Chapter 160..Enchantress (Dead or Alive)Unedited

I didn't give him time and appeared right above him, Though Thor wasn't no joke,at least not the one he became when being controlled by Enchantress.

He raised his hands, and lightning struck me from the back,I could smell the faint smell of burning flesh, though I couldn't care about that and delivered punch after punch at his face,

Thor tried to fry me as much as he could but along the way, My Blackwhip surrounded me, providing me with enough cover to shrug off the lightning, the more I punched him, the more he became weaker, but the lightning kept getting stronger

"Wake the Fuck up!!!" I yelled as I delivered a final punch to his head, which sent him flying high into the sky.

'Huff, if he still won't come back,I will have to leave him here' I decided and went to see him.

He was knocked out cold,I hope that means something good

I took a Potion and drank it before I used spells to heal myself, My suit was broken beyond recognition, courtesy of the lightning strike

'I don't care if I have to do something illegal to get that vibranium, those guys could probably spare a couple tons for me' I decided to build a Vibranium armor at that moment.

I picked up Thor and walked through the mirror world that looked like it went through hell, I wondered what people would think if they saw the two of us fight, haha

Walking back into the real world,I half expected things to go bad, but surprisingly we were still holding on somehow, barely, And jean was here as well, I could feel some other sorcerers were here as well.

Dealing with Army left and right, It was time to end this,I woke up Thor and Asked him to recall anything that could help us get to The Enchantress.

" memory is a little foggy but I do remember a bit,I remember her talking about going to the temple,I don't remember much, she mentioned something about dealing with the Ancient One"

Thor said as he rubbed his head, this made things a lot more difficult, I left him to get his bearing and flew towards Jean who was in the middle of crushing a leviathen Into a small ball.

"Hey! I need to ask you something" I called her out

She turned around, as soon as he saw me, she was surprised, which weirded me out, but I still went on with my interrogatio

"Where is the Ancient One, the Enchantress is on Earth, she has the Mind stone and the Teaseract,I hope you can tell me, as she might be in danger" I asked her

"How are you flying!?" she asked me

I looked at her weirdly, everyone knew I could fly,I blasted a Chitauri soldier who was gunning as and replied

"What do you mean,I don't have time for this , tell me now" I pressed her

"She is in Kamar Taj, she told me that once I saw Mr Magic,I should tell him that The Tesseract is inside the Mirror dimension"

This set off a bomb inside my head, why was she talking about me as if I wasn't here...

"Are you alright Jack!" She asked me worryingly,I summoned a mirror and looked at myself, my Facebwas still like Cedric

After a moment I calmed down , it didn't matter Jean was a friend and I bet with the Phoenix inside of her, there won't be many people that could read her now, much less now that she is a sorceress as well.

"Thanks,I will tell you everything once I am done with this" I told her and entered the mirror dimension, Khaopachi was coming with me,I could use someone that could play around with the mirror dimension

I spread my senses around the place and looked for anything that was not ...nothing, something with power inside it, as the dimension was practically lifeless, and that was when I felt a spark,

Turning into Madara I looked up in the sky and saw it , along with the women who stole it

"So either Thor was lying or that was another trick by the Enchantress"

I couldn't help but ask myself

Slowly I flew towards the women, she was smiling as she looked at me,I landed on a giant Padestal tha5 was floating in the sky,

the Tesseraxt was in the middle, four strings of blue light were being released as they travelled to four different directions.

The same ones as in the Real World.

The Enchantress sat upon a throne while the Giant I beat up before was standing guard besides her

"Kneel before the Queen you imbe-" I slammed the staff on the ground and the next second the dimension shifted , slicing the bastard into half,

It was the least I could do for the people that died, for those that lost a loved one, for those that don't have a place to call home.

{Jack, Hero of Midgard, Amora is an Asgardian, her crimes are heinous, she shall be judged in Asgard once you capture her}

It was Odin,I really respected the guy, respect because he was strong, but that's didn't mean I will bend,

{If you want her, come and get her yourself}

I told him off, and cut the connection

"NOOOOOOOO!" The Enchantress got off her throne and frantically looked at the dead body of the guard,

"Oh my! were you guys lovers, I am so sorry," I said, sarcasm rolling off in droves, She looked at me like I killed her puppy,

"You will pay for this you insolent human, I will bath his grave with your blood and have your broken skull as m-"

I didn't let her finish and pumped my body with OFA as I appeared right besides her, she avoided my punch narrowly and blasted me with the Scepter, needless to say,I felt it this time.

The thing was being powered by an infinity stone ,I also dodged the attack, Enchantress gained some distance from me and sent spears if light towards me

I Conjured a shield of Seraphim like previously and sent it towards her , pumped with my OFA, it rammed into her, she used a shield of her own and stopped the attack,

I didn't wait for her to finish and caught her with the Bands of Cyttorak, only for her to magically escape from them

She wasn't as strong as Thor, but she was still a top asgardian and had the physical strength to prove it, not to mention that she knew magic.

As I was trying to catch her, she sent a dark fog towards me,I evaded it , but it kept coming after me, Khaopachi Suddenly hummed and the dark fog dispersed.

"You have some tricks up your sleeve, to even get rid of my Fog of Dread so easily, but this is the end" she said suddenly,I saw her line of sigt, she was looking at the dead body of Her lover of whatever he was to her.

"I could say the same, your petty magic won't work on me, so how about you just surrender and I give you a painless death" I taunted her

"Hmph! you think you have won, puny human" she said as she started to chant and wave her hands around her, this sent chills down my spine

*Partner, she is isolating this dimension, trying to take control over it, if she is successful, she will have total control over everything in it , even you, hurry up and do something* The gauntlet appeared on my hand,

What Ddraig said made me understand the gravity if the situation,this probably came at a great cost.

This was her trump card , then I will use my trump card as well,

I flew towards her, as expected , she was being surrounded by a force field, it felt very strong,I wouldn't normally be able to break it, even with all the strength I had, but that was if I didn't use everything I had

"Ddraig,how many boosts do you think I can handle, l" I asked him.

*At your current capacity,I guess a hundred, but are you sure you can break it, this is a force field made by that stone, which you told me houses a whole concept in this universe, *

He asked me,I understood what he meant, but the concept it held was that if the mind, not power or reality

"Let's do it" I said

The enchantress was immersed in her magic, not putting me in her sight, this spell would probably kill her anyways, but I would be trapped as well, or worse, dead

Power started surging in my hands as I concentrated the OFA into my hands,I felt the familiar pain,which I hadn't felt for quite some time

*BoostBoostBoostBooostBoostBoostBooost* x 10

the whole place was filled with the eerie silence and ge sound of Ddraig announcing my final move

Once I felt like my body was on the verge of giving out,I yelled and pushed my hand forwards

Once it came into contact with the Yellow colored Energy field, it stopped,I pushed it further and further and slowly the grinding noises of two forces colliding spread out in the area, the whole mirror dimension started shaking,


"That's it, just a little bit more," I encouraged myself

*Nice partner,I feel like we can break it, just a bit more*

The humming of Khaopachi spread out,I could feel my body gaining some of it's vitality coming back and the pain receeding

*Kacha* like a glass shattering on contact with a blunt and terrifying force, the shield broke apart as the Enchantress looked like she had seen a monster

She cough and mouthful of blood fell out,I punched her hard, she flew like a kite that had its strings cut

I immediately snatch the Scepter free falling from the sky, and made way towards the space stone that was floating quietly,in didn't want to be teleported to another planet by this shitty thing so I did my best to not touch it, the force field around it broke as the scepter in my hand made contact with it


A huge shockwave was released sending me flying through the sky, the feeling of nausea spread through my body, as if I had eaten something weird

"At least the portals are now closed" I thought to myself and made way towards unconscious Enchantress,

I raised my hands towards her ready to end her, when I felt the Familiar presence of the Ancient One from behind me

"Are you going to stop me!?" I asked her, ready to out up a fight, if it came to one, she wasn't the only one with time manipulation abilities,I turned into Madara, the EMS active,



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I love you guys <3