Chapter 159.....

It wasn't apparent at first, but slowly we were being sieged beyond reason, enemies were swarming us from different sides, and my clones were already almost gone, it was that chaotic, they weren't as resilient as me and will die from a single hit.

Barton was already up and fighting as one of us, the only reason that no one had fallen was because of my staff, this guy was really something, I will remember to get it some premium polishing after all this was over.

I can't even count the number of leviathans I had to put down, it was horrifying, if not for the use of mirror dimensions, I could make a mountain of corpses beneath me, the staff was also sweeping the place once in a while getting rid of the corpses.

Maybe I could have use for them later, Hulk would swing by from time to time,

"Guys! don't know about you, but I need to go to the bathroom!?" Tony said in the comms

"This isn't the time to make Jokes Tony, help Thor out, the aliens have rounded up civilians on the West Avenue " Cap ordered, the sound of Chitauri roars and Gun firing could be heard

There was no sign of The entity in question, Thor wasn't here, I couldn't sense his presence around here

" where is Thor!!" Cap called out , he looked up and the portal over Oscorp was left unguarded,aim also looked over and saw no signs of him.

{Hero of Midgard}

"Huh! Odin, Is that you?" I was often contacted by Queen Frigga , partly because of my training on the subject of magic and partly because I was a hero of Midgard, one recognized by Asgard itself,I don't know what that meant

{There isn't much time, Thor has been turned by the use of the stone, And he is going to come after you, be careful} Odin told me and cut off the connection.

What I don't understand is, has he seen me fight or not, because he has seen me fight, what I didn't know at that time was that Enchantress was an Asgardian, one very knowledgable about divinity, so much that she was able to help the mindfucked Thor tap into the Divinity inside him to a much larger scale.

Out of nowhere, a huge ass lightning bolt strikes at me,I narrowly dodged the attack, which allowed the Aliens to throw a bombish looking thing at me, that sent me tumbling through a fee billboards before I stabilized myself, I looked up from the debris that surrounded me

Standing in all his glory was a Thor, the one eerily similar from Ragnarok, no! he was a lot more powerful, a Thor that didn't have any feelings, a killing machine


"What was that, Ced! report you situation" demanded Cap through the comms, My OFA suit was broken already, I couldn't believe that, by now everyone knew that I was either both Blitz and the wizard, or something similar

"Yeah. Ugh, that was a full-powered Thor, one that is under the control of Enchantress, I suggest you guys don't intervene, especially Tony, stay away from us" I recommended

"Can you handle him?" Cap asked after a pause, I could understand his thoughts, that lightning strike was nothing to scoff at, the sound of it had spread far and wide, almost rupturing even my eardrums had I not used sorcery to cover them.

The question was, how do I fight this guy, He still doesn't have the storm breaker, but that lightning of his is powerful enough to smite me, do I turn into Madara or do I turn into my base form that has OFA and Cedric, along with Spider physique,

Even before I could think things through or answer Cap who was on the other side of the block, fighting a dozen Chitauri hell-bent on killing him, Natasha who was alongside him, and Barton who was on a building to the east, providing backup Tony who went inside the tower and was changing into a new suit, Hulk who was currently being beaten up by four beasts like thesauri who looked like they hadn't eaten for days.

Thor was already in front of me, lunch was delivered, I defended by blocking my arms in an X form, though it mitigated the damage, I was again sent flying away,

'I need to get to Enchantress, my only bet is asking Thor after knocking some sense into him, I doubt Legiliemency is going to work, not might Genjutsu, he is already hijacked by a superior mind stone

I ducked as he struck my previous position, Holding his legs, I slammed him hard against the streets we were in, shockwaves spread as we fought, the minor Chitauri forces becoming victims of our brutal fight, I just hope I don't hurt any civilians

He kept throwing lighting at me, his every move was filled with powerful thunder, The weather itself changing itself to his whim, or his irrationality considering he was controlled

Not to mention how the damn Hammer would keep striking me from time to time, I had to use the Madara template and escape several times by using the substitution jutsu,

"Thor! Come back to your freaking senses"

*Bam* I punched his head, which did nothing, guess being an Asgardian he was rather tough to crack, or maybe Enchantress put much more thought into controlling him.

He only issued a roar as another bolt of lightning struck me, along with his fist aiming for my heart, maybe I might just get fried today.

I swerved to the left and backhanded him, sending him tumbling back once again, though he charged himself with lightning and shot back at me, I ducked seeing him punch, barely able to watch his movement, it was faster than me when I was in my lightning cloak mode, thankfully I am using OFA and can shrug off his attacks, though I do feel as if I am slowly getting stunned.

The punch became a feint as Thor almost had me with a sweep kick, he was learning to counter me, and I was starting to lose in the speed department,

Not to mention the hammer, after a moment of thought, I called out

"KhaoPachi! deal with the hammer will ya" I shouted, though I guess I didn't need to as we had a connection already,

A humm sounded as the Hammer that was headed towards me, while I was in a handlock with Thor was intercepted by staff, my staff, I half expected the staff to crack, but I guess its maker was a real genius, a weapon that was made by Odin and the dwarfs, not to mention one that had Uru as a base, was being blocked.

Thor sensed something wrong as his hand that was on my neck, unable to feel the similar power of holding his hammer, which should have arrived by now, confused him, which gave me enough time to open up the mirror world dimension and we plunged into it

I used OFA to its utmost and sent a kick at Thor who was about to punch through my heart, I almost saw myself die,

Under the power of my Sparta kick that was packed with all my strength, He kept going through several buildings, breaking and destroying them in the process

"Now that we are alone, I can properly teach you some manners, Let's see you fight, God of Thunder," I said as I got ready to beat him to a pulp.



Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, you can get advanced chapters on my patreoon


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