic army, they died, or returned where they came from

Before long the Stark tower came into my view, this time Shield was working actively,I could see the chakra signatures dwindling, moving away from the place slowly but surely, it was honest work, for once Firy was listening to me well.

I slowly entered the tower, though there was no weird device above the tower, that was odd, that was not in the script, it sent tingles down my spine

"You are really strong, stronger then even young Gods!" I heard the most beautiful voice in existence,before I remembered it belong to a thousand year or more old women

"We're you thinking some rude things about me" she asked me almost immediately

"Not really!" I replied almost instantly , wait, why am I talking it out with her

"Tell me,what's your grand plan, where is the Tesseract!?" I asked her almost instantly, she was sitting on the big ass sofa that Tony had to fulfill his high ass ego, she felt like she was already seeing her victory

I tried locating the stone but it wasn't anywhere near her

"Since you took the liberty to come here,I shall tell you where it is" she said

Then she pointed above,I looked up, but I already looked , it wasn't their,I thought, then it hit me,of course this women didn't need Selvig to work for her, she was a freaking sorceress, she had her own ways of fighting and dealing with people

I instantly flew out into the sky, but it was already too late, in the sky opened up three Portals, One from the Oscorp building, One from Starks tower, and One in the Central Park.

"Fuck!?" swarms of Chitauri army descended from the skies

"Are you all seeing this!?" I asked as the horrendous roar of the monsters shook the place,I felt like these guys were screaming right in my ears.

"Fury bring in all the forces you can contact, this just got dialed up to 11" I shouted through the Comms as I flew towards The sky, right above the Portal and started using brute strength to deal with the incoming army, continuous shockwaves were released

My clones already covering the other areas as I did so


The Staff of Khaopachi flew out from me, and descended towards the ground where various aliens were already flying, terrorizing the citizens, it slammed into the ground and a huge Gong like sound was released,

An orange flame was released, though I knew the staff wasn't being a crazy bastard this time, the aliens started burning while the citizens who were feeling like they were about to die, felt a weird sensation

Those that we're too injured to move found themselves healed

I looked at Cap, who was also checking himself,"I feel strong, was this your doing" he asked through the comms

"Yeah,I guess so!" I answered, even I didn't know that the staff could do that.

Countless chain like appendages were being released from the staff, anything it touched would turn to ashes.

The aura of healing spread around just like the aura of destruction from the staff, it was a good thing though,Cap and the others wont be tired too fast,

Suddenly a beam of colors of fell from the skies onto the Oscorp towers

"What the heck is that!?" Tony shouted in surpris2d as he was the one defending the area

"It's backup" I revealed, Thor had arrived, a bolt of lightning was released from the pillar and struck the portal above, turning the aliens coming in to crisp.

"Wow! so that's the guy with a hammer, God of hammers" said Tony as he got rid of a few riders(the aliens that had flying carriages),

"He is a God of thunder...or something like that" I told them through the comms,

I was effectively dealing with the portal above me as there was almost not debris or destruction, almost all the aliens that came at me started turning to crisp of died by a thunder lap from me.

Typhoon release, Majestic Flame jutsu, OFA, And portals were doing a good job, unfortunately I wasn't able to use the mirror dimension more freely because of the existence of seven portals instead of one


"I Roar spread as finally the leviathens started coming towards us, boy oh boy,we're we in for a treat.

" Bruce, send in the Hulk" I told through the comms"

"On it,though he might be a bit excited" Replied Bruce


I turned around and looked far away towards the Portal in Central Park where a leviathen was smashed to bits , Bruce, or Hulk, in this case was really taking those Leviathens down.

He took down two of them as the third made an escape towards the right

Five of the Leviathens made way towards my portals,I was looking inside the portal, towards the hige ass army if Thanos, and now I know why Tony developed PTSD.

Thor came flying towards me, and landed roughly on the tower

"Wizard Ced, how are you, Asgard answers to your call for help" he shouted towards me

"With a single man, l" I retorted at him.

"Err" he was stunned , probably not expecting such a reply

I had better things to do, so I have him a jo

"Thor, you keep guard of that Portal and make sure no big ones make it to the ground, also if the other portal lets loose a Leviathen, you and the green guy will take care of it,I will help where I can, ask Cap and the others if they need help" I told him and projected some basic memories to him.

Quite a nice trick I learned by combining the magic frigga taught me along with the help of Legiliemency.

"Guys,I see an old friend,I need a lift" Itbwas Natasha, maybe she finally found Barton.

Thor nodded at me and flew off after I told him to help Nat.

The Leviathens, as soon as they passed through the portal I cut the first one in half using Mirro r dimensions magic, the second one turned to a crisp and disappeared into the pacific ocean with the use of Suns of Cinibus.

Third and the fourth were obliterated by me and the fifth was steering to the left by the time I was done,

I was about to act when Hulk came flying and punched the poor things head off and it started diving toward the ground, ending up turning into mince meat and when the Staff became aware of it.


"yeah! I saw it, you are really cool, now just do your job will ya" I told the Staff, it sue was competitive.



Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon


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